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Showing items 31-55 of 85  (4 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:54Z Longitudinal follow-up of lymphocyte subsets during the first year of life Po-Nien Tsao;Chiang B.-L.;Yang Y.-H.;Tsai M.-J.;Lu F.L.;Chou H.-C.;Tsou K.-I.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Chiang B.-L.; Yang Y.-H.; Tsai M.-J.; Lu F.L.; Chou H.-C.; Tsou K.-I.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:54Z Necrotizing enterocolitis complicated with perforation in extremely low birth-weight premature infants Wu C.-H.;Po-Nien Tsao;Chou H.-C.;Tang J.-R.;Chan W.-K.;Tsou K.-I.; Wu C.-H.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Chou H.-C.; Tang J.-R.; Chan W.-K.; Tsou K.-I.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:54Z Rehospitalization of extremely-low-birth-weight infants in first 2 years of life Chien Y.-H.;Po-Nien Tsao;Chou H.-C.;Tang J.-R.;Tsou K.-I.; Chien Y.-H.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Chou H.-C.; Tang J.-R.; Tsou K.-I.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:53Z Esophageal atresia associated with tracheal stenosis and right lung agenesis: Report of one case Tsou K.-I.; Chen S.-J.; Chou H.-C.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Chen C.-Y.; Chen C.-Y.;Po-Nien Tsao;Chou H.-C.;Chen S.-J.;Tsou K.-I.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:53Z Group B streptococcus infection in infancy: 21-Year experience Liao C.-H.; Liao C.-H.;Huang L.-M.;Lu C.-Y.;Lee C.-Y.;Hsueh P.-R.;Po-Nien Tsao;Hsieh W.-S.;Tsou K.-I.; Huang L.-M.; Lu C.-Y.; Lee C.-Y.; Hsueh P.-R.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Hsieh W.-S.; Tsou K.-I.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:53Z The thrombopoietin level in the cord blood in premature infants born to mothers with pregnancy-induced hypertension Tsou K.-I.; Chou H.-C.; Teng R.-J.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Po-Nien Tsao;Teng R.-J.;Chou H.-C.;Tsou K.-I.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:50Z Outcome of very low birth weight infants with sonographic enlarged occipital horn Hsieh W.-S.; Tsou K.-I.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Tang M.-P.; Chou H.-C.; Tang M.-P.;Chou H.-C.;Po-Nien Tsao;Tsou K.-I.;Hsieh W.-S.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:49Z Delivery before 32 weeks of gestation for maternal pre-eclampsia: Neonatal outcome and 2-year developmental outcome Cheng S.-W.;Chou H.-C.;Tsou K.-I.;Fang L.-J.;Po-Nien Tsao; Cheng S.-W.; Chou H.-C.; Tsou K.-I.; Fang L.-J.; PO-NIEN TSAO
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:47Z Handwashing program for the prevention of nosocomial infections in a neonatal intensive care unit Won S.-P.;Chou H.-C.;Hsieh W.-S.;Chen C.-Y.;Huang S.-M.;Tsou K.-I.;Po-Nien Tsao; Won S.-P.; Chou H.-C.; Hsieh W.-S.; Chen C.-Y.; Huang S.-M.; Tsou K.-I.; PO-NIEN TSAO
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:26Z Preeclampsia and the Risk of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in VLBW Infants: A Population Based Study Yen T.-A.; Yen T.-A.;Yang H.-I.;Hsieh W.-S.;Chou H.-C.;Chen C.-Y.;Tsou K.-I.;Po-Nien Tsao;Hsu C.-H.;Mu S.-C.;Lin H.-C.;Huang C.-C.;Hsieh K.-S.; Yang H.-I.; Hsieh W.-S.; Chou H.-C.; Chen C.-Y.; Tsou K.-I.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Hsu C.-H.; Mu S.-C.; Lin H.-C.; Huang C.-C.; Hsieh K.-S.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:21Z Preeclampsia and retinopathy of prematurity in very-low-birth-weight infants: A population-based study Huang H.-C.;Yang H.-I.;Chou H.-C.;Chen C.-Y.;Hsieh W.-S.;Tsou K.-I.;Po-Nien Tsao;Hsu C.-H.;Mu S.-C.;Lin H.-C.;Huang C.-C.;Hsieh K.-S.; Huang H.-C.; Yang H.-I.; Chou H.-C.; Chen C.-Y.; Hsieh W.-S.; Tsou K.-I.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Hsu C.-H.; Mu S.-C.; Lin H.-C.; Huang C.-C.; Hsieh K.-S.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:19Z Morbidity and mortality of very low birth weight infants in Taiwan—Changes in 15 years: A population based study Su Y.-Y.; Wang S.-H.; Chou H.-C.; Chen C.-Y.; Hsieh W.-S.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Tsou K.-I.; Hsu C.-H.; Mu S.-C.; Lin H.-C.; Huang C.-C.; Hsieh K.-S.; Taiwan Premature Infant Follow-up Network
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:11Z Association of Maternal Preeclampsia with Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants Taiwan Premature Infant Developmental Collaborative Study Group; Tsou K.-I.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Hsieh W.-S.; Chen C.-Y.; Chou H.-C.; Yang H.-I.; Wen Y.-H.; Wen Y.-H.;Yang H.-I.;Chou H.-C.;Chen C.-Y.;Hsieh W.-S.;Tsou K.-I.;Po-Nien Tsao;Taiwan Premature Infant Developmental Collaborative Study Group
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T03:29:10Z The gestational effect of antenatal corticosteroids on respiratory distress syndrome in very low birth weight infants: A population-based study Hsieh K.-S.; Taiwan Premature Infant Follow-up Network; Huang C.-C.; Lin H.-C.; Lin J.-Y.; Mu S.-C.; Hsu C.-H.; Liu S.-Y.;Yang H.-I.;Chen C.-Y.;Chou H.-C.;Hsieh W.-S.;Tsou K.-I.;Po-Nien Tsao;Hsu C.-H.;Mu S.-C.;Lin J.-Y.;Lin H.-C.;Huang C.-C.;Hsieh K.-S.;Taiwan Premature Infant Follow-Up Network; Liu S.-Y.; Yang H.-I.; Chen C.-Y.; Chou H.-C.; Hsieh W.-S.; Tsou K.-I.; PO-NIEN TSAO
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-22T01:39:33Z Preeclampsia and the Risk of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in VLBW Infants: A Population Based Study Chou H.-C.; Hsieh W.-S.; Yang H.-I.; TING-AN YEN; Chen C.-Y.; Tsou K.-I.; Tsao P.-N.; Hsu C.-H.; Mu S.-C.; Lin H.-C.; Huang C.-C.; Hsieh K.-S.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-18T08:40:02Z Group B streptococcus infection in infancy: 21-Year experience Liao C.-H.;Huang L.-M.;Lu C.-Y.;Lee C.-Y.;Po-Ren Hsueh;Tsao P.-N.;Hsieh W.-S.;Tsou K.-I.; Liao C.-H.; Huang L.-M.; Lu C.-Y.; Lee C.-Y.; PO-REN HSUEH; Tsao P.-N.; Hsieh W.-S.; Tsou K.-I.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-15T07:42:45Z Umbilical venous line related pericardial effusion in a premature neonate: report of a case. Luan-Yin Chang;Horng Y.C.;Chou Y.H.;Tsou K.I.; LUAN-YIN CHANG; Horng Y.C.; Chou Y.H.; Tsou K.I.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-08T03:29:01Z Longitudinal follow-up of lymphocyte subsets during the first year of life Tsao P.-N.;Chiang B.-L.;Yang Y.-H.;Tsai M.-J.;Frank Leigh Lu;Chou H.-C.;Tsou K.-I.; Tsao P.-N.; Chiang B.-L.; Yang Y.-H.; Tsai M.-J.; FRANK LEIGH LU; Chou H.-C.; Tsou K.-I.
臺大學術典藏 2020-10-23T03:49:06Z Association of Maternal Preeclampsia with Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants Wen Y.-H.; Yang H.-I.; Chou H.-C.; Chen C.-Y.; Hsieh W.-S.; Tsou K.-I.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Taiwan Premature Infant Developmental Collaborative Study Group
臺大學術典藏 2020-10-23T03:49:04Z The gestational effect of antenatal corticosteroids on respiratory distress syndrome in very low birth weight infants: A population-based study Liu S.-Y.; Yang H.-I.; Chen C.-Y.; Chou H.-C.; Hsieh W.-S.; Tsou K.-I.; PO-NIEN TSAO; Hsu C.-H.; Mu S.-C.; Lin J.-Y.; Lin H.-C.; Huang C.-C.; Hsieh K.-S.; Taiwan Premature Infant Follow-up Network
臺大學術典藏 2020-09-22T09:06:18Z Bilateral central retinal vein occlusion with multiple intracerebral hemorrhage in a neonate Tsou K.-I.; STEVEN SHINN-FORNG PENG; Chen C.-Y.;Tsao P.-N.;Young C.;Steven Shinn-Forng Peng;Tsou K.-I.; Chen C.-Y.; Tsao P.-N.; Young C.
臺大學術典藏 2020-07-10T08:16:36Z Brief report: Taiwanese infants' mental and motor development - 6-24 Months Wu, Y.-T.; Tsou, K.-I.; Hsu, C.-H.; Fang, L.-J.; Yao, G.; Jeng, S.-F.; KAI-PING GRACE YAO; Wu, Y.-T.; Tsou, K.-I.; Hsu, C.-H.; Fang, L.-J.; Yao, G.; Jeng, S.-F.
臺大學術典藏 2020-07-07T05:19:49Z Esophageal atresia associated with tracheal stenosis and right lung agenesis: Report of one case Chen C.-Y.;Tsao P.-N.;Chou H.-C.;Shyh-Jye Chen;Tsou K.-I.; Chen C.-Y.; Tsao P.-N.; Chou H.-C.; SHYH-JYE CHEN; Tsou K.-I.
臺大學術典藏 2020-07-01T08:53:40Z Developmental function of very-low-birth-weight infants and full-term infants in early childhood Fang L.-J.; Wang M.; Huang S.-H.; Chen L.-C.; Wu C.-S.; Yu S.-Y.; Kou Y.-W.; Mao S.-Y.; Hsu C.-H.; Tsou K.-S.; SUH-FANG JENG; Chen P.-S.; Chen P.-S.;Suh-Fang Jeng;Tsou K.-I.;Wang A.-H.;Hsu C.-J.;Lu L.;Hsu C.-H.;Tsou K.-S.;Fang L.-J.;Wang M.;Huang S.-H.;Chen L.-C.;Wu C.-S.;Yu S.-Y.;Kou Y.-W.;Mao S.-Y.; Lu L.; Hsu C.-J.; Wang A.-H.; Tsou K.-I.
臺大學術典藏 2020-07-01T08:53:39Z Relationship between Spontaneous Kicking and Age of Walking Attainment in Preterm Infants with Very Low Birth Weight and Full-Term Infants SUH-FANG JENG; Chen L.-C.; Tsou K.-I.; Chen W.J.; Luo H.-J.; Suh-Fang Jeng;Chen L.-C.;Tsou K.-I.;Chen W.J.;Luo H.-J.

Showing items 31-55 of 85  (4 Page(s) Totally)
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