淡江大學 |
2010-11 |
Optimal ordering policies for deteriorating items using a discounted cash-flow analysis when a trade credit is linked to order quantity
Chang, Chun-Tao; Ouyang, Liang-Yuh; Teng, Jinn-Tsair; Cheng, Mei-Chuan |
淡江大學 |
2010-09 |
Optimal manufacturer’s replenishment policies for deteriorating items in a supply chain with up-stream and down-stream trade credits
Chang, Chun-Tao; Teng, Jinn-Tsair; Chern, Maw-Sheng |
淡江大學 |
2010-05 |
Seller’s optimal credit period and replenishment time in a supply chain with up-stream and down-stream trade credits
鄭美娟; Teng, Jinn-Tsair |
淡江大學 |
2010-01 |
Optimal replenishment policies for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with stock-dependent demand
Chang, Chun-Tao; Teng, Jinn-Tsair; Goyal, Suresh-Kumar |
淡江大學 |
2010-01 |
A Fuzzy Inventory System with Deteriorating Items under Supplier Credits Linked to Ordering Quantity
Ouyang, Liang-Yuh; Teng, Jinn-Tsair; Cheng, Mei-Chuan |
淡江大學 |
2009-06 |
Optimal manufacturer’s replenishment policies in the EPQ model under two levels of trade credit policy
Teng, Jinn-Tsair; Chang, Chun-Tao |
淡江大學 |
2008-02 |
Inventory lot-size models under trade credits: a review
Chang, Chun-tao; Teng, Jinn-Tsair; Goyal, Suresh kumar |
淡江大學 |
2007-06 |
Optimal order quantity with trade credit under advanced booking discount program
歐陽良裕; Ouyang, Liang-Yuh; Cheng, Mei-Chuan; Teng, Jinn-Tsair |
淡江大學 |
2007-01-01 |
Retailer's optimal ordering policies with trade credit financing
Teng, Jinn-tsair; 張春桃; Chang, Chun-tao; Chern, Maw-sheng; Chan, Ya-lan |
淡江大學 |
2007-01 |
A comparison between two pricing and lot-sizing models with partial backlogging and deteriorated items
Teng, Jinn-tsair; 歐陽良裕; Ouyang, Liang-yuh; Chen, Liang-ho |
淡江大學 |
2006-12-01 |
On an EOQ Model with Ramp Type Demand Rate and Time Dependent Deterioration Rate
Chen, Liang-ho; 歐陽良裕; Ouyang, Liang-yuh; Teng, Jinn-tsair |
淡江大學 |
2006-06-16 |
A deteriorating inventory model with time-varying demand and shortage-dependent partial backlogging
Dye, Chung-yuan; 張紘炬; Chang, Horng-jinh; Teng, Jinn-tsair |
淡江大學 |
2006-02 |
Optimal Ordering Policy for Deteriorating Items with Partial Backlogging under Permissible Delay in Payments
歐陽良裕; Ouyang, Liang-yuh; Teng, Jinn-tsair; Chen, Liang-ho |
淡江大學 |
2005-10 |
Deterministic economic production quantity models with time-varying demand and cost
Teng, Jinn-Tsair; Ouyang, Liang-Yuh; Chang, Chun-tao |
淡江大學 |
2005-06 |
An EOQ model for deteriorating items under trade credits
Ouyang, Liang-yuh; 張春桃; Chang, Chun-tao; Teng, Jinn-tsair |
淡江大學 |
2005-06 |
The optimal economic production quantity models for deteriorating items when delay in payments is permissible
Ouyang, Liang-Yuh; Teng, Jinn-Tsair; Cheng, Mei-Chuan |
淡江大學 |
2005-03-01 |
An EOQ Model for Deteriorating Items with Power-Form Stock-Dependent Demand
Teng, Jinn-tsair; 歐陽良裕; Ouyang, Liang-yuh; Cheng, Mei-chuan |
淡江大學 |
2005-02-01 |
Economic production quantity models for deteriorating items with price- and stock-dependent demand
Teng, Jinn-tsair; 張春桃; Chang, Chun-tao |
淡江大學 |
2004-12-01 |
Retailer's optimal ordering policy under supplier credits
張春桃; Chang, Chun-tao; Teng, Jinn-tsair |
淡江大學 |
2004-08-01 |
The optimal ordering policies in the EPQ model with trade credit financing
歐陽良裕; Ouyang, Liang-yuh; Teng, Jinn-tsair; Cheng, Mei-chuan |
淡江大學 |
2003-12 |
An EOQ model for deteriorating items under supplier credits linked to ordering quantity
Chang, Chun-Tao; Ouyang, Liang-Yuh; Teng, Jinn-Tsair |
淡江大學 |
2002-12 |
An optimal replenishment policy for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and partial backlogging
Teng, Jinn-tsair; 張紘炬; Chang, Horng-jinh; Dye, Chung-yuan; Hung, Cheng-hsing |
淡江大學 |
2002-06-01 |
Deterministic production quantity models for fluctuating demand and unit purchase cost
Teng, Jinn-tsair; 歐陽良裕; Ouyang, Liang-yuh; 張春桃; Chang, Chun-tao |
淡江大學 |
2002-06 |
Deterministic economic production quantity models for fluctuating demand and unit purchase cost
Teng, Jinn-Tsair; Ouyang, Liang-Yuh; Chang, Chun-Tao |
淡江大學 |
2001-06-02 |
Inventory models with stock-dependent demand and nonlinear holding costs for deteriorating items
張春桃; Chang, Chun-tao; Teng, Jinn-tsair |