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教育部委托研究计画      计画执行:国立台湾大学图书馆
臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





"tseng i cheng"的相关文件

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显示项目 1-27 / 27 (共1页)

机构 日期 题名 作者
國立成功大學 2012-06 Methanolinea mesophila sp nov., a hydrogenotrophic methanogen isolated from rice field soil, and proposal of the archaeal family Methanoregulaceae fam. nov within the order Methanomicrobiales Sakai, Sanae; Ehara, Masayuki; Tseng, I-Cheng; Yamaguchi, Takashi; Braeuer, Suzanna L.; Cadillo-Quiroz, Hinsby; Zinder, Stephen H.; Imachi, Hiroyuki
國立成功大學 2012-02 Detection and quantification of major toxigenic Microcystis genotypes in Moo-Tan reservoir and associated water treatment plant Yen, Hung-Kai; Lin, Tsair-Fuh; Tseng, I-Cheng
國立成功大學 2011-09 Strategy of controlling the volumetric loading rate to promote hydrogen-production performance in a mesophilic-kitchen-waste fermentor and the microbial ecology analyses Li, Shiue-Lin; Lin, Jian-Sheng; Wang, Yu-Hsuan; Lee, Ze-Kun; Kuo, Shih-Chiang; Tseng, I-Cheng; Cheng, Sheng-Shung
國立成功大學 2010-01 Effects of hydraulic retention time on anaerobic hydrogenation performance and microbial ecology of bioreactors fed with glucose-peptone and starch-peptone Li, Shiue-Lin; Whang, Liang-Ming; Chao, Yu-Chieh; Wang, Yu-Hsuan; Wang, Yung-Fu; Hsiao, Chia-Jung; Tseng, I-Cheng; Bai, Ming-Der; Cheng, Sheng-Shung
國立臺灣大學 2010 Dynamics of methanotrophic communities in tropical alkaline landfill upland soil Chang, Chyuan-Ying; Tung, Hsin-Hsin; Tseng, I-Cheng; Wu, Jer-Horng; Liu, Yi-Fen; Lin, Huei-Ming
國立成功大學 2009-07-15 Cultivation of Methanogens under Low-Hydrogen Conditions by Using the Coculture Method Sakai, Sanae; Imachi, Hiroyuki; Sekiguchi, Yuji; Tseng, I-Cheng; Ohashi, Akiyoshi; Harada, Hideki; Kamagata, Yoichi
國立成功大學 2009-07 Ferrous iron-binding protein Omb of Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis promotes resistance to hydrophobic antibiotics and contributes to its virulence Su, Jer-Horng; Chung, Yin-Ching; Lee, Hsin-Chun; Tseng, I-Cheng; Chang, Ming-Chung
國立成功大學 2009-06 Verification of necessity for bioaugmentation - lessons from two batch case studies for bioremediation of diesel-contaminated soils Liu, Pao-Wen Grace; Whang, Liang-Ming; Chang, Tsung Chain; Tseng, I-Cheng; Pan, Po-Tseng; Cheng, Sheng-Shung
國立成功大學 2009-02 Effect of ozone and permanganate on algae coagulation removal - Pilot and bench scale tests Chen, Jen-Jeng; Yeh, Hsuan-Hsien; Tseng, I-Cheng
國立成功大學 2009 Characterization of Active Microbes in a Full-Scale Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor Treating Phenolic Wastewater Chen, Chia-Lung; Wu, Jer-Horng; Tseng, I-Cheng; Liang, Teh-Ming; Liu, Wen-Tso
國立成功大學 2008-07 Potassium permanganate as an alternative preoxidant for enhancing algal coagulation - Pilot and bench scale studies Chen, Jen-Jeng; Yeh, Hsin-Hung; Tseng, I-Cheng
國立高雄第一科技大學 2007.03 Integrating Study on Mechanism Control of Biological Hydrogen Production in Anaerobic Processes Cheng, Sheng-Shung;Lin, Chiu-Yue;Tseng, I-Cheng;Lee, Chi-Mei;Lin, Hsin-I;Lin, Ming-Rui;Chen, Shyi-Tien;Chen, Shing-Der
國立成功大學 2007-09-30 Semicontinuous microcosm study of aerobic cometabolism of trichloroethylene using toluene Han, Y. L.; Kuo, Ming-Ching Tom; Tseng, I-Cheng; Lu, C. J.
國立成功大學 2006-10-11 Mechanism for sludge acidification in aerobic treatment of coking wastewater Chao, Yu-Mei; Tseng, I-Cheng; Chang, Jo-Shu
國立成功大學 2006-09 AFLP fingerprinting and conversion to sequence-tag site markers for the identification of Oncidium cultivars Chen, W. H.; Tseng, I-Cheng; Tsai, Wen-Chieh; Chiang, M. S.; Chen, Yau-Huang; Chen, Hong-Hwa
國立成功大學 2006-04 Pelotomaculum terephthalicum sp nov and Pelotomaculum isophthalicum sp nov.: two anaerobic bacteria that degrade phthalate isomers in syntrophic association with hydrogenotrophic methanogens Qiu, Yan-Ling; Sekiguchi, Yuji; Hanada, Satoshi; Imachi, Hiroyuki; Tseng, I-Cheng; Cheng, Sheng-Shung; Ohashi, Akiyoshi; Harada, Hideki; Kamagata, Yoichi
國立成功大學 2006-04 Biohydrogen production from sucrose using base-enriched anaerobic mixed microflora Lin, Chiu-Yue; Lee, Chia-Yin; Tseng, I-Cheng; Shiao, I. Z.
國立臺中教育大學 2005 大學體保生其生活適應與生涯發展關係之研究 曾逸誠; Tseng, I-Cheng
國立成功大學 2004-04-16 Cloning and characterization of the lipase and lipase activator protein from Vibrio vulnificus CKM-1 Su, Jer-Horng; Chang, Ming-Chung; Lee, Yeong-Sheng; Tseng, I-Cheng; Chuang, Yin-Ching
國立成功大學 2004-03 Identification and isolation of anaerobic, syntrophic phthalate isomer-degrading microbes from methanogenic sludges treating wastewater from terephthalate manufacturing Qiu, Yan-Ling; Sekiguchi, Yuji; Imachi, Hiroyuki; Kamagata, Yoichi; Tseng, I-Cheng; Cheng, Sheng-Shung; Ohashi, Akiyoshi; Harada, Hideki
國立成功大學 2003-04 Sporotomaculum syntrophicum sp nov., a novel anaerobic, syntrophic benzoate-degrading bacterium isolated from methanogenic sludge treating wastewater from terephthalate manufacturing Qiu, Yan-Ling; Sekiguchi, Yuji; Imachi, Hiroyuki; Kamagata, Yoichi; Tseng, I-Cheng; Cheng, Sheng-Shung; Ohashi, Akiyoshi; Harada, Hideki
國立成功大學 2002-12 Conventional versus advanced treatment for eutrophic source water Lai, Wen-Liang; Yeh, Hsuan-Hsien; Tseng, I-Cheng; Lin, Tsair-Fuh; Chen, Jen-Jeng; Wang, Grace T.
國立成功大學 2001-10 Microbial-ecological significance of sulfide precipitation within anaerobic granular sludge revealed by micro-electrodes study Yamaguchi, Takashi; Yamazaki, Shinichi; Uemura, Shigeki; Tseng, I-Cheng; Ohashi, Akiyoshi; Harada, Harada
國立成功大學 2001-05 Characterization of a 4-methylbenzoate-degrading methanogenic consortium as determined by small-subunit rDNA sequence analysis Wu, Jer-Horng; Liu, Wen-Tso; Tseng, I-Cheng; Cheng, Sheng-Shung
國立成功大學 2001-02 Characterization of microbial consortia in a terephthalate-degrading anaerobic granular sludge system Wu, Jer-Horng; Liu, Wen-Tso; Tseng, I-Cheng; Cheng, Sheng-Shung
國立成功大學 2000-12-20 Comparison of the finished water quality among an integrated membrane process, conventional and other advanced treatment processes Yeh, Hsuan-Hsien; Tseng, I-Cheng; Kao, Shan-Jhen; Lai, Wen-Liang; Chen, Jen-Jeng; Wang, Grace T.; Lin, Sheng-Herng
國立成功大學 1996-10 Acute Toxicity of Cresols to Pseudomonas-An Initial Oxygen Uptake Method Huang, Ded-Shih; Tseng, I-Cheng

显示项目 1-27 / 27 (共1页)