國立交通大學 |
2014-12-12T02:34:43Z |
許惟明; Hsu, Wei-Ming; 林志忠; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-12T01:57:30Z |
喻祖祥; Yu, Tsu-Hsiang; 林志忠; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-12T01:50:16Z |
林佩蓉; Lin, Pei-Jung; 林志忠; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-12T01:50:16Z |
楊秉諭; 林志忠; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-12T01:41:12Z |
蔡林宗; Tsai, Lin-Tzung; 林志忠; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-12T01:31:03Z |
王大衞; Wang, Da-Wei; 林志忠; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-12T01:31:03Z |
陳奕甫; Chen, Yi-Fu; 林志忠; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-12T01:30:14Z |
黃詠隆; Huang, Yung-Lung; 林志忠; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-12T01:25:30Z |
觀察奈米結構之物理性質: I.自組裝硒化鉛量子點陣列之電荷集體傳輸行為 II.氧化鋅摻雜鈷奈米線之鐵磁性
歐逸青; Ou, Yi-Ching; 簡紋濱; 林志忠; Jian, Wen-Bin; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-12T01:25:11Z |
介觀物理下的兩個主題之 壹:顆粒鉻薄膜的電導率及穿隧電子能態密度 貳:單重態自旋電子在量子點中的自旋阻滯
孫羽澄; Sun,Yu-Chen; 林志忠; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-12T01:23:02Z |
邱劭斌; Chiu, Shao-Pin; 林志忠; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:48:16Z |
Giant Hall effect in nonmagnetic Mo/SnO(2) granular films
Wu, Ya-Nan; Li, Zhi-Qing; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:48:15Z |
Temperature dependence of resistance and thermopower of thin indium tin oxide films
Lin, Bo-Tsung; Chen, Yi-Fu; Lin, Juhn-Jong; Wu, Chih-Yuan |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:47:45Z |
Long electron dephasing length and disorder-induced spin-orbit coupling in indium tin oxide nanowires
Hsu, Yao-Wen; Chiu, Shao-Pin; Lien, An-Shao; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:43:51Z |
Spin transport from doublet state to triplet state in vertical quantum dots
Huang, Shiu-Ming; Akimoto, Hikota; Kono, Kimitoshi; Lin, Juhn-Jong; Tarucha, Seigo; Ono, Keiji |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:38:16Z |
Free-electronlike diffusive thermopower of indium tin oxide thin films
Wu, Chih-Yuan; Tra Vu Thanh; Chen, Yi-Fu; Lee, Jui-Kan; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:36:42Z |
Electronic conduction properties of indium tin oxide: single-particle and many-body transport
Lin, Juhn-Jong; Li, Zhi-Qing |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:35:26Z |
Effect of ion-milled barriers on electron transport in micrometer-sized tunnel junctions
Lee, Yen-Chi; Lin, Yong-Han; Wu, Jong-Ching; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:32:25Z |
1/f noise in micrometer-sized ultrathin indium tin oxide films
Yeh, Sheng-Shiuan; Hsu, Wei-Ming; Lee, Jui-Kan; Lee, Yao-Jen; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:31:22Z |
Quantum-interference transport through surface layers of indium-doped ZnO nanowires
Chiu, Shao-Pin; Lu, Jia Grace; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:29:39Z |
Time-dependent universal conductance fluctuations in IrO2 nanowires
Lin, Yong-Han; Wang, Lu-Yao; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:28:37Z |
Metallic conduction and large electron-phonon-impurity interference effect in single TiSi nanowires
Hsu, Wei-Che; Chen, Chao-Chun; Lin, Yong-Han; Lin, Huang-Kai; Chiu, Hsin-Tien; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:28:03Z |
Observation of fluctuation-induced tunneling conduction in micrometer-sized tunnel junctions
Lai, Yu-Ren; Yu, Kai-Fu; Lin, Yong-Han; Wu, Jong-Ching; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:20:48Z |
Electrical conduction processes in ZnO in a wide temperature range 20-500 K
Lien, Chien-Chi; Wu, Chih-Yuan; Li, Zhi-Qing; Lin, Juhn-Jong |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:20:48Z |
Fluctuation-induced tunneling conduction through RuO(2) nanowire contacts
Lin, Yong-Han; Lin, Juhn-Jong |