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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T18:01:13Z Tubeless Uniportal Thoracoscopic Wedge Resection for Peripheral Lung Nodules Yang, S.-M. and Wang, M.-L. and Hung, M.-H. and Hsu, H.-H. and Cheng, Y.-J. and Chen, J.-S.; MAN-LING WANG; HSAO-HSUN HSU; Shun-Mao Yang; JIN-SHING CHEN
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:38:31Z Image-guided thoracoscopic surgery with dye localization in a hybrid operating room I-Hui Wu; Chang, Yeun-Chung; JIN-SHING CHEN; Chen, Jin-Shing; Wu, I-Hui; Chan, Chih-Yang; Shun-Mao Yang; WEI-CHUN KO; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; Lin, Mong-Wei; Yang, Shun-Mao;Ko, Wei-Chun;Lin, Mong-Wei;Hsu, Hsao-Hsun;Chan, Chih-Yang;Wu, I-Hui;Chang, Yeun-Chung;Chen, Jin-Shing; CHIH-YANG CHAN; Yang, S.-M. and Ko, W.-C. and Lin, M.-W. and Hsu, H.-H. and Chan, C.-Y. and Wu, I.-H. and Chang, Y.-C. and Chen, J.-S.; 楊順貿;詹志洋;吳毅暉;張允中;柯維鈞;林孟暐;徐紹勛;陳晉興; YEUN-CHUNG CHANG; Yang, Shun-Mao; Ko, Wei-Chun; HSAO-HSUN HSU
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:38:21Z Pulmonary Truncal Fistula Presenting with Cervical Pneumatocele: Late Complication of Vesicant Extravasation 楊順貿(Shun-Mao Yang);徐紹勛(Hsao-Hsun Hsu);陳晉興(Jin-Shing Chen); HSAO-HSUN HSU
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:35:42Z Non-Intubated Thoracoscopic Segmentectomy for Second Primary Lung Cancer in a Patient With Previous Contralateral Lobectomy and Emphysematous Bullae Lu, Yi-Fan; HSAO-HSUN HSU; JIN-SHING CHEN; Hung, Ming-Hui; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; Chen, Jin-Shing; Lu, Y.-F.;Hung, M.-H.;Hsu, H.-H.;Chen, J.-S.
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:35:42Z Nonintubated uniportal thoracoscopic surgery for resection of lung lesions Hung, Wan-Ting;Hsu, Hsao-Hsun;Hung, Ming-Hui;Hsieh, Pei-Yin;Cheng, Ya-Jung;Chen, Jin-Shing; Hung, W.-T. and Hsu, H.-H. and Hung, M.-H. and Hsieh, P.-Y. and Cheng, Y.-J. and Chen, J.-S.; 洪文宗;徐紹勛;陳晉興;鄭雅蓉;洪明輝; Hung, Wan-Ting; YA-JUNG CHENG; HSAO-HSUN HSU; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; JIN-SHING CHEN; Hung, Ming-Hui; Hsieh, Pei-Yin; Cheng, Ya-Jung; Chen, Jin-Shing
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:35:10Z Computed tomography-guided patent blue vital dye localization of pulmonary nodules in uniportal thoracoscopy. JIN-SHING CHEN; Mong-Wei Lin, Yao-Hui Tseng, Yee-Fan Lee, Min-Shu Hsieh, Wei-Chun Ko, Jo-Yu Chen, Hsao-Hsun Hsu, Yeun-Chung Chang, Jin-Shing Chen; MIN-SHU HSIEH; YEUN-CHUNG CHANG; YEE-FAN LEE; HSAO-HSUN HSU; WEI-CHUN KO; YAO-HUI TSENG; JO-YU CHEN
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:34:45Z CT-guided percutaneous microwave ablation of pulmonary malignant tumors Ko, W.-C. and Lee, Y.-F. and Chen, Y.-C. and Chien, N. and Huang, Y.-S. and Tseng, Y.-H. and Lee, J.-M. and Hsu, H.-H. and Chen, J.-S. and Chang, Y.-C.; YEUN-CHUNG CHANG; YEE-FAN LEE; NING CHIEN; HSAO-HSUN HSU; WEI-CHUN KO; YAO-HUI TSENG; JANG-MING LEE; JIN-SHING CHEN
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:25:13Z Effects on respiration of nonintubated anesthesia in thoracoscopic surgery under spontaneous ventilation Liu, Y.-J. and Hung, M.-H. and Hsu, H.-H. and Chen, J.-S. and Cheng, Y.-J.; HSAO-HSUN HSU; JIN-SHING CHEN
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:25:13Z Nonintubated video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for management of indeterminate pulmonary nodules Hung, M.-H. and Liu, Y.-J. and Hsu, H.-H. and Cheng, Y.-J. and Chen, J.-S.; HSAO-HSUN HSU; JIN-SHING CHEN
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:24:55Z Long-term outcome after bilateral lung transplantation - A retrospective study from a low-volume center experience Vascular and thoracic surgery Yang, Shun-Mao;Huang, Shu-Chien;Kuo, Shuenn-Wen;Huang, Pei-Ming;Pan, Sung-Ching;Lee, Jang-Ming;Lai, Hong-Shiee;Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; Yang, S.-M. and Huang, S.-C. and Kuo, S.-W. and Huang, P.-M. and Pan, S.-C. and Lee, J.-M. and Lai, H.-S. and Hsu, H.-H.; 黃書健;盤松青;徐紹勛;李章銘;黃培銘;賴鴻緒;郭順文; SHUENN-WEN KUO; Yang, Shun-Mao; Huang, Shu-Chien; HSAO-HSUN HSU; HONG-SHIEE LAI; Kuo, Shuenn-Wen; Shun-Mao Yang; Huang, Pei-Ming; JANG-MING LEE; Pan, Sung-Ching; Lee, Jang-Ming; PEI-MING HUANG; Lai, Hong-Shiee; SUNG-CHING PAN; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:24:25Z Nonintubated thoracoscopic lobectomy for lung cancer using epidural anesthesia and intercostal blockade YA-JUNG CHENG; Chan, Kuang-Cheng; Liu, Ying-Ju; HSAO-HSUN HSU; JIN-SHING CHEN; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; Chen, Ke-Cheng; Chen, Ke-Cheng; Cheng, Ya-Jung; Cheng, Ya-Jung; Chen, Jin-Shing; 詹光政; MING-HUI HUNG; Hung, Ming-Hui; Hung, M.-H. and Chan, K.-C. and Liu, Y.-J. and Hsu, H.-H. and Chen, K.-C. and Cheng, Y.-J. and Chen, J.-S.; Hung, Ming-Hui;Chan, Kuang-Cheng;Liu, Ying-Ju;Hsu, Hsao-Hsun;Chen, Ke-Cheng;Cheng, Ya-Jung;Chen, Jin-Shing; 劉映汝;陳克誠;徐紹勛;詹光政;陳晉興;鄭雅蓉;洪明輝; Hung, Ming-Hui
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:17:56Z The etiology and therapy of primary spontaneous pneumothoraces Hsu, H.-H. and Chen, J.-S.; HSAO-HSUN HSU; JIN-SHING CHEN
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:02:12Z Role of computed tomographic scanning prior to thoracoscopic surgery for primary spontaneous pneumothorax Tsou, K.-C. and Huang, P.-M. and Hsu, H.-H. and Chen, K.-C. and Kuo, S.-W. and Lee, J.-M. and Chang, Y.-C. and Chen, J.-S. and Lai, H.-S.; YEUN-CHUNG CHANG; SHUENN-WEN KUO; HONG-SHIEE LAI; HSAO-HSUN HSU; JANG-MING LEE; JIN-SHING CHEN; PEI-MING HUANG
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:02:11Z Chemical pleurodesis for prolonged postoperative air leak in primary spontaneous pneumothorax How, C.-H.;Tsai, T.-M.;Kuo, S.-W.;Huang, P.-M.;Hsu, H.-H.;Lee, J.-M.;Chen, J.-S.;Lai, H.-S.; SHUENN-WEN KUO; HONG-SHIEE LAI; HSAO-HSUN HSU; JANG-MING LEE; JIN-SHING CHEN; PEI-MING HUANG
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:02:10Z Acute thoracic empyema: Clinical characteristics and outcome analysis of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery Chen, K.-C.;Chen, H.-Y.;Lin, J.-W.;Tseng, Y.-T.;Kuo, S.-W.;Huang, P.-M.;Hsu, H.-H.;Lee, J.-M.;Chen, J.-S.;Lai, H.-S.; SHUENN-WEN KUO; HONG-SHIEE LAI; HSAO-HSUN HSU; JANG-MING LEE; JIN-SHING CHEN; PEI-MING HUANG
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:02:01Z 2014 guidelines of taiwan society of cardiology (TSOC) for the management of pulmonary arterial hypertension Hsu, C.-H. and Ho, W.-J. and Huang, W.-C. and Chiu, Y.-W. and Hsu, T.-S. and Kuo, P.-H. and Hsu, H.-H. and Chang, J.-K. and Cheng, C.-C. and Lai, C.-L. and Liang, K.-W. and Lin, S.-L. and Sung, S.-H. and Tsai, W.-C. and Weng, K.-P. and Hsieh, K.-S. and Yin, W.-H. and Lin, S.-J. and Wang, K.-Y.; HSAO-HSUN HSU
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:02:01Z Cryorecanalization in Airway Obstruction: Initial Experience in a Medical Center 陳克誠(Ke-Cheng Chen);金盈君(Ying-Chun Chin);蔡東明(Tung-Ming Tsai);郭順文(Shuenn-Wen Kuo);黃培銘(Pei-Ming Huang);徐紹勛(Hsao-Hsun Hsu);陳晉興(Jin-Shing Chen);李章銘(Jang-Ming Lee);賴鴻緒(Hong-Shiee Lai); HSAO-HSUN HSU
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:02:01Z Robot-assisted Thoracic Surgery-Initial Experience at National Taiwan University Hospital 郭順文(Shuenn-Wen Kuo);黃培銘(Pei-Ming Huang);徐紹勛(Hsao-Hsun Hsu);陳晉興(Jin-Shing Chen);李章銘(Jang-Ming Lee); HSAO-HSUN HSU
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T14:59:27Z Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgical thymectomy to treat early thymoma: a comparison with the conventional transsternal approach. Tom J Liu, Mong-Wei Lin, Min-Shu Hsieh, Ming-Wei Kao, Ke-Cheng Chen, Chin-Chih Chang, Shuenn-Wen Kuo, Pei-Ming Huang, Hsao-Hsun Hsu, Jin-Shing Chen, Hong-Shiee Lai, Jang-Ming Lee; MIN-SHU HSIEH; SHUENN-WEN KUO; HSAO-HSUN HSU; HONG-SHIEE LAI; JANG-MING LEE; JIN-SHING CHEN; PEI-MING HUANG
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T14:52:21Z Association of miRNA-related Genetic Polymorphisms and Prognosis in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Yang, P.-W. and Huang, Y.-C. and Hsieh, C.-Y. and Hua, K.-T. and Huang, Y.-T. and Chiang, T.-H. and Chen, J.-S. and Huang, P.-M. and Hsu, H.-H. and Kuo, S.-W. and Kuo, M.-L. and Lee, J.-M.; SHUENN-WEN KUO; HSAO-HSUN HSU; KUO-TAI HUA; JANG-MING LEE; JIN-SHING CHEN; PEI-MING HUANG
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T14:52:20Z Nonintubated uniportal thoracoscopic segmentectomy for lung cancer Hung, Ming-Hui;Cheng, Ya-Jung;Hsu, Hsao-Hsun;Chen, Jin-Shing; Hung, Ming-Hui;Cheng, Ya-Jung;Hsu, Hsao-Hsun;Chen, Jin-Shing; Hung, M.-H. and Cheng, Y.-J. and Hsu, H.-H. and Chen, J.-S.; 徐紹勛;陳晉興;鄭雅蓉;洪明輝; 徐紹勛;陳晉興;鄭雅蓉;洪明輝; YA-JUNG CHENG; Hung, Ming-Hui; Cheng, Ya-Jung; MING-HUI HUNG; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; HSAO-HSUN HSU; JIN-SHING CHEN; Chen, Jin-Shing
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T14:52:20Z Non-intubated thoracoscopic surgery using internal intercostal nerve block, vagal block and targeted sedation Hung, M.-H. and Hsu, H.-H. and Chan, K.-C. and Chen, K.-C. and Yie, J.-C. and Cheng, Y.-C. and Chen, J.-S.; Hung, Ming-Hui;Hsu, Hsao-Hsun;Chan, Kuang-Cheng;Chen, Ke-Cheng;Yie, Jr-Chi;Cheng, Ya-Jung;Chen, Jin-Shing; 陳克誠;徐紹勛;詹光政;陳晉興;鄭雅蓉;洪明輝; 陳克誠;徐紹勛;詹光政;陳晉興;鄭雅蓉;洪明輝; Hung, Ming-Hui; YA-JUNG CHENG; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; MING-HUI HUNG; HSAO-HSUN HSU; Chan, Kuang-Cheng; JIN-SHING CHEN; Chen, Ke-Cheng; Yie, Jr-Chi; Cheng, Ya-Jung; Cheng, Ya-Jung; Chen, Jin-Shing; 詹光政
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T14:52:19Z Prognostic significance of histologic differentiation, carcinoembryonic antigen value, and lymphovascular invasion in stage i non-small cell lung cancer Kuo, S.-W. and Chen, J.-S. and Huang, P.-M. and Hsu, H.-H. and Lai, H.-S. and Lee, J.-M.; SHUENN-WEN KUO; HSAO-HSUN HSU; HONG-SHIEE LAI; JANG-MING LEE; JIN-SHING CHEN; PEI-MING HUANG
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T14:51:12Z Nonintubated uniportal thoracoscopic surgery for peripheral lung nodules Hung, M.-H. and Cheng, Y.-J. and Chan, K.-C. and Han, S.-C. and Chen, K.-C. and Hsu, H.-H. and Chen, J.-S.; Hung, Ming-Hui;Cheng, Ya-Jung;Chan, Kuang-Cheng;Han, Su-Chuan;Chen, Ke-Cheng;Hsu, Hsao-Hsun;Chen, Jin-Shing; 陳克誠;徐紹勛;詹光政;陳晉興;鄭雅蓉;洪明輝; Hung, Ming-Hui; MING-HUI HUNG; Cheng, Ya-Jung; YA-JUNG CHENG; KUANG-CHEGN CHAN; Chan, Kuang-Cheng; HSAO-HSUN HSU; Han, Su-Chuan; Chen, Ke-Cheng; JIN-SHING CHEN; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; Chen, Jin-Shing
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T09:52:16Z Mediator mechanisms involved in TRPV1, TRPA1 and P2X receptor-mediated sensory transduction of pulmonary ROS by vagal lung C-fibers in rats Lin, Y.-J.;Hsu, H.-H.;Ruan, T.;Kou, Y.R.; HSAO-HSUN HSU

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