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Showing items 1-7 of 7 (1 Page(s) Totally) 1 View [10|25|50] records per page
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-02-13T05:52:13Z |
Redox liposomes in the development of electrochemical sensors
JA-AN ANNIE HO; Liao W.-C.;Jou A.F.-J.;Lin C.-H.;Ho J.-A.A.; Liao W.-C.; Jou A.F.-J.; Lin C.-H.; Ho J.-A.A. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-01-07T06:32:30Z |
Target-Triggered, Dual Amplification Strategy for Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of a Lymphoma-associated MicroRNA
Jou A.F.-J.; Chen Y.-J.; Li Y.; Chang Y.-F.; Lee J.-J.; Liao A.T.; Ho J.-A.A.; JIH-JONG LEE |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T15:19:57Z |
Diagnosing the miR-141 prostate cancer biomarker using nucleic acid-functionalized CdSe/ZnS QDs and telomerase
Jou, A.F.-J.;Lu, C.-H.;Ou, Y.-C.;Wang, S.-S.;Hsu, S.-L.;Willner, I.;Ho, J.-A.A.; Jou, A.F.-J.; Lu, C.-H.; Ou, Y.-C.; Wang, S.-S.; Hsu, S.-L.; Willner, I.; Ho, J.-A.A.; JA-AN ANNIE HO |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T14:54:32Z |
Gold nanobone/carbon nanotube hybrids for the efficient nonenzymatic detection of H2O2 and glucose
Jou, A.F.-J.; Jou, A.F.-J.;Tai, N.-H.;Ho, J.-A.A.; Tai, N.-H.; Ho, J.-A.A.; JA-AN ANNIE HO |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T09:44:35Z |
Preparation of liposomal progesterone and its application on the measurement of progesterone interpreted via electrochemical and colorimetric sensing platforms
Tien, C.-Y.; Jou, A.F.-J.; Fan, N.-C.; Chuang, M.-C.; Ho, J.-A.A.; JA-AN ANNIE HO |
東海大學 |
2013 |
Preparation of liposomal progesterone and its application on the measurement of progesterone interpreted via electrochemical and colorimetric sensing platforms
Tien, C.-Y.; Jou, A.F.-J.; Fan, N.-C.; Chuang, M.-C.; Ho, J.-A.A. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2012 |
Development of an immunopredictor for the evaluation of the risk of cardiovascular diseases based on the level of soluble P-selectin
JA-AN ANNIE HO; Hsu S.-L.; Wu L.-C.; Ho J.A.A.; Jou A.F.J. |
Showing items 1-7 of 7 (1 Page(s) Totally) 1 View [10|25|50] records per page