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Institution Date Title Author
臺北醫學大學 2001 Effects of Training with High and Low-Frequency Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Contractile Properties in Rabbits. 賴建宏; 陳適卿; Shih-Ching Chen; Yih-Zhang Ho; Chien-Hung Lai; Chao-Jung Chen; Wei-Han Chiang; Walter H. Chang
臺北醫學大學 2001 The Study of Hemodynamic Changes Responding to Tilting Angles in The Spinal Cord Injured. 陳適卿; 賴建宏; Chien-Hung Lai; Feng-Chein Lin; Shiang-Juh Yin; Shih-Wei Liu; Walter H. Chang; Shih Ching Chen
臺北醫學大學 2001 Therapeutic Effects of Magnets on Knee Osteoarthritis 賴建宏; 陳適卿; Cheng-Feng Chiang; Shih-Ching Chen; Chien-Hung Lai; Chao-Jung Chen
臺北醫學大學 2001 Development of a Feedback Control Pumping Circulator to Prevent Postural Hypotension in the Spinal Cord Injuried 賴建宏;陳適卿;游忠煌
臺北醫學大學 2001 Development of a Feedback Control Pumping Circulator to Prevent Postural Hypotension in the Spinal Cord Injuried 賴建宏;陳適卿;游忠煌
中山醫學大學 2001 台中市地區八十九年中秋節大氣中多環芳香烴化合物之濃度變化及排放量之推估 賴建宏; Jeang Hueng Lai
臺北醫學大學 2000 F-wave Studies in L5 Radiculopathic Patients Receiving Automated Percutaneous Lumbar. 陳適卿; 賴建宏; Chien-Hung Lai; Ming-Shium Hsieh; Wei-Han Chiang; Sung-Hui Tseng; Chao-Jung Chen; Shih-Ching Chen
臺北醫學大學 2000 Nerve Conduction Studies of upper extremities in stroke patient. 賴建宏; 陳適卿; Chien-Hung Lai; Sung-Hui Tseng; Chao-Jung Chen; Jing-Hwa Way; Cheng-Feng Chiang ; Shih-Ching Chen
臺北醫學大學 2000 The effect of Magnets on Median Nerve Conduction Studies in Human. 賴建宏; Shih-Ching Chen ; Chao-Jung Chen; Chien-HungLai; Wei-Han Chiang; Jing-Hwa Way; Cheng-Feng Chiang
臺北醫學大學 2000 The Effect of Magnets on Neuromusuloskeletal pain. 賴建宏; Shih-Ching Chen ; Cheng-Feng Chiang Chia-Yuan Hsu; Chao-Jung Chen; Chien-Hung Lai
臺北醫學大學 2000 The effect of Training with High-Frequency and Low Frequency Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Contractile Properties in Rabbits. 賴建宏; Shin-Ching Chen ; Jing-Hwa Wey; Yih-Zhang Ho; Chao-Jung Chen; Chien-Hung Lai; Walter H.Chang
臺北醫學大學 2000 The Effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Rehabilitation Programs on Muscular System of the Spinal Cord Injured. 賴建宏; 陳適卿; Chien-Hung Lai; Wei Han Chiang; Chung Huang Yu; Jih Rong Lin; Shih Ching Chen
臺北醫學大學 2000 The studies of Micturition, Defecation and sexual function following spinal and injury. 賴建宏; 陳適卿; Feng-Peng Yang; Jing-Hwa Wey; Cheng-Feng Chiang; Chien-Hung Lai; Chao-Jung Chen; Shih-Ching Chen
臺北醫學大學 1999 The F-wave Studies in L5 Radiculopathic Patients Receiving Automatic. Percutaneous Lumbar Disectomy. 賴建宏; Chien-Hung Lai; Nfing-Shium Hsieh; Yu-Chin Chen; Jing-Hwa Way; Shih-Ching Chen
臺北醫學大學 1997 The Effect of TENS for Treatment of Spasticity – A preliminary study. 賴建宏; 陳適卿; Yu-Chin Chen; Chien-Hung Lai; Po-Wei Lin; Chao-Jung Chen; Shih-Ching Chen
臺北醫學大學 1997 The F-persistence studies After APLD for Treatment of Rachiculopathy-A preliminay study. 賴建宏; 陳適卿; Chien-Hung Lai; Jing-Hwa Way; Yu-Chin Chen; Po-Wer Lin; Ming-Shium Hsieh; Chao-Jung Chen; Shih-Ching Chen
臺北醫學大學 1996 Fracture of The T10,T11 Vertebral Body in A Patient with Ankylosing spondylitis- A case Report 賴建宏; Chien-Hung Lai; Ta sen wei
國立臺灣科技大學 1996 在小波領域以區塊單位分割之非常低位元率視訊編碼 賴建宏
中原大學 1994 各類型熱交換器之實驗分析與數值模擬 賴建宏; Lai, Chien Hung
臺北醫學大學 1973-03 台灣省農漁村公共衛生調查報告 呂學重;曾凱元;楊文昌;楊吉銓;董美齡;賴建宏

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