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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 1-17 of 17  (1 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
國立成功大學 2022-07-20 數位經濟下之新聞付費制度研析——比較歐盟數位單一市場著作權指令概要與澳洲新聞媒體與數位平臺強制議價法 曾菀妤; Tseng, Wan-Yu
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T14:50:48Z Biocompatibility and cytotoxicity of two novel low-shrinkage dental resin matrices Jan, Yih-Dean;Lee, Bor-Shiunn;Lin, Chun-Pin;Tseng, Wan-Yu; Jan, Y.-D. and Lee, B.-S. and Lin, C.-P. and Tseng, W.-Y.; 林俊彬;李伯訓;曾琬瑜; 变琇舤; 法篴此; Li, Wei-Chun; BOR-SHIUNN LEE; Jan, Yih-Dean; CHUN-PIN LIN; Chen, Yi-Chan; Lee, Bor-Shiunn; Yang, Rong-Sen; Lin, Chun-Pin; Tseng, Wan-Yu; Kuo, Ken N.; Chen, Ching-Yu; Tsauo, Jau-Yih
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T09:40:51Z Effect of dentin bonding agent diffusing through dentin slices on the reactive oxygen species production and apoptosis of pulpal cells 高嘉宏; Chou, Han-Yi; 蘇東弘; Wang, Juo-Song; Tseng, Wan-Yu; ��Y�Q; �P�[��; ���B�V; ���{��; Lee, B.-S.;Jan, Y.-D.;Huang, G.-S.;Huang, C.-H.;Chou, H.-Y.;Wang, J.-S.;Tseng, W.-Y.Lee, Bor-Shiunn;Jan, Yih-Dean;Huang, Guo-Shiang;Huang, Chien-Hsun;Chou, Han-Yi;Wang, Juo-Song;Tseng, Wan-Yu??Y?Q;?P?[??;???B?V;???{??Lee, Bor-Shiunn;Jan, Yih-Dean;Huang, Guo-Shiang;Huang, Chien-Hsun;Chou, Han-Yi;Wang, Juo-Song;Tseng, Wan-Yu??Y?Q;?P?[??;???B?V;???{??; Lee, Bor-Shiunn;Jan, Yih-Dean;Huang, Guo-Shiang;Huang, Chien-Hsun;Chou, Han-Yi;Wang, Juo-Song;Tseng, Wan-Yu; ??Y?Q;?P?[??;???B?V;???{??; BOR-SHIUNN LEE; Chen, Guei-Ying; Lee, Bor-Shiunn; Su, Tung-Hung; Jan, Yih-Dean; Kao, Jia-Horng; Huang, Guo-Shiang; Huang, Chien-Hsun
國立臺灣大學 2015 Effect of dentin bonding agent diffusing through dentin slices on the reactive oxygen species production and apoptosis of pulpal cells Lee, Bor-Shiunn; Jan, Yih-Dean; Huang, Guo-Shiang; Huang, Chien-Hsun; Chou, Han-Yi; Wang, Juo-Song; Tseng, Wan-Yu; ��Y�Q; �P�[��; ���B�V; ���{��
國立臺中教育大學 2014-01-25 杭德利六首藝術歌曲之分析與詮釋-〈早晨真的會來臨嗎?〉、〈當孩子們獨自在綠地上玩耍〉、〈水鳥〉、〈喚醒沉睡的太陽〉、〈一包餅乾〉、〈獅子〉 曾宛淯; Tseng, Wan-Yu
國立臺灣大學 2014 Conjugation of diisocyanate side chains to dimethacrylate reduces polymerization shrinkage and increases the hardness of composite resins Jan, Yih-Dean; Lee, Bor-Shiunn; Lin, Chun-Pin; Tseng, Wan-Yu; 林俊彬; 李伯訓; 曾琬瑜
國立臺灣大學 2014 Biocompatibility and cytotoxicity of two novel low-shrinkage dental resin matrices Jan, Yih-Dean; Lee, Bor-Shiunn; Lin, Chun-Pin; Tseng, Wan-Yu; 林俊彬; 李伯訓; 曾琬瑜
國立臺灣大學 2012 Arecoline induced cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and cytotoxicity to human endothelial cells Tseng, Shuei-Kuen; Chang, Mei-Chi; Su, Cheng-Yao; Chi, Lin-Yang; Chang, Jenny Zwei-Ching; Tseng, Wan-Yu; Yeung, Sin-Yuet; Hsu, Ming-Lun; Jeng, Jiiang-Huei; 張瑞青; 鄭景暉
國立政治大學 2010 保薦制度對現金增資後經營績效的影響 曾菀瑜; Tseng, Wan Yu
國立臺灣大學 2010 Glucosamine Promotes Osteogenic Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells through Modulating the Level of the Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Type I Receptor 黃建勳; 曾琬瑜; 姚宗珍; 鄭景暉; 楊台鴻; 陳羿貞; HUANG, CHIEN-HSUN; TSENG, WAN-YU; YAO, CHUNG-CHEN; JENG, JIIANG-HUEI; YOUNG, TAI-HORNG; CHEN, YI-JANE
國立臺灣大學 2009 The Effect of Bisgma on Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression, Pge(2) Production and Cytotoxicity Via Reactive Oxygen Species- and Mek/Erk-Dependent and - Independent Pathways 張美姬; 林立德; 陳朝寶; 張曉華; 陳令儀; 林學仁; 葉宏偉; 曾琬瑜; 林柏萱; 林秋君; 鄭景暉; CHANG, MEI-CHI; LIN, LI-DEH; CHAN, CHIU- PO; CHANG, HSIAO-HUA; CHEN, LIN-I; LIN, HSUEH JEN; YEH, HUNG-WEI; TSENG, WAN-YU; LIN, PO-SHUEN; LIN, CHIU-CHUN; JENG, JIIANG-HUEI
國立臺灣大學 2009 Comparative Cytotoxicity of Five Current Dentin Bonding Agents: Role of Cell Cycle Deregulation 葉宏偉; 張美姬; 林俊彬; 曾琬瑜; 張曉華; 王東美; 陳羿貞; 林秋君; 楊婷婷; 林立德; 鄭景暉; YEH, HUNG-WEI; CHANG, MEI-CHI; LIN, CHUN- PIN; TSENG, WAN-YU; CHANG, HSIAO-HUA; WANG, TONG-MEI; CHEN, YI-JANE; LIN, CHIU-CHUN; YANG, TING-TING; LIN, LI-DEH; JENG, JIIANG-HUEI
國立臺灣大學 2009 Prostaglandin F-2 Alpha-Induced Interleukin-8 Production in Human Dental Pulp Cells Is Associated with Mek/Erk Signaling 張美姬; 張曉華; 李夢瑩; 林秋君; 葉宏偉; 楊婷婷; 曾琬瑜; 鄭景暉; CHANG, MEI-CHI; CHANG, HSIAO-HUA; LEE, MON-YING; LIN, CHIU-CHUN; YEH, HUNG-WEI; YANG, TING-TING; TSENG, WAN-YU; JENG, JIIANG- HUEI
國立臺灣大學 2007-04 Microstrain and conversion of resin composites polymerized with different light curing modes. J Biomed Materials Res 2006 (Accepted) Tseng, Wan-Yu; Chen, Ruey-Song; Wang, Jaw-Lin; Lee, Ming-Shu; Rueggeberg, Frederick A.; Chen., Min-Huey
國立臺灣大學 2007-04 Monomer conversion and cytotoxicity of dental composites irradiated with different modes of photoactivated curing 2006 (Accepted) Tseng, Wan-Yu; Hwang, JS; Chen, Yi-Jane; Chen., Min-Huey
國立臺灣大學 2006 兩岸分工對台灣母公司經營績效之影響-以機械產業為例 曾琬瑜; Tseng, Wan-Yu
臺大學術典藏 2006 兩岸分工對台灣母公司經營績效之影響-以機械產業為例 曾琬瑜; Tseng, Wan-Yu; 曾琬瑜; 曾琬瑜; Tseng, Wan-Yu

Showing items 1-17 of 17  (1 Page(s) Totally)
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