元智大學 |
2014-06-18 |
Is there a Gerontechnology industry - Perspectives from Taiwan
Lu, J. M; Hsu Y.-L. |
中山醫學大學 |
2018-02 |
Is There a Healthy Immigrant Effect Among Women Through Transnational Marriage? Results from Immigrant Women from Southeast Asian Countries in Taiwan
SS, Huang; HJ, Yang |
中國文化大學 |
2011-12 |
Is There a Link Between the Hospital-Acquired Injurious Fall Rates in US Acute Care Hospitals and These Institutions' Implementation Levels of Computerized Systems?
Tzeng, Huey-Ming; Hu, Hsou Mei; Yin, Chang-Yi |
淡江大學 |
2009-04 |
Is there a maximum magnetic field in QED?
Leung, Chung-Ngoc; Wang, Shang-Yung |
國立臺灣大學 |
2000-06-21 |
Is There a Need for a Global Standard of Co-regulation
羅昌發 |
國立政治大學 |
1997-04 |
Is There a Northeast Asian Naval Arms Race? Some Preliminary Findings
Castro, Renato Cruz De |
東海大學 |
2002-12 |
Is there a peak-reversion asymmetry in Taiwan's business cycles?
陳仕偉; Chen, Shyh-Wei |
國立政治大學 |
2014-01 |
Is There a Physician Peer Effect? Evidence from New Drug Prescriptions
大葉大學 |
2000-08 |
Is There a Place for Content-based Language Instruction Methodologies at East Asian University?
杜凱蕾 |
南亞技術學院 |
2007-03 |
Is There a Place for Ethics on Internet--A Study of Internet Ethics Based on the International Lawsuit Case of Yahoo! Inc.
林佩冠; 林保成 |
亞洲大學 |
2007-03 |
Is There A Place for Ethics on Internet? – A Study of Internet Ethics Based on the International Lawsuit Case of Yahoo! Inc. [網路倫理有無生存空間?—以美國Yahoo!雅虎公司訴訟為例,來看美國Yahoo!雅虎網站拍賣納粹商品與法國反納粹主義激進者之對立]
林佩冠;林保成 |
國立臺灣大學 |
2004 |
Is there a precursor to the Cretaceous normal superchron? New paleointensity and age determination from Liaoning province, northeastern China
Zhu, Rixiang; Lo, Ching-Hua; Shi, Ruiping; Pan, Yongxin; Shi, Guanghai; Shao, Jian |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T05:03:09Z |
Is there a precursor to the Cretaceous normal superchron? New paleointensity and age determination from Liaoning province, northeastern China
Zhu, Rixiang; Lo, Ching-Hua; Shi, Ruiping; Pan, Yongxin; Shi, Guanghai; Shao, Jian; Zhu, R. and Lo, C.-H. and Shi, R. and Pan, Y. and Shi, G. and Shao, J.; CHING-HUA LO; Zhu, Rixiang; Lo, Ching-Hua; Shi, Ruiping; Pan, Yongxin; Shi, Guanghai; Shao, Jian |
國家衛生研究院 |
2018-01 |
Is there a preferred stroke prevention strategy for diabetic patients with non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation? Comparing warfarin, dabigatran and rivaroxaban
Hsu, CC;Hsu, PF;Sung, SH;Tu, ST;Yu, BH;Huang, CJ;Cheng, HM |
國立臺灣大學 |
2010 |
Is There a Real Difference in Severity of Tardive Dyskinesia between Risperidone and Olanzapine? Reply
中國醫藥大學 |
2008-07-13 |
Is there a relationship between obesity and colon polyp?(肥胖與大腸息肉之相關性探討)
張恒斌(Hen-Ping Chang); 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu); 賴彥妙(Yen-Miao Lai); 陳俊同(Chun-Tung Chen); 李佳霙(Chia-Ing Li); 林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin) |
國立暨南國際大學 |
2013 |
Is there a reversal in the price discovery process under different market conditions? Evidence from Korean ADRs and their underlying foreign securities
王銘杰; Wang, MC |
國立臺灣大學 |
2010 |
Is There a Role for Serum Procalcitonin in the Differentiation between Septic and Non-Septic Arthritis
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T06:52:16Z |
Is there a role for serum prostate-specific antigen level in the diagnosis of acute prostatitis?
Hsieh, M.-J. and Yen, Z.-S.; MING-JU HSIEH; ZUI-SHEN YEN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2008 |
Is there a role for serum prostate-specific antigen level in the diagnosis of acute prostatitis?
ZUI-SHEN YEN; Hsieh M.-J.; Hsieh M.-J.;Zui-Shen Yen |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-12-28T08:09:38Z |
Is there a role for serum prostate-specific antigen level in the diagnosis of acute prostatitis?
Ming-Ju Hsieh;Yen Z.-S.; MING-JU HSIEH; Yen Z.-S. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-02-27T05:58:20Z |
Is there a role for serum prostate-specific antigen level in the diagnosis of acute prostatitis?
國立臺灣大學 |
2008 |
Is there a silver lining in the cloudy performance of Chinese banks?--an empirical investigation into the determinants of profitability and risk
沈中華 |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T07:10:07Z |
Is there a temporal trend in the reported treatment efficacy of periodontal regeneration? A meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials
Tu, Y.-K.;Tugnait, A.;Clerehugh, V.; YU-KANG TU |
臺大學術典藏 |
2022-05-10T08:10:40Z |
Is there a temporal trend in the reported treatment efficacy of periodontal regeneration? A meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials
YU-KANG TU; Tugnait A.; Clerehugh V. |