國家衛生研究院 |
2022-10 |
Higher arm versus lower arm systolic blood pressure and cardiovascular outcomes: A meta-analysis of individual participant data from the INTERPRESS-IPD collaboration
Clark, CE; Warren, FC; Boddy, K; McDonagh, STJ; Moore, SF; Teresa Alzamora, M; Ramos Blanes, R; Chuang, SY; Criqui, MH; Dahl, M; Engström, G; Erbel, R; Espeland, M; Ferrucci, L; Guerchet, M; Hattersley, A; Lahoz, C; McClelland, RL; McDermott, MM; Price, J; Stoffers, HE; Wang, JG; Westerink, J; White, J; Cloutier, L; Taylor, RS; Shore, AC; McManus, RJ; Aboyans, V; Campbell, JL |