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Institution Date Title Author
淡江大學 2004-06 量販店、百貨公司與便利商店競爭策略之研究一以中壢市為例 楊維禎; Yang, Wei -Tzen; 江淑芸; Chiang, Shu-yun; 蔡明良; Tsai, Min-Liang
淡江大學 2001-06 A Study on Environment Management Utilizing the Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique Yang, Wei-Tzen; Tsai, Ming-Liang
淡江大學 2000-04 台灣空氣污染管理模式之一研究 楊維禎; Yang, Wei- Tzen; 蔡明良; Tsai, Ming-Liang
淡江大學 2000-01-01 The cradle of Taiwan high technology industry development—Hsinchu Science Park (HSP) Lee, Wen-hsiung; 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 2000-01 A study on management performance of Taiwan high technology industry-the Hsinchu science park experience Yang, Wei-tzen; Lee, Wen-hsiung
淡江大學 1999-12 A study of the management performance of Taiwan high technology industry - The Hsinchu Science Park experience Yang, Wei-tzen; Lee, Wen-hsiung
淡江大學 1999-01-01 An Integrated Planning of Production and Distribution for Multiple Suppliers Yang, Wei-tzen; Chu, Li-chuan
淡江大學 1998-03-01 台灣中小企業發展策略之一研究 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-Tzen; 陶學燁; Tao, H.Y.
淡江大學 1998-01 From the sides of firm to manage the salesforce compensation plans Yang, Wei-tzen; Kuo, C. M.
淡江大學 1997-10 From the sides of firm to manage the compensation plans 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen; Kuo, C. M.
淡江大學 1997-05 A new approach for manipulating forrester diagram in system dynamics Yang, Wei-tzen; Liu, C. C.; Guo, N. W.
淡江大學 1996-09 A Practical Approach to Sales Force Compensation Plan in a Small Business Yang, Wei-tzen; Kuo, Chang-min
淡江大學 1995-12-01 A Modified Algorithm for Converting Signed Digraph to Forrester Diagram Utilizing in the System Dynamics 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen; Chu, Li-chuan; Guo, Nai-wen
淡江大學 1995-12 A modified algorithm for converting signal diagnaph to forester diagram utilizing in the system dynamics 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen; Chu, Li-chuan; Guo, N. W.
淡江大學 1995-03 Constructing a sliding regime for load-frequency control of an interconnected hydrothermal power system 王順源; Wang, Shun-yuan; Hong, Chin-ming; 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen; Liu, Chun-chang
淡江大學 1995-03 Constructing a sliding regime for load-frequency control of an interconnected hydrothermal power system 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen; 王順源
淡江大學 1994-11 在系統動態學中將因果關係團轉換成何氏圈之研究 楊維禎; Yang, Wei-Tzen; 褚麗絹; Chu, Li-Chuan
淡江大學 1994-10 Design of the fuzzy sliding mode controller for damping of synchronous generator system Wang, S. Y.; Hong, C. M.; 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1994-08-01 A new method for calculating loss coefficients [of power systems] Chang, Yung-chung; 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen; Liu, Chun-chang
淡江大學 1994-05-01 An evaluation of a new fully integrated hospital information system Chen, T. S.; 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1994-03-01 Improvement on GGDF for power system security evaluation Chang, Y. C.; Yang, Wei-tzen; Liu, C. C.
淡江大學 1993-04-01 Improvements on the line outage distribution factor for power system security analysis Chang, Y. C.; Yang, Wei-tzen; Liu, C. C.
淡江大學 1993-04-01 Modern hospital management and information system planning 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen
國立臺灣大學 1993 Computer-Aided Design on the VLSI 45-Degree Mask Compaction 馮武雄; 楊維楨; Hsieh, M. Y.; Feng, Wu-Shiung; Yang, Wei-Tzen; Hsieh, M. Y.
淡江大學 1992-11-01 On-line economic dispatch using a new loss coefficient formula Chang, Y. C.; Yang, Wei-tzen; Liu, C. C.
淡江大學 1992-10 An improved Boolean algebra method for computing the network reliability Liu, H. H.; 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen; Liu, C. C.
淡江大學 1992-08-01 An improved minimizing algorithm for sum of disjoint products by Shannon's expansion Liu, H. H.; Yang, Wei-tzen; Liu, C. C.
淡江大學 1992-08-01 Real-time line flow calculation using a new sensitivity method Chang, Yung-chung; Liu, Chun-chang; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1992-03 Two-level optimal output feedback stabilizer design Huang, T. L.; Hwang, T. Y.; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1991-08 Power system feedback stabilizer design via optimal subeigenstructure assignment 黃聰亮; Huang, T. L.; Chen, S. C.; Huang, T. Y.; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1991-08 Two-level optimal output feedback stabilizer design 黃聰亮; Huang, T. L.; Hwang, T. Y.; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1991-08 Power system output feedback stabilizer design via optimal subeigenstructure assignment Huang, T. L.; Hwang, T. Y.; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1991-08 Power system time-varying stabilizer design via eigenstructure assignment Huang, T. L.; Hwang, T. Y.; Kuo, C. M.; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1991-03 Time-varying state feedback and estimator design Huang, T. L.; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1990-11 Controllable performance motor regulator 黃聰亮; Huang, T. L.; Kuo, C. M.; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1988-08-01 Design of a DBMS for Chinese medical records 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1987-12-01 風力/柴油發電機並聯系統之控制與模擬 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen; 林錦聰
淡江大學 1987-06 The new VSS method of PF control system based on fast estimation with optimal AGC plus deadbeat-controller 黃聰亮; 劉熙海; 楊維楨 ; Yang, Wei-tzen
國立臺灣大學 1987 工業電氣化可行性之研究 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-Tzen
國立臺灣大學 1986 配電系統可靠度評估模式之研究 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-Tzen
國立臺灣大學 1986 電源開發之工程經濟研究 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-Tzen
國立臺灣大學 1985 計算機應用(系統分析) 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-Tzen
淡江大學 1984-12 On stability of linear time-varying system 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1984-08-01 Statics dynamic dispatch with simultaneous consideration of transmission loss 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen; 黃聰亮
淡江大學 1984-07 Switching control of power network using logical controller 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1981-12 A novel approch to optimal power flow solution with P-Q decomposition 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1981-12 Analysis and control of subsynchronous resonance 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1981-12 Optimal control of hydrothermal generator with generation rate constraint 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1981-09-01 An application of system dynamics on financial statement and its analysis 蔡信夫; Tsai, Hsin-fu; 楊維楨; Yang, Wei-tzen
淡江大學 1978-08 Optimum PWM inverter drives for induction motors Shiu, Yuan-yih; 許源裕; Yang, Wei-tzen; 楊維楨

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