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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2021-08-31T05:35:48Z Forward osmosis membrane processes for wastewater bioremediation: Research needs Lee D.-J;Hsieh M.-H.; Lee D.-J; Hsieh M.-H.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:31Z 攜程旅行網:通路商的轉型歷程 王浩(Hao Wang); 江宜芳(Yi-Fang Chiang); 謝明慧(Ming-Huei Hsieh); MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:30Z 中國家居用品市場的開拓策略-多樣屋 黃秀英(Hsiu-Ying Huang); 謝明慧(Ming-Huei Hsieh); 江宜芳(Yi-Fang Chiang); MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:23Z Emergence of Consumer-Brand Relationship from the Perspective of Schema 謝明慧(Ming-Huei Hsieh); 楊達凱(Ta-Kai Yang); MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:17Z Improved SOM labeling methodology for data mining applications Azcarraga, A.;Hsieh, M.-H.;Pan, S.-L.;Setiono, R.; Azcarraga, A.; Hsieh, M.-H.; Pan, S.-L.; Setiono, R.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:11Z Gay men's identity attempt pathway and its implication on consumption Hsieh, M.H.;Wu, S.L.; Hsieh, M.H.; Wu, S.L.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:06Z Leader driven organizational adaptation Seah, M.;Hsieh, M.-H.;Huang, H.-Y.; Seah, M.; Hsieh, M.-H.; Huang, H.-Y.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:03Z Automatic knowledge extraction from survey data: Learning M-of-N constructs using a hybrid approach Setiono, R.;Pan, S.-L.;Hsieh, M.-H.;Azcarraga, A.; Setiono, R.; Pan, S.-L.; Hsieh, M.-H.; Azcarraga, A.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:03Z Predicting consumer preference for fast-food franchises: A data mining approach Hayashi, Y.;Hsieh, M.-H.;Setiono, R.; Hayashi, Y.; Hsieh, M.-H.; Setiono, R.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:02Z Product-, corporate-, and country-image dimensions and purchase behavior: A multicountry analysis Hsieh, M.-H.;Pan, S.-L.;Setiono, R.; Hsieh, M.-H.; Pan, S.-L.; Setiono, R.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:02Z A dual-level analysis of the capability development process: A case study of TT&T MING-HUEI HSIEH; Hsieh, M.H.; Pan, S.;Pan, G.;Hsieh, M.H.; Pan, S.; Pan, G.
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:00Z Knowledge sharing through intranet-based learning: A case study of an online learning center Pan, S.L.;Hsieh, M.-H.;Chen, H.; Pan, S.L.; Hsieh, M.-H.; Chen, H.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:53:00Z Universal appeals with local specifications Hsieh, M.-H.;Lindridge, A.; Hsieh, M.-H.; Lindridge, A.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:57Z Identifying brand image dimensionality and measuring the degree of brand globalization: A cross-national study Hsieh, M.H.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:57Z Measuring global brand equity using cross-national survey data Hsieh, M.-H.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:49Z Managing key account portfolios across the process of relationship development: A value proposition-desired value alignment perspective MING-HUEI HSIEH; Hsieh, M.-H.; Chou, W.-C.; Hsieh, M.-H.;Chou, W.-C.
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:46Z Impact of leader adaptability on organizational change and adaptation: The case of Savecom Communication Seah, M.;Hsieh, M.H.; Seah, M.; Hsieh, M.H.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:46Z The accelerated internationalization of born global firms: A knowledge transformation process view Ying Huang, H.;Huei Hsieh, M.; Ying Huang, H.; Huei Hsieh, M.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:40Z An investigation of country-of-origin effect using correspondence analysis: A cross-national context Hsieh, M.-H.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:39Z A case of managing customer relationship management systems: Empirical insights and lessons learned Hsieh, M.H.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:39Z Case analysis of capability deployment in crisis prevention and response Yang, T.-K.;Hsieh, M.-H.; Yang, T.-K.; Hsieh, M.-H.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:38Z A case analysis of Savecom: The role of indigenous leadership in implementing a business intelligence system Seah, M.; Hsieh, M.H.; Weng, P.-D.; MING-HUEI HSIEH; Seah, M.;Hsieh, M.H.;Weng, P.-D.
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:33Z Knowledge acquisition and revision via neural networks Azcarraga, A.;Hsieh, M.;Pan, S.-L.;Setiono, R.; Azcarraga, A.; Hsieh, M.; Pan, S.-L.; Setiono, R.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:33Z Separating core and noncore knowledge: An application of neural network rule extraction to a cross-national study of brand image perception Setiono, R.;Pan, S.L.;Hsieh, M.-H.;Azcarraga, A.P.; Setiono, R.; Pan, S.L.; Hsieh, M.-H.; Azcarraga, A.P.; MING-HUEI HSIEH
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:12Z Market research applications of artificial neural networks Azcarraga, A.P.;Hsieh, M.-H.;Setiono, R.; Azcarraga, A.P.; Hsieh, M.-H.; Setiono, R.; MING-HUEI HSIEH

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