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Showing items 1-25 of 42  (2 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
亞洲大學 2014-11 An Improved Method for Image Thresholding based on the Valley-Emphasis Method Ng, Hui-Fuang;Davaajargal;Jargalsaikhan, Davaajargal;Chen, Jui-Chi;林智揚;LIN, CHIH-YANG
亞洲大學 2014-05 Reversible joint fingerprinting and decryption based on side match vector quantization 林智揚;LIN, CHIH-YANG;Pr, Panyaporn;Prangjarote, Panyaporn;Ye, Chia-Hung;Yeh, Chia-Hung;Ng, Hui-Fuang;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2012.04 Evaluation of Color Descriptors for Image Matching Under Changing Illumination Conditions 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang;陳瑞奇;Chen, Jui-Chi
亞洲大學 2012-08 Extraction and Analysis of Structural Features of Lateral Ventricle in Brain Medical Images 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang;莊政宏;Chuang, Cheng-Hung
國立彰化師範大學 2012-06 A Multilevel Model of Patient Safety Culture: Cross-Level Relationship between Organizational Culture and Patient Safety Behavior in Taiwan's hospitals Chen, I-Chi; Ng, Hui-Fuang; Li, Hung-Hui
元智大學 2012-05 A multilevel model of patient safety culture: cross-level relationship between organizational culture and patient safety behavior in Taiwan''s hospitals Chen, I-Chi; Ng, Hui-Fuang; Hung-Hui Li
亞洲大學 2012-04 Evaluation of Color Descriptors for Image Matching Under Changing Illumination Conditions 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang;陳瑞奇;Chen, Jui-Chi;黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2011.11 新世代多媒體行動網路頻寬利用率最佳化之封包排程管理 陳瑞奇;Chen, Jui-Chi;黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2011.04 Detecting Plant Diseases Using Color Local Binary Patterns 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2011-11 新世代多媒體行動網路頻寬利用率最佳化之封包排程管理 陳瑞奇;Chen, Jui-Chi;黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2011-06 A multilevel model of patient safety culture: cross-level relationship between organizational culture and patient safety behavior in Taiwan's hospitals 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2011-04 Detecting Plant Diseases Using Color Local Binary Patterns 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang;黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2010.08 Detecting fertility of hatching eggs with local binary patterns 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2010.08 Illumination invariant local binary patterns for image matching 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2010.08 Image Indexing with Illumination Invariant Color Centroids 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang;陳瑞奇;Chen, Jui-Chi
亞洲大學 2010.05 考量WiMAX網路封包排程服務品質之緩衝區動態控制模型 陳瑞奇;Chen, Jui-Chi;黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2010-08 Detecting fertility of hatching eggs with local binary patterns 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang;黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2010-08 Illumination invariant local binary patterns for image matching 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang;黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2010-08 Image Indexing with Illumination Invariant Color Centroids 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang;陳瑞奇;Chen, Jui-Chi
亞洲大學 2010-05 考量WiMAX網路封包排程服務品質之緩衝區動態控制模型 陳瑞奇;Chen, Jui-Chi;黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2010-01 外銷葉材品質檢測技術之發展 王恆傑;謝廣文*;黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang;施瑞洲
亞洲大學 2009.10 Abnormality Detection in Video Surveillance Using Trajectory and Frame Features 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang;陳瑞奇;Chen, Jui-Chi
亞洲大學 2009.05 A study of the effects of health behavior, environment, and family factors on allergy symptoms among children in Taiwan using data mining 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang
亞洲大學 2009-10 Abnormality Detection in Video Surveillance Using Trajectory and Frame Features 黃惠藩;Ng, Hui-Fuang;陳瑞奇;Chen, Jui-Chi
國立彰化師範大學 2009-10 Prediction of Allergy Symptoms among Children in Taiwan Using Data Mining Ng, Hui-Fuang; Fathoni Halim; Chen, I-Chi

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