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教育部委託研究計畫      計畫執行:國立臺灣大學圖書館
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顯示項目 201-225 / 353 (共15頁)
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機構 日期 題名 作者
臺大學術典藏 2020-01-23T05:32:54Z Chitosan delaying human fibroblast senescence through downregulation of TGF-β signaling pathway Wang J.-H.; Young T.-H.; Tsai C.-W.;Chiang I-Ni;Wang J.-H.;Young T.-H.; Tsai C.-W.; CHIANG I-NI
國立成功大學 2020 Collective Attack and Improvement on “Mediated Semi-Quantum Key Distribution Using Single Photons” Lu, Y.-C.;Tsai, C.-W.;Hwang, T.
國立成功大學 2020 Developing and validating a scale for measuring teachers’ readiness for flipped classrooms in junior high schools Chou, Chou C.-L.;Hung, M.-L.;Tsai, C.-W.;Chang, Y.-C.
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-24T06:17:07Z A staggered-grid scheme for the advection-dispersion equation WAN-SHAN TSAI;Tsai, C.W.;Man, C.; Man, C.; Tsai, C.W.; WAN-SHAN TSAI
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-24T06:17:07Z Applicability and experimental verification of a dam-break flood and sediment transport model WAN-SHAN TSAI;Hess, D.;Bursik, M.;Kuai, K.Z.;Tsai, C.W.; Tsai, C.W.; Kuai, K.Z.; Bursik, M.; Hess, D.; WAN-SHAN TSAI
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-24T06:17:06Z Application of Hilbert Huang transform method for analysis of contaminant concentrations in the Niagara River WAN-SHAN TSAI;Ho, S.P.;Tsai, C.W.;Franceschini, S.; Franceschini, S.; Tsai, C.W.; Ho, S.P.; WAN-SHAN TSAI
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-24T06:17:05Z Stochastic non-equilibrium bedload transport model WAN-SHAN TSAI;Tsai, C.W.;Kuai, K.Z.; Kuai, K.Z.; Tsai, C.W.; WAN-SHAN TSAI
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-24T06:17:05Z A stochastic diffusion jump model of suspended sediment transport in hydrologic extreme events WAN-SHAN TSAI;Oh, J.S.;Tsai, C.W.; Tsai, C.W.; Oh, J.S.; WAN-SHAN TSAI
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-24T06:17:04Z A comparative study on lagrangian stochastic models for sediment transport WAN-SHAN TSAI;Tsai, C.W.;Oh, J.; Oh, J.; Tsai, C.W.; WAN-SHAN TSAI
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-24T06:17:04Z Application of Hilbert-Huang transform method to the analysis of varying timescales in sediment transport WAN-SHAN TSAI;Tsai, C.W.;Kuai, K.Z.; Kuai, K.Z.; Tsai, C.W.; WAN-SHAN TSAI
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-24T06:17:04Z Estimation of particle concentrations using the stochastic particle tracking method in open channel flows WAN-SHAN TSAI;Tsai, C.W.;Oh, J.; Oh, J.; Tsai, C.W.; WAN-SHAN TSAI
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-24T06:17:02Z Random-Sized Batch Arrivals of Sediment Particles into Surface Waters WAN-SHAN TSAI;Hung, S.;Tsai, C.W.; Tsai, C.W.; Hung, S.; WAN-SHAN TSAI
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-24T06:17:00Z Evaluation of hydrologic and meteorological impacts on dengue fever incidences in southern Taiwan using time-frequency analysis methods WAN-SHAN TSAI;Hsiao, Y.-R.;Yeh, T.-G.;Tsai, C.W.; Tsai, C.W.; Yeh, T.-G.; Hsiao, Y.-R.; WAN-SHAN TSAI
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-24T06:17:00Z A stochastic framework for modeling random-sized batch arrivals of sediment particles into open channel flows WAN-SHAN TSAI;Oh, J.;Hung, S.Y.;Tsai, C.W.; Tsai, C.W.; Hung, S.Y.; Oh, J.; WAN-SHAN TSAI
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-20T08:42:39Z Application of Hilbert Huang transform method for analysis of contaminant concentrations in the Niagara River SHIH-PING HO;Ho, S.P.;Tsai, C.W.;Franceschini, S.; Franceschini, S.; Tsai, C.W.; Ho, S.P.; SHIH-PING HO
臺大學術典藏 2019-11-27T06:55:09Z The 90-day mortality and the subsequent renal recovery in critically ill surgical patients requiring acute renal replacement therapy Lin Y.-F.;Ko W.-J.;Chu T.-S.;Yih-Sharng Chen;Wu V.-C.;Chen Y.-M.;Wu M.-S.;Chen Y.-W.;Tsai C.-W.;Shiao C.-C.;Li W.-Y.;Hu F.-C.;Tsai P.-R.;Tsai T.-J.;Wu K.-D.; Lin Y.-F.; Ko W.-J.; Chu T.-S.; YIH-SHARNG CHEN; Wu V.-C.; Chen Y.-M.; Wu M.-S.; Chen Y.-W.; Tsai C.-W.; Shiao C.-C.; Li W.-Y.; Hu F.-C.; Tsai P.-R.; Tsai T.-J.; Wu K.-D.
臺大學術典藏 2019-11-11T08:48:46Z A 12-amino acid stretch in the hypervariable region of the spike protein S1 subunit is critical for cell fusion activity of mouse hepatitis virus Tsai C.-W.;Chang S.C.;Ming-Fu Chang; Tsai C.-W.; Chang S.C.; MING-FU CHANG
臺大學術典藏 2019-08-30T02:32:34Z A 12-amino acid stretch in the hypervariable region of the spike protein S1 subunit is critical for cell fusion activity of mouse hepatitis virus Tsai C.-W.;Chang, S.C.;Ming-Fu Chang; Tsai C.-W.; Chang, S.C.; MING-FU CHANG
臺大學術典藏 2019-07-11T09:16:38Z Garlic: Health benefits and actions Lii C.-K.;Sheen L.-Y.;Chen H.-W.;Tsai C.-W.; Tsai C.-W.; Chen H.-W.; Sheen L.-Y.; Lii C.-K.
臺大學術典藏 2019-07-10T08:11:02Z CrowDPT: Summarizing crowd opinions as professional analyst Chen H.-H.;Huang H.-H.;Tsai C.-W.;Chen C.-C.; Chen C.-C.; Tsai C.-W.; Huang H.-H.; Chen H.-H.
國立臺灣科技大學 2019 Element Effects on High-Entropy Alloy Vacancy and Heterogeneous Lattice Distortion Subjected to Quasi-equilibrium Heating Huang, E.-W.;Chou, H.-S.;Tu, K.N.;Hung, W.-S.;Lam, T.-N.;Tsai, C.-W.;Chiang, Chiang C.-Y.;Lin, B.-H.;Yeh, A.-C.;Chang, S.-H.;Chang, Y.-J.;Yang, J.-J.;Li, X.-Y.;Ku, C.-S.;An, K.;Chang, Y.-W.;Jao, Y.-L.
國立成功大學 2019 Deviatoric deformation kinetics in high entropy alloy under hydrostatic compression Huang, E.-W.;Lin, C.-M.;Juang, Juang J.-Y.;Chang, Y.-J.;Chang, Y.-W.;Wu, C.-S.;Tsai, C.-W.;Yeh, A.-C.;Shieh, Shieh S.R.;Wang, C.-P.;Chuang, Y.-C.;Liao, Y.-F.;Zhang, D.;Huang, T.;Lam, T.-N.;Chen, Y.-H.
國立成功大學 2019 Improving the Security of ‘High-Capacity Quantum Summation with Single Photons in both Polarization and Spatial-Mode Degrees of Freedom’ Gu, J.;Hwang, T.;Tsai, C.-W.
國立成功大學 2019 Double CNOT attack on "quantum key distribution with limited classical Bob" Lin, P.-H.;Hwang, T.;Tsai, C.-W.
國立成功大學 2019 Improvement on ‘Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Multiparty Quantum Direct Secret Sharing of Classical Messages with Bell States and Bell Measurements’ Gu, J.;Hwang, T.;Tsai, C.-W.

顯示項目 201-225 / 353 (共15頁)
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