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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 1-6 of 6  (1 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
義守大學 2013-12 The effects of non-Newtonian rheology in the dynamic coefficients of wide slider bearings with a secant-shaped film profile Jaw-Ren Lin;Rong-Fang Lu;Li-Ming Chu;Chi-Ren Hung
義守大學 2013-02 Effects of Non-Newtonian Rheology on Curved Circular Squeeze Films: the Rabinowitsch Fluid Model Jaw-Ren Lin;Li-Ming Chu;Chi-Ren Hung;Ming-Chung Lin;Rong-Fang Lu
義守大學 2011-11 Combined effects of piezo-viscous dependency and non-Newtonian couple stresses in wide parallel-plate squeeze-film characteristics Jaw-Ren Lin;Li-Ming Chu;Wang-Long Li;Rong-Fang Lu
義守大學 2011-08 Squeeze film problems of long partial journal bearings for non-Newtonian couple stress fluids with pressure-dependent viscosity Jaw-Ren Lin; Li-Ming Chu;Chi-Ren Hung;Rong-Fang Lu
南亞技術學院 2010 MAGNETO-HYDRODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS FOR WIDE SECANT-SHAPED SLIDER BEARINGS Jaw-Ren Lin;Hsiu-Lu Chiang;Rong-Fang Lu;Tsu-Liang Chou; 林昭仁;江新祿;盧榮芳;周祖亮
南亞技術學院 2001-08 Load and Friction-loss Performances of Compensated Elastohydrostatic Circular Step Thrust Bearings Rong-Fang Lu; Ming-Jun Lin; Jaw-Ren Lin; 盧榮芳; 林明俊; 林昭仁

Showing items 1-6 of 6  (1 Page(s) Totally)
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