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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 1-5 of 5  (1 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
國立成功大學 2021-02-1 The development of a sustainable wellness service marketing strategy in Taiwan based on consumer eye movements and preferences Wang;Tsai-Chiao;Tseng;Ming-Lang;Pan;Huei-Wen;Hsiau;Chiou-Chi;Tang;Ta-Wei;Tsai;Chia-Liang
國立成功大學 2019-11 Failure mechanism of a mudstone slope embedded with steep anti-dip layered sandstones: case of the 2016 Yanchao catastrophic landslide in Taiwan Lin;Cheng-Han;Hung;Ching;Weng;Meng-Chia;Lin;Ming-Lang;Uzuoka;Ryosuke
國立成功大學 2019-04-2 Environmental Sustainability on Tourist Hotels' Image Development Wang;Tsai-Chiao;Cheng;Jen-Son;Shih;Hsin-Yu;Tsai;Chia-Liang;Tang;Ta-Wei;Tseng;Ming-Lang;Yao;Ying-Sheng
國立成功大學 2018-11-28 Framework for susceptibility analysis of layered rock slopes considering the dimensions of the mapping units and geological data resolution at various map scales Lin;Cheng-Han;Lin;Ming-Lang;Peng;Hou-Ren;Lin;Hsi-Hung
元培科技大學 2004 Cord Plasma Concentrations of Adiponectin and Leptin in Healthy Term Neonates: Positive Correlation with Birthweight and Neonatal Adiposity Tsai; Pu-Hsi; Kan; Nean-Been; Liu; Chieh-Chung; Jeng; Ming-Lang; Ho; Su-Chen; Lin; Chih-Cheng

Showing items 1-5 of 5  (1 Page(s) Totally)
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