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Showing items 843526-843550 of 2311919 (92477 Page(s) Totally) << < 33737 33738 33739 33740 33741 33742 33743 33744 33745 33746 > >> View [10|25|50] records per page
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
Involvement of IL‑10 and granulocyte colony‑stimulating factor in the fate of monocytes controlled by galectin‑1.
Cheng, DE;張維安;洪仁宇;黃明賢;郭柏麟; Cheng, DE;Chang, WA;Hung, JY;Huang, MS;Kuo, PL |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
A three-stage genome-wide association study combining multilocus test and gene expression analysis for young-onset hypertension in Taiwan Han Chinese.
Chiang, KM;Yang, HC;Liang, YJ;Chen, JW;Hwang, SM;Ho, HY;Ting, CT;Chiang, KM;Yang, HC;Liang, YJ;Chen, JW;Hwang, SM;Ho, HY;Ting, CT;林宗憲;許勝雄;Tsai, WC;CheLin, TH;Sheu, SH;Tsai, WC;Chen, JH;Leu, HB;Yin, WH;Chiu, TY;Chen, CI;Lin, SJ;Thomas, GN;Tomlinson, B;Guo, Y;Gui, HS;Sham, PC;Lam, TH;Pan, WH. ; Chiang, KM;Yang, HC;Liang, YJ;Chen, JW;Hwang, SM;Ho, HY;Ting, CT;Lin, TH;Sheu, SH;Tsai, WC;Chen, JH;Leu, HB;Yin, WH;Chiu, TY;Chen, CI;Lin, SJ;Thomas, GN;Tomlinson, B;Guo, Y;Gui, HS;Sham, PC;Lam, TH;Pan, WH. |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
Fulminant myocarditis complicated with cardiac arrest and subsequent acute respiratory distress syndrome formation rescued by Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation – A rare case report
尤士豪;謝炯昭;蘇河名;林宗憲;溫文才;賴文德;許勝雄;許栢超; Yu, SH;Hsieh, CC;Su, HM;Lin, TH;Voon, WC;Lai, WT;Sheu, SH;Hsu, PC |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
Eptifibatide induced acute profound thrombocytopenia and compartment syndrome during the treatment course of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
李孟光;李文賢;邱正安;蘇河名;林宗憲;溫文才;賴文德;許勝雄;許栢超; Lee, MK;Lee, WH;Chiu, CA;Su, HM;Lin, TH;Voon, WC;Lai, WT;Sheu, SH;Hsu, PC |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
以局部股四頭肌轉移為表現之復發性下咽癌 --一個罕見病例報告
黃虹綾;吳韋璁;許瑞峰;林勝豐; Huang, Hung-Ling;Wu, Wei-Tsung;Hsu, Jui-Feng;Lin , Sheng-Fung |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
Associations of Pulse Pressure Index With Left Ventricular Filling Pressure and Diastolic Dysfunction in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
李文賢;許栢超;朱俊源;陳思嘉;蘇河名*;林宗憲;李智雄;顏學偉;溫文才;賴文德;許勝雄 ; Lee, WH;Hsu, PC;Chu, CY;Chen, SC;HM*, Su;Lin, TH;Lee, CS;Yen, HW;Voon, WC;Lai, WT;Sheu, SH. |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
Association of Interankle Systolic Blood Pressure Difference With Peripheral Vascular Disease and Left Ventricular
蘇河名;林宗憲;許柏超;李文賢;朱俊源;陳思嘉;李智雄;溫文才;賴文德;許勝雄 ; Su, HM;Lin, TH;Hsu, PC;Lee, WH;Chu, CY;Chen, SC;Lee, CS;Voon, WC;Lai, WT;Sheu, SH. |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
17β-Estradiol Inhibits Mesenchymal Stem Cells-Induced Human AGS Gastric Cancer Cell Mobility via Suppression of CCL5- Src/Cas/Paxillin Signaling Pathway
郭昭宏;劉忠榮;盧建宇;胡晃鳴;郭富珍;劉玉森;楊淵傑;謝明家;李光申;吳登強;王聖雯;陳堯俐; Kuo, CH;Liu, CJ;Lu, CY;Hu, HM;Kuo, FC;Liou, YS;Yang, YC;Hsieh, MC;Lee, OK;Wu, DC;Wang, SS;Chen, YL |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
Evidence-based recommendations for successful Helicobacter pylori treatment
吳政毅;劉志銘;Graham, DY; Wu, JY;Liou, JM;Graham, DY |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
劉益昌;Szmania, Susann;Rhee, Frits van; Liu1, Yi-Chang;Szmania, Susann;Rhee, Frits van |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
劉益昌;Reddi, Honey Vodur;Waheed, Sarah;Alapat, Daisy;Highsmith, W.Edward;Ricky, D.Edmondson;Barlogie, Bart;Rhee, Frits van; Liu, Yi-Chang;Reddi, Honey Vodur;Waheed, Sarah;Alapat, Daisy;Highsmith, W.Edward;Ricky, D.Edmondson;Barlogie, Bart;Rhee, Frits van |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
劉益昌;Stone, Katie;Rhee, Frits van; Liu, Yi-Chang;Stone, Katie;Rhee, Frits van |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
SIRT6 與 SIRT7 作為頭頸癌症血行中標誌之潛力
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
Residual effect of reductions in red blood cell count and haematocrit and haemoglobin levels after 10-month withdrawal of pioglitazone in patients with Type 2 diabetes
林昆德;李美月;馮久哲;Chen, Brian-Ken;余明隆;辛錫璋; Lin, KD;Lee, MY;Feng, CC;Chen, BK;Yu, ML;Shin, SJ |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
A 24-Week Pegylated Interferon Alpha-2b Versus a 12-Week Pegylated Interferon Alpha-2b Alone or With Ribavirin for Patients With Acute Hepatitis C
戴嘉言;莊萬龍;余明隆; Dai, CY;Chuang, WL;ML*, Yu |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase 基因變異與慢性C型肝炎2/3基因型治療復發危險
戴嘉言;莊萬龍;余明隆; Dai, CY;Chuang, WL;Yu, ML |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
Abbott RealTime HBV Assay Is More Sensitive in Detection of Low Viral Load and Little Impacted by Drug Resistant Mutation in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients under Nucleot(s)ide Analogues Therapy.
葉明倫;黃釧峰;黃駿逸;劉淑芬;楊華齡;謝明彥;黃志富;戴嘉言;莊萬龍;余明隆; Yeh, ML;Huang, CF;Huang, CI;Liu, SF;Yang, HL;Hsieh, MY;Huang, JF;Dai, CY;Chuang, WL;Yu, ML |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
莊世昌;眭致遠;李金德; Chuang;S.C.;Hsi;E.;Lee;K.T. |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
錢祖明(R1);陳志維;陳懷民;李智雄;林慶正;陳英富; Chien, Tsu-Ming;Chen, Chih-Wei;Chen, Huai-Min;Lee, Chee-Siong;Lin, Ching-Cheng;Chen, Ying-Fu |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
huge extradural ganglioneuroma of the lumbar spine.
蔡鋒繼(CR);郭耿良;鄒榮達;鄭玉欣;黃旭霖;劉安祥; Tsai, 8.Feng-Ji;Kuo, Keng-Liang;Tzou, Rong-Dar;Cheng, Yu-Hsin;Hwang, Shiuh-Lin;Ann-Shung, Lieu. |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
Extramammary Paget's Disease-32 Years Experiences in KMUH
林治邦;吳益嘉;林幸道;賴春生; Lin, Chih-Pang;Wu, Yi-Chia;Lin, Sin-Daw;Lai, Chung-Sheng |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
林杏麟;蘇君明;陳昭文;林彥克;林聰穎;郭良基;李維哲;黃旭霖; Lin, Hsing-Lin;Soo, Kwan-Ming;Chen, Chao-Wen;Lin, Yen-Ko;Lin, Tsung-Ying;Kuo, Liang-Chi;Lee, Wei-Che;Huang, and Shiuh-Lin |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
汪秀玲;洪純隆; Wang, Hsiu-Ling;Howng, Shen-Long |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
汪秀玲;侯明鋒;洪純隆; Wang, Hsiu-Ling;Hou, Ming-Feng;Howng , Shen-Long |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
戴翊;賴秋蓮;許妙如;林瑞泰;黃茂雄;林卷立;謝清麟;林昭宏; Tai, I;Lai, Chiou-Lian;Hsu, Miao-Ju;Lin, Ruey-Tay;Huang, Mao-Hsiung;Lin, Chuan-Li;Hsieh, Ching-Lin;Lin, Jau-Hong |
Showing items 843526-843550 of 2311919 (92477 Page(s) Totally) << < 33737 33738 33739 33740 33741 33742 33743 33744 33745 33746 > >> View [10|25|50] records per page