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"湯智昕 chih hsin tang"的相关文件

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机构 日期 题名 作者
亞洲大學 2016-06 Characteristics of resistin in rheumatoid arthritis angiogenesis Su), Chen-Ming Su(Chen-Ming;Huang), Chun-Yin Hua(Chun-Yin;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 2016-06 Leptin promotes VEGF-C production and induces lymphangiogenesis by suppressing miR-27b in human chondrosarcoma cells Yang), Wei-Hung Yan(Wei-Hung;Chang), An-Chen Chan(An-Chen;Wang), Shih-Wei Wan(Shih-Wei;Wang), Shoou-Jyi Wa(Shoou-Jyi;Chang), Yung-Sen Cha(Yung-Sen;Chang), Tzu-Ming Cha(Tzu-Ming;Hsu), Shao-Keh Hsu(Shao-Keh;Fong), Yi-Chin Fong(Yi-Chin;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 2016-05 Interleukin-1β induces fibroblast growth factor 2 expression and subsequently promotes endothelial progenitor cell angiogenesis in chondrocytes Chien), 簡書宇(Szu-Yu;Huang), Chun-Yin Hua(Chun-Yin;Tsai), Chun-Hao Tsa(Chun-Hao;Wang), Shih-Wei Wan(Shih-Wei;Lin), Yu-Min Lin(Yu-Min;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 2016-05 CCL5 promotes VEGF-C production and induces lymphangiogenesis by suppressing miR-507 in human chondrosarcoma cells Wang), Li-Hong Wang(Li-Hong;Lin), Chih-Yang Li(Chih-Yang;Liu), Shih-Chia Li(Shih-Chia;Liu), Guan-Ting Li(Guan-Ting;Chen), Yen-Ling Che(Yen-Ling;Chen), Jih-Jung Che(Jih-Jung;Chan), Chia-Han Cha(Chia-Han;Lin), Ting-Yi Lin(Ting-Yi;(Chi-Kuan Chen,);Chen), Shiou-Sheng(Shiou-Sheng;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*;Wang), Shih-Wei Wan(Shih-Wei
亞洲大學 2016-05 Fascin-1 as a novel diagnostic marker of triple-negative breast cancer Wang), Chao-Qun Wan(Chao-Qun;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang);Chang), Hao-Teng Cha(Hao-Teng;Li), Xiao-Ni Li(Xiao-Ni;Zhao), Yong-Ming Zh(Yong-Ming;Su), Chen-Ming Su(Chen-Ming;Hu), Gui-Nv Hu(Gui-Nv;Zhang), Tao Zhang(Tao;Du), Zhang Du(Zhang;Wang), Yan Wang(Yan;Huang)*, Bi-Fei Huang(Bi-Fei
亞洲大學 2016-05 Basic fibroblast growth factor promotes VEGF-C-dependent lymphangiogenesis via inhibition of miR-381 in human chondrosarcoma cells Tzeng), Huey-En Tzen(Huey-En;Chang), An-Chen Chan(An-Chen;Tsai), Chun-Hao Tsa(Chun-Hao;Wang), Shih-Wei Wan(Shih-Wei;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 2016-04 Effects of HMGB1 Polymorphisms on the Susceptibility and Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Wang), 王斌(Bin;Yeh), Chao-Bin Yeh(Chao-Bin;Lein), Ming-Yu Lein(Ming-Yu;Su), Chen-Ming Su(Chen-Ming;Yang), Shun-Fa Yang(Shun-Fa;Liu), Yu-Fan Liu(Yu-Fan;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 2016-01 WISP-1 promotes VEGF-C–dependent lymphangiogenesis by inhibiting miR-300 in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells Lin), Ching-Chia L(Ching-Chia;Chen), Po-Chun Chen(Po-Chun;Lein), Ming-Yu Lein(Ming-Yu;Tsao), Ching-Wen Ts(Ching-Wen;Huang), Chiu-Chen Hu(Chiu-Chen;Wang), Shih-Wei Wan(Shih-Wei;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*;Tung), Kwong-Chung(Kwong-Chung
亞洲大學 201507 Basic fibroblast growth factor induces VEGF expression in chondrosarcoma cells and subsequently promotes endothelial progenitor cells-primed angiogenesis Huey-En Tzen(Huey-En Tzeng); Po-Chun Chen(Po-Chun Chen); Kai-Wei Lin(Kai-Wei Lin); Chih-Yang Li(Chih-Yang Lin); Chun-Hao Tsa(Chun-Hao Tsai); Shao-Min Han(Shao-Min Han); Chieh-Lin Te(Chieh-Lin Teng); Wen-Li Hwang(Wen-Li Hwang); Shih-Wei Wan(Shih-Wei Wang); 湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 201507 Resistin Promotes Angiogenesis in Endothelial Progenitor Cells Through Inhibition of MicroRNA206: Potential Implications for Rheumatoid Arthritis. CHEN-MING SU(CHEN-MING SU); CHIN-JUNG HS(CHIN-JUNG HSU); CHUN-HAO TSA(CHUN-HAO TSAI); CHUN-YIN HUA(CHUN-YIN HUANG); SHIH-WEI WAN(SHIH-WEI WANG); 湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 201503 Amphiregulin enhances alpha6beta1 integrin expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells through Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK/AP-1 pathway. Jui-Chieh Ch(Jui-Chieh Chen); Yu-Ju Chen(Yu-Ju Chen); Chih-Yang Li(Chih-Yang Lin); Yi-Chin Fong(Yi-Chin Fong); Chin-Jung Hs(Chin-Jung Hsu); Chun-Hao Tsa(Chun-Hao Tsai); Jen-Liang Su(Jen-Liang Su); 湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 201502 CCL5 promotes vascular endothelial growth factor expression and induces angiogenesis by down-regulating miR-199a in human chondrosarcoma cells Guan-Ting Li(Guan-Ting Liu); 黃元勵(HUANG, YUAN-LI); Huey-En Tzen(Huey-En Tzeng); Chun-Hao Tsa(Chun-Hao Tsai); Shih-Wei Wan(Shih-Wei Wang); 湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 2015/01 CCL5/CCR5 axis induces vascular endothelial growth factor-mediated tumor angiogenesis in human osteosarcoma microenvironment ;黃元勵 HUANG, YUAN-LI;湯智昕 Chih-Hsin, Tang *
亞洲大學 2015/01 WISP-1 a novel angiogenic regulator of the CCN family promotes oral squamous cell carcinoma angiogenesis through VEGF-A expression ;湯智昕 Chih-Hsin, Tang *
亞洲大學 2015-11 Adiponectin promotes VEGF-A-dependent angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma through PI3K, Akt, mTOR, and HIF-α pathway. Lee), Hsiang-Ping(Hsiang-Ping;Lin), Chih-Yang Li(Chih-Yang;Shih), Jhao-Sheng S(Jhao-Sheng;Fong), Yi-Chin Fong(Yi-Chin;Wang), Shih-Wei Wan(Shih-Wei;Li), Te-Mao Li(Te-Mao;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 2015-10 Osteopontin Promotes Oncostatin M Production in Human Osteoblasts: Implication of Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy. Su), Chen-Ming Su(Chen-Ming;Chiang), Yi-Chun Chia(Yi-Chun;Huang), Chun-Yin Hua(Chun-Yin;Hsu), Chin-Jung Hs(Chin-Jung;Fong), Yi-Chin Fong(Yi-Chin;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 2015-09 Berberine attenuates CCN2-induced IL-1β expression and prevents cartilage degradation in a rat model of osteoarthritis. Liu), Shan-Chi Liu(Shan-Chi;Lee), Hsiang-Ping(Hsiang-Ping;Hung), Chun-Yin Hun(Chun-Yin;Tsai), Chun-Hao Tsa(Chun-Hao;Li), Te-Mao Li(Te-Mao;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 2015-07 Basic fibroblast growth factor induces VEGF expression in chondrosarcoma cells and subsequently promotes endothelial progenitor cells-primed angiogenesis ;湯智昕 Chih-Hsin, Tang
亞洲大學 2015-07 Basic fibroblast growth factor induces VEGF expression in chondrosarcoma cells and subsequently promotes endothelial progenitor cells-primed angiogenesis Tzen, Huey-En;Tzeng, Huey-En;Chen, Po-Chun;Chen, Po-Chun;Lin, Kai-Wei;Lin, Kai-Wei;Li, Chih-Yang;Lin, Chih-Yang;Tsa, Chun-Hao;Tsai, Chun-Hao;Han, Shao-Min;Han, Shao-Min;Te, Chieh-Lin;Teng, Chieh-Lin;Hwang, Wen-Li;Hwang, Wen-Li;Wan, Shih-Wei;Wang, Shih-Wei;湯智昕 Chih-Hsin, Tang
亞洲大學 2015-07 Resistin Promotes Angiogenesis in Endothelial Progenitor Cells Through Inhibition of MicroRNA206: Potential Implications for Rheumatoid Arthritis. CHEN-MING, SU;CHEN-MING, SU;CHIN-JUNG, HS;HSU, CHIN-JUNG;TSA, CHUN-HAO;TSAI, CHUN-HAO;HUA, CHUN-YIN;HUANG, CHUN-YIN;WAN, SHIH-WEI;WANG, SHIH-WEI;湯智昕 Chih-Hsin, Tang
亞洲大學 2015-07 Basic fibroblast growth factor induces VEGF expression in chondrosarcoma cells and subsequently promotes endothelial progenitor cells-primed angiogenesis Tzeng), Huey-En Tzen(Huey-En;Chen), Po-Chun Chen(Po-Chun;Lin), Kai-Wei Lin(Kai-Wei;Lin), Chih-Yang Li(Chih-Yang;Tsai), Chun-Hao Tsa(Chun-Hao;Han), Shao-Min Han(Shao-Min;Teng), Chieh-Lin Te(Chieh-Lin;Hwang), Wen-Li Hwang(Wen-Li;Wang), Shih-Wei Wan(Shih-Wei;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 2015-07 Resistin Promotes Angiogenesis in Endothelial Progenitor Cells Through Inhibition of MicroRNA206: Potential Implications for Rheumatoid Arthritis. SU), CHEN-MING SU(CHEN-MING;HSU), CHIN-JUNG HS(CHIN-JUNG;TSAI), CHUN-HAO TSA(CHUN-HAO;HUANG), CHUN-YIN HUA(CHUN-YIN;WANG), SHIH-WEI WAN(SHIH-WEI;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*
亞洲大學 2015-03 Amphiregulin enhances alpha6beta1 integrin expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells through Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK/AP-1 pathway. ;湯智昕 Chih-Hsin, Tang
亞洲大學 2015-03 Amphiregulin enhances alpha6beta1 integrin expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells through Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK/AP-1 pathway. Ch, Jui-Chieh;Chen, Jui-Chieh;Chen, Yu-Ju;Chen, Yu-Ju;Li, Chih-Yang;Lin, Chih-Yang;Fong, Yi-Chin;Fong, Yi-Chin;Hs, Chin-Jung;Hsu, Chin-Jung;Tsa, Chun-Hao;Tsai, Chun-Hao;Su, Jen-Liang;Su, Jen-Liang;湯智昕 Chih-Hsin, Tang
亞洲大學 2015-03 Amphiregulin enhances alpha6beta1 integrin expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells through Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK/AP-1 pathway. Chen), Jui-Chieh Ch(Jui-Chieh;Chen), Yu-Ju Chen(Yu-Ju;Lin), Chih-Yang Li(Chih-Yang;Fong), Yi-Chin Fong(Yi-Chin;Hsu), Chin-Jung Hs(Chin-Jung;Tsai), Chun-Hao Tsa(Chun-Hao;Su), Jen-Liang Su(Jen-Liang;湯智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*

显示项目 1-25 / 71 (共3页)
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