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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-26T09:26:39Z Genetic modifiers of progression-free survival in never-smoking lung adenocarcinoma patients treated with first-line tyrosine kinase inhibitors Hsiung C.A.;Yang P.-C;Chanock S.J;Chen C.-J;Rothman N;Lan Q;Yang T.-Y;Shieh S.-H;Shih W.-C;Hsieh W.-S;Su Y.-C;Tsai Y.-H;Huang M.-S;Chen Y.-M;Wang W.-C;Chen K.-Y;Lo F.-Y;Wang Z;Chang G.-C;Chen C.-H;Chen C.-Y;Lee J.-H;Hsiao C.-F;Chien L.-H;Su W.-C;Chih-Hsin Yang;Jiang S.S;Chang I.-S; Chang I.-S; Jiang S.S; CHIH-HSIN YANG; Su W.-C; Chien L.-H; Hsiao C.-F; Lee J.-H; Chen C.-Y; Chen C.-H; Chang G.-C; Wang Z; Lo F.-Y; Chen K.-Y; Wang W.-C; Chen Y.-M; Huang M.-S; Tsai Y.-H; Su Y.-C; Hsieh W.-S; Shih W.-C; Shieh S.-H; Yang T.-Y; Lan Q; Rothman N; Chen C.-J; Chanock S.J; Yang P.-C; Hsiung C.A.
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-26T09:26:38Z Osimertinib in pretreated T790M-positive advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: AURA study phase II extension component J?nne P.A.;Ghiorghiu S;Cantarini M;Mann H;Lin C.-C;Hirashima T;Gold K;Novello S;Yoh K;Haggstrom D;Blackhall F;Felip E;Planchard D;Kim J.-H;Kim S.-W;Su W.-C;Sequist L.V;Ramalingam S.S;Kim D.-W;Ahn M.-J;Chih-Hsin Yang; CHIH-HSIN YANG; Ahn M.-J; Kim D.-W; Ramalingam S.S; Sequist L.V; Su W.-C; Kim S.-W; Kim J.-H; Planchard D; Felip E; Blackhall F; Haggstrom D; Yoh K; Novello S; Gold K; Hirashima T; Lin C.-C; Mann H; Cantarini M; Ghiorghiu S; Jänne P.A.
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-26T09:26:35Z Modulation of Biomarker Expression by Osimertinib: Results of the Paired Tumor Biopsy Cohorts of the AURA Phase I Trial Thress K.S;Jacobs V;Angell H.K;Chih-Hsin Yang;Sequist L.V;Blackhall F;Su W.-C;Schuler M;Wolf J;Gold K.A;Cantarini M;Barrett J.C;J?nne P.A.; Thress K.S; Jacobs V; Angell H.K; CHIH-HSIN YANG; Sequist L.V; Blackhall F; Su W.-C; Schuler M; Wolf J; Gold K.A; Cantarini M; Barrett J.C; Jänne P.A.
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-26T09:26:29Z Durvalumab as third-line or later treatment for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (ATLANTIC): an open-label, single-arm, phase 2 study Havel L; Pauk N; Singh J; Murakami S; Garassino M.C; Cho B.-C; Kim J.-H; Mazières J; Vansteenkiste J; Lena H; Corral Jaime J; Gray J.E; Powderly J; Chouaid C; Bidoli P; Wheatley-Price P; Park K; Soo R.A; Huang Y; Wadsworth C; Dennis P.A; Rizvi N.A; Paz-Ares Rodriguez L; Novello S; Hiret S; Schmid P; Laack E; Califano R; Maemondo M; Kim S.-W; Chaft J; Vicente Baz D; Berghmans T; Kim D.-W; Surmont V; Reck M; Han J.-Y; Holgado Martin E; Belda Iniesta C; Oe Y; Chella A; Chopra A; Robinet G; Soto Parra H; Thomas M; Cheema P; Katakami N; Su W.-C; Kim Y.-C; Wolf J; Lee J.-S; Saka H; Milella M; Ramos Garcia I; Sibille A; Yokoi T; Kang E.J; Atagi S; Spaeth-Schwalbe E; Nishio M; Imamura F; Gabrail N; Veillon R; Derijcke S; Maeda T; Zylla D; Kubiak K; Santoro A; Uy M.N; Lucien Geater S; Italiano A; Kowalski D; Barlesi F; Chen Y.-M; Spigel D; Chewaskulyong B; Garcia Gomez R; Alvarez Alvarez R; CHIH-HSIN YANG; Hsia T.-C; Denis F; Sakai H; Vincent M; Goto K; Bosch-Barrera J; Weiss G; Canon J.-L; Scholz C; Aglietta M; Kemmotsu H; Csoszi T; Losonczy G; Price A; Anderson I; Iqbal M; Torri V; Juhasz E; Khanani S; Koubkova L; Levy B; Page R; Bocskei C; Crinò L; Einspahr D; Hagenstad C; Juat N; Overton L; Garrison M; Szalai Z; ATLANTIC Investigators; Azuma K; Bradbury P; Feld R; Chachoua A; Jassem J; Juergens R; Palmero Sanchez R; Malcolm A; Vrindavanam N; Kubota K; Waller C; Waterhouse D; Coudert B; Mark Z; Satouchi M; Chang G.-C; Herzmann C; Chaudhry A; Giridharan S; Hesketh P; Ikeda N; Boccia R; Iannotti N; Haigentz M; Reynolds J; Querol J; Nakagawa K; Sugawara S; Tan E.H; Hirashima T; Gettinger S; Kato T; Takeda K; Juan Vidal O; Mohn-Staudner A; Panwalkar A; Daniel D; Kobayashi K; Ladrera G.E.I; Schulte C; Sebastian M; Cernovska M; Coupkova H; Juat N;Hagenstad C;Einspahr D;Crin? L;Bocskei C;Page R;Levy B;Koubkova L;Khanani S;Juhasz E;Torri V;Iqbal M;Anderson I;Price A;Losonczy G;Csoszi T;Murakami S;Singh J;Pauk N;Havel L;Coupkova H;Cernovska M;Sebastian M;Schulte C;Ladrera G.E.I;Kobayashi K;Daniel D;Panwalkar A;Mohn-Staudner A;Juan Vidal O;Takeda K;Kato T;Gettinger S;Hirashima T;Tan E.H;Sugawara S;Nakagawa K;Querol J;Reynolds J;Haigentz M;Iannotti N;Boccia R;Ikeda N;Hesketh P;Giridharan S;Chaudhry A;Herzmann C;Chang G.-C;Satouchi M;Mark Z;Coudert B;Waterhouse D;Waller C;Kubota K;Vrindavanam N;Malcolm A;Palmero Sanchez R;Juergens R;Jassem J;Chachoua A;Feld R;Bradbury P;Azuma K;Kemmotsu H;Aglietta M;Scholz C;Canon J.-L;Weiss G;Bosch-Barrera J;Goto K;Vincent M;Sakai H;Denis F;Hsia T.-C;Chih-Hsin Yang;Alvarez Alvarez R;Garcia Gomez R;Chewaskulyong B;Spigel D;Chen Y.-M;Barlesi F;Kowalski D;Italiano A;Lucien Geater S;Uy M.N;Santoro A;Kubiak K;Zylla D;Maeda T;Derijcke S;Veillon R;Gabrail N;Imamura F;Nishio M;Spaeth-Schwalbe E;Atagi S;Kang E.J;Yokoi T;Sibille A;Ramos Garcia I;Milella M;Saka H;Lee J.-S;Wolf J;Kim Y.-C;Su W.-C;Katakami N;Atlantic Investigators;Szalai Z;Garrison M;Overton L;Cheema P;Thomas M;Soto Parra H;Robinet G;Chopra A;Chella A;Oe Y;Belda Iniesta C;Holgado Martin E;Han J.-Y;Reck M;Surmont V;Kim D.-W;Berghmans T;Vicente Baz D;Chaft J;Kim S.-W;Maemondo M;Califano R;Laack E;Schmid P;Hiret S;Novello S;Paz-Ares Rodriguez L;Rizvi N.A;Dennis P.A;Wadsworth C;Huang Y;Soo R.A;Park K;Wheatley-Price P;Bidoli P;Chouaid C;Powderly J;Gray J.E;Corral Jaime J;Lena H;Vansteenkiste J;Mazi?res J;Kim J.-H;Cho B.-C;Garassino M.C
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-26T09:26:25Z Phase Ib/II Study of Capmatinib (INC280) Plus Gefitinib after Failure of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Inhibitor Therapy in Patients with EGFR-Mutated, MET Factor-Dysregulated Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Tan D.S.W.;Akimov M;Peng B;Zhao S;Pultar P;Glaser S;Chia V;Felip E;Su W.-C;Vansteenkiste J.F;Ahn M.-J;Chih-Hsin Yang;Lee D.H;Liu X;Kim D.-W;Zhang L;Wu Y.-L; Wu Y.-L; Zhang L; Kim D.-W; Liu X; Lee D.H; CHIH-HSIN YANG; Ahn M.-J; Vansteenkiste J.F; Su W.-C; Felip E; Chia V; Glaser S; Pultar P; Zhao S; Peng B; Akimov M; Tan D.S.W.
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-26T09:26:22Z Pembrolizumab in Combination With Erlotinib or Gefitinib as First-Line Therapy for Advanced NSCLC With Sensitizing EGFR Mutation Raftopoulos H; Patnaik A.; Saraf S; Fiore J; Su W.-C; Papadimitrakopoulou V.A; Wu C.-L; Sequist L.V; Gadgeel S.M; CHIH-HSIN YANG; Chih-Hsin Yang;Gadgeel S.M;Sequist L.V;Wu C.-L;Papadimitrakopoulou V.A;Su W.-C;Fiore J;Saraf S;Raftopoulos H;Patnaik A.
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-25T07:35:24Z An open-label, single-arm, phase 2 trial of the polo-like kinase inhibitor volasertib (BI 6727) in patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer Stadler W.M; Vaughn D.J; Sonpavde G; Vogelzang N.J; Tagawa S.T; Petrylak D.P; Rosen P; Chia-Chi Lin; Mahoney J; Modi S; Lee P; Ernstoff M.S; Su W.-C; Spira A; Pilz K; Vinisko R; Schloss C; Fritsch H; Zhao C; Carducci M.A.
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-25T07:35:22Z A phase i study of two dosing schedules of volasertib (BI 6727), an intravenous polo-like kinase inhibitor, in patients with advanced solid malignancies Chia-Chi Lin; Su W.-C; Yen C.-J; Hsu C.-H; Su W.-P; Yeh K.-H; Lu Y.-S; Cheng A.-L; Huang D.C.-L; Fritsch H; Voss F; Taube T; Yang J.C.-H.
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-25T07:35:19Z Vinflunine-gemcitabine versus vinflunine-carboplatin as first-line chemotherapy in cisplatin-unfit patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma: Results of an international randomized phase II trial (JASINT1) De Santis M; Wiechno P.J; Bellmunt J; Lucas C; Su W.-C; Albiges L; Chia-Chi Lin; Senkus-Konefka E; Flechon A; Mourey L; Necchi A; Loidl W.C; Retz M.M; Vaissi?re N; Culine S.
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-25T07:35:14Z Activity and safety of AZD3759 in EGFR-mutant non-small-cell lung cancer with CNS metastases (BLOOM): a phase 1, open-label, dose-escalation and dose-expansion study Yang J.C.-H.; Yang Z; Overend P; Kao S; Goldman J.W; Su W.-C; Natale R; Rabbie S; Harrop B; John T; Kim H.R; Chia-Chi Lin; Kim T.M; Ahn J.-S; Lee J.S; Kim S.-W; Cho B.C; Kim D.-W; Ahn M.-J
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-25T07:35:05Z A phase 1, open-label, dose-escalation trial of oral TSR-011 in patients with advanced solid tumours and lymphomas Weiss G.J.;Zhang Z.-Y;Chan J;Hughes L;Bobilev D;Su W.-C;Dziadziuszko R;Mita M;de Castro Carpe?o J;Sachdev J;Lu S;Arkenau H.-T;Chia-Chi Lin; Chia-Chi Lin; Arkenau H.-T; Lu S; Sachdev J; de Castro Carpe?o J; Mita M; Dziadziuszko R; Su W.-C; Bobilev D; Hughes L; Chan J; Zhang Z.-Y; Weiss G.J.
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-25T07:35:01Z Phase 1 study of capmatinib in MET-positive solid tumor patients: Dose escalation and expansion of selected cohorts Chia-Chi Lin; Akimov M; Ghebremariam S; Hong D; Poon R.T.P; Azaro A; Lim W.T; Bauer T.M; Nam D.-H; Schuler M; Su W.-C; Bang Y.-J; Zhao S; Giovannini M; Ma B.
臺大學術典藏 2020-05-25T06:51:54Z A phase i study of two dosing schedules of volasertib (BI 6727), an intravenous polo-like kinase inhibitor, in patients with advanced solid malignancies Lin C.-C;Su W.-C;Yen C.-J;Hsu C.-H;Su W.-P;Yeh K.-H;Yen-Shen Lu;Cheng A.-L;Huang D.C.-L;Fritsch H;Voss F;Taube T;Yang J.C.-H.; Lin C.-C; Su W.-C; Yen C.-J; Hsu C.-H; Su W.-P; Yeh K.-H; YEN-SHEN LU; Cheng A.-L; Huang D.C.-L; Fritsch H; Voss F; Taube T; Yang J.C.-H.
臺大學術典藏 2020-04-28T07:25:19Z A phase i study of two dosing schedules of volasertib (BI 6727), an intravenous polo-like kinase inhibitor, in patients with advanced solid malignancies Lin C.-C.;Su W.-C.;Yen C.-J.;Chih-Hung Hsu;Su W.-P.;Yeh K.-H.;Lu Y.-S.;Cheng A.-L.;Huang D.C.-L.;Fritsch H.;Voss F.;Taube T.;Yang J.C.-H.; Lin C.-C.; Su W.-C.; Yen C.-J.; CHIH-HUNG HSU; Su W.-P.; Yeh K.-H.; Lu Y.-S.; Cheng A.-L.; Huang D.C.-L.; Fritsch H.; Voss F.; Taube T.; Yang J.C.-H.
臺大學術典藏 2020-04-10T12:51:11Z Bevacizumab with erlotinib as first-line therapy in Asian patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: A multicenter phase II study Hsu C.-H.; Kang Y.K.; Su W.-C.; Sandoval-Tan J.; Chiou T.-J.; Jin K.; Chiun Hsu; Cheng A.-L.; Yang T.-S.; Shun C.-T.; Shao Y.-Y.
臺大學術典藏 2020-04-10T12:51:10Z Phase ii multicentered study of low-dose everolimus plus cisplatin and weekly 24-hour infusion of high-dose 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin as first-line treatment for patients with advanced gastric cancer Su W.-C.; Chao Y.; Yeh K.-H.; Cheng A.-L.; Chen L.-T.; Lin Z.-Z.; Shen Y.-C.; Li C.-P.; Yen C.-J.; Chiun Hsu; Lin Y.-L.; Shen Y.-C.;Li C.-P.;Yen C.-J.;Chiun Hsu;Lin Y.-L.;Lin Z.-Z.;Chen L.-T.;Su W.-C.;Chao Y.;Yeh K.-H.;Cheng A.-L.
臺大學術典藏 2020-04-10T12:16:09Z Bevacizumab with erlotinib as first-line therapy in Asian patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: A multicenter phase II study Hsu C.; Cheng A.-L.; Jin K.; Hsu C.-H.; Kang Y.K.; Yang T.-S.; Shun C.-T.; YU-YUN SHAO; Su W.-C.; Sandoval-Tan J.; Chiou T.-J.
臺大學術典藏 2020-03-24T07:00:40Z Factors associated with myocardial infarction after emergency endoscopy for upper gastrointestinal bleeding in high-risk patients: a prospective observational study Wang H.-P.;Lin J.-T.;CHIEN-HUA HUANG;Su W.-C.;Tai C.-M.;Chiang T.-H.;Cheng T.-Y.;Huang S.-P.;Lee C.-T.; Lee C.-T.; Huang S.-P.; Cheng T.-Y.; Chiang T.-H.; Tai C.-M.; Su W.-C.; CHIEN-HUA HUANG; Lin J.-T.; Wang H.-P.
臺大學術典藏 2020-03-05T08:16:37Z Prothymosin α promotes STAT3 acetylation to induce cystogenesis in Pkd1-deficient mice Chen Y.-C.;Su Y.-C.;Shieh G.-S.;Su B.-H.;Su W.-C.;Pei-Hsin Huang;Jiang S.-T.;Shiau A.-L.;Wu C.-L.; Chen Y.-C.; Su Y.-C.; Shieh G.-S.; Su B.-H.; Su W.-C.; PEI-HSIN HUANG; Jiang S.-T.; Shiau A.-L.; Wu C.-L.
臺大學術典藏 2020-03-02T07:41:00Z Polythiophene derivative comprising carbazoles as pendant groups for polymer solar cell applications Wang, H.-J.; Chan, L.-H.; Chen, C.-P.; Lee, R.-H.; Su, W.-C.; Jeng, R.-J.; RU-JONG JENG
臺大學術典藏 2020-03-02T07:40:59Z Iterative synthesis of monodisperse pendants for making comb-like polyurethanes RU-JONG JENG; Chen, S.-C.; Tung, S.-H.; Lee, R.-H.; Su, W.-C.; Jeng, R.-J.; Wu, C.-H.; Chen, Y.-C.; Dai, S.A.
臺大學術典藏 2020-03-02T07:40:52Z A Facile Synthetic Route to Ether Diols Derived from 1,1-Cyclopentylenylbisphenol for Robust Cardo-Type Polyurethanes Wu, C.-H.; Lin, Y.-R.; Yeh, S.-C.; Huang, Y.-C.; Sun, K.-H.; Shih, Y.-F.; Su, W.-C.; Dai, C.-A.; Dai, S.A.; Jeng, R.-J.; RU-JONG JENG
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-17T07:43:32Z Activation of IL6/IGFIR confers poor prognosis of HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma through induction of OCT4/NANOG expression Chang T.-S; Wu Y.-C; Chi C.-C; Su W.-C; Chang P.-J; Lee K.-F; Tung T.-H; Wang J; Liu J.-J; Tung S.-Y; Kuo L.-M; HONG-NERNG HO; Ling T.-Y; Huang Y.-H.
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-15T03:52:38Z Employee ownership motivation and individual risk-taking behaviour: A cross-level analysis of Taiwan's privatized enterprises Wu, H.-L.;Su, W.-C.;Lee, C.-Y.; Wu, H.-L.; Su, W.-C.; Lee, C.-Y.; HSUEH-LIANG WU
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-14T07:49:07Z Employee ownership motivation and individual risk-taking behaviour: A cross-level analysis of Taiwan's privatized enterprises Wu, H.-L.; Su, W.-C.; Lee, C.-Y.; HSUEH-LIANG WU

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