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Showing items 1-10 of 21 (3 Page(s) Totally) 1 2 3 > >> View [10|25|50] records per page
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-08-18T06:57:45Z |
200 GPS sites on Taiwan for atmospheric research and education
Liou, Y.-A.;C.-C. Wu;C.-Y. Huang;K.-H. Chou; Liou, Y.-A.; C.-C. Wu; C.-Y. Huang; K.-H. Chou; CHUN-CHIEH WU |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-08-18T06:57:45Z |
Eyewall contraction, breakdown and reformation in a landfalling typhoon
CHUN-CHIEH WU; Y. Wang; Wu, C.-C.;K.-H. Chou;H.-J. Cheng;Y. Wang; Wu, C.-C.; K.-H. Chou; H.-J. Cheng |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-08-18T06:57:41Z |
Case study on validation and interpretation of adjoint-derived sensitivity steering vector as targeted observation guidance of tropical cyclones
Chen, S.-G.; C.-C. Wu; J. H. Chen; K. H. Chou; Chen, S.-G.; C.-C. Wu; J. H. Chen; K. H. Chou; CHUN-CHIEH WU |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-08-18T06:57:40Z |
Comments on "Interaction of Typhoon Shanshan (2006) with the Midlatitude Trough from Both Adjoint-Derived Sensitivity Steering Vector and Potential Vorticity Perspectives'' Reply
P.-H. Lin; CHUN-CHIEH WU; K.-H. Chou; J.-H. Chen; S.-G. Chen; Wu C.-C. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-08-18T06:57:35Z |
Dropwindsonde Observations for Typhoon Surveillance near the TAiwan Region (DOTSTAR)
Wu, C.-C.;P.-H. Lin;S. Aberson;T.-C. Yeh;W.-P. Huang;K.-H. Chou;J.-S. Hong;G.-C. Lu;C.-T. Fong;K.-C. Hsu;I-I Lin;P.-L. Lin;C.-H. Liu; Wu, C.-C.; P.-H. Lin; S. Aberson; T.-C. Yeh; W.-P. Huang; K.-H. Chou; J.-S. Hong; G.-C. Lu; C.-T. Fong; K.-C. Hsu; I-I Lin; P.-L. Lin; C.-H. Liu; CHUN-CHIEH WU |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-08-18T06:57:31Z |
GPS-observed PW dynamics associated with severe weather systems during 1998
C.-C. Wu; C.-Y. Huang; K.-H. Chou; CHUN-CHIEH WU; Liou, Y.-A |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-08-18T06:57:28Z |
Inter-comparison of targeted observation guidance for tropical cyclones in the North Western Pacific. European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
S. D. Aberson; R. Buizza; M. Yamaguchi; S.-G. Chen; T. Nakazawa; K.-H. Chou; CHUN-CHIEH WU; C. A. Reynolds; M. S. Peng; Wu, C.-C.;J.-H. Chen;S. J. Majumdar;M. S. Peng;C. A. Reynolds;S. D. Aberson;R. Buizza;M. Yamaguchi;S.-G. Chen;T. Nakazawa;K.-H. Chou; Wu, C.-C.; J.-H. Chen; S. J. Majumdar |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-08-18T06:57:25Z |
Observing-systems simulation experiments for tropical cyclone initialization based on four-dimensional variational data assimilation
Wu, C.-C.; Wu, C.-C.;K.-H. Chou;Y.-H Kuo;W.-P. Huang; K.-H. Chou; Y.-H Kuo; W.-P. Huang; CHUN-CHIEH WU |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-08-18T06:57:25Z |
Numerical simulation of Typhoons Herb (1996) and Zeb (1998) using a non-hydrostatice model
Wu, C.-C.; T.-H. Yen; K.-H. Chou; CHUN-CHIEH WU |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-08-18T06:57:15Z |
Targeted observation and its impact in DOTSTAR and T-PARC
Wu, C.-C.; P. H. Lin; K. H. Chou; S. D. Aberson; S. Majumdar; C. A. Reynolds; M. S. Peng; T. Nakazawa; P. A. Harr; H. M. Kim; M. Weissmann; J. H. Chen; S. G. Chen; CHUN-CHIEH WU; Wu, C.-C. et al. |
Showing items 1-10 of 21 (3 Page(s) Totally) 1 2 3 > >> View [10|25|50] records per page