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Institution Date Title Author
國立臺灣大學 2005 HO-1與bcl-2基因載入於缺血性腎衰竭之氧化壓力與細胞凋亡評估(1/2) 賴明坤
國立臺灣大學 2005 Adenovirus-Mediated Bcl-2 Gene Transfer Inhibits Renal Ischemia/ Reperfusion Induced Tubular Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis 鄭劍廷; 賴明坤; CHIEN, CHIANG-TING; LAI, MING-KUEN
國立臺灣大學 2005 Expanding the Donor Pool: Use of Renal Transplants from Non-Heart-Beating Donors Supported with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation 李志元; 蔡孟昆; 柯文哲; 張金堅; 胡瑞恆; 闕士傑; 賴明坤; 李伯皇; LEE, CHIH-YUAN; TSAI, MENG-KUNG; KO, WEN-JE; CHANG, KING-JEN; HU, REY-HENG; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; LAI, MING-KUEN; LEE, PO-HUANG
臺北醫學大學 2004 由醫療團隊觀點談器官移植照護的倫理困境 施富金; 朱樹勳; 賴明坤; Shih, Fu-Jin; Chu, Shu-Hsun; Lai, Ming-Kuen
國立臺灣大學 2004 以抗氧化物減低腎臟缺血再灌流誘發腎小管細胞凋亡的效應(I):細胞凋亡基因的研究(3/3) 賴明坤
國立臺灣大學 2004 缺血性腎衰竭於基因治療後之氧化壓力與細胞凋亡評估 賴明坤
國立臺灣大學 2004 Solitary Port-Site Metastasis after Laparoscopic Bilateral Nephroureterctomy for Transitional Cell Carcinoma in a Renal Transplant Recipient 闕士傑; 蔡伊達; 賴明坤; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; TSAI, I-DA; LAI, MING- KUEN
國立臺灣大學 2004 Transitional Cell Carcinoma in Renal Transplant Recipients 廖俊厚; 闕士傑; 賴明坤; 陳淳; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; LAI, MING-KUEN; CHEN, JUN
國立臺灣大學 2004 Use of Hem-O-Lok Clips Effectively Lengthens Renal Vein during Laparoscopic Live Donor Nephrectomy 闕士傑; 王碩盟; 賴明坤; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; WANG, SO-MONG; LAI, MING-KUEN
國立臺灣大學 2004 Pharmacokinetic Variability of Sirolimus in Taiwanese Renal Transplant Recipients 闕士傑; 王碩盟; 賴明坤; 陳淳; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; WANG, SO-MONG; LAI, MING-KUEN; CHEN, JUN
國立臺灣大學 2004 Use of Simulect Can Reduce the Incidence of Acute Rejection and Demonstrates with Superior 3-Year Patient and Graft Survival Rates in Renal Transplantation 朱聖賢; 江仰仁; 李伯皇; 胡瑞恆; 賴明坤; 闕士傑; 蔡孟昆; CHU, SHENG-HSIEN; CHIANG, YANG-JEN; LEE, PO-HUANG; HU, REY-HENG; LAI, MING-KUEN; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; TSAI, MENG-KUNG
國立臺灣大學 2004 Hypoxia Preconditioning Attenuates Bladder Overdistension-Induced Oxidative Injury by Upregulation of Bcl-2 in the Rat. 余宏政; 鄭劍廷; 賴怡君; 賴明坤; 陳朝峰; 許世明; YU, HONG-JENG; CHIEN, CHIANG-TING; LAI, YU-JEN; LAI, MING-KUEN; CHEN, CHAU-FONG; ROBERT M. LEVIN; HSU, SU-MING
國立臺灣大學 2004 Interleukin-6 Is Responsible for Drug Resistance and Anti-Apoptotic Effects in Prostatic Cancer Cells 蒲永孝; 侯自銓; 莊雙恩; 鄭安理; 賴明坤; 郭明良; PU, YEONG-SHIAU; HOUR, TZYH-CHYUAN; CHUANG, SHUANG-EN; CHENG, ANN-LII; LAI, MING-KUEN; KUO, MIN-LIANG
國立臺灣大學 2004 Catechins Prevents Substance P-Induced Hyperactive Bladder in Rats Via the Downregulation of Icam and Ros 陳旺全; 鄭劍廷; 賴明坤; CHEN, WANG-CHUAN; SATOSHI HAYAKAWA; KAZUFUMI SHIMIZU; CHIEN, CHIANG-TING; LAI, MING-KUEN
國立臺灣大學 2004 The Utility of Resistance Index of Distal Interlobular Arteries in Evaluating Renal Graft Function 王碩盟; 賴明坤; 闕士傑; 陳淳; WANG, SO-MONG; LAI, MING-KUEN; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; CHEN, JUN
國立臺灣大學 2003-04-20 辛苦了,南丁格爾們 賴明坤
國立臺灣大學 2003 以抗氧化物減低腎臟缺血再灌流誘發腎小管細胞凋亡的效應(I):細胞凋亡基因的研究(2/3) 賴明坤
國立臺灣大學 2003 缺血後再灌流細胞傷害之酪氨酸激妹調控機制(I)大鼠腎臟模式 賴明坤
國立臺灣大學 2003 Laryngeal Kaposi's Sarcoma in a Renal-Transplant Recipient 柯政郁; 闕士傑; 賴明坤; 陳淳; KO, JENQ-YUH; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; LAI, MING-KUEN; CHEN, JUN
國立臺灣大學 2003 Greater Variability of Dose-Corrected Cyclosporine C2 Concentrations in Renal Recipients with Acute Rejection 闕士傑; 廖俊厚; 賴明坤; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; LAI, MING-KUEN
國立臺灣大學 2003 Initial Experience with Laparoscopic Live Donor Nephrectomy in Taiwan 闕士傑; 賴明坤; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; LAI, MING-KUEN
國立臺灣大學 2003 Curcumin Enhances the Immunosuppressive Activity of Cyclosporine in Rat Cardiac Allografts and in Mixed Lymphocyte Reactions 闕士傑; 賴明坤; 陳淳; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; LAI, MING-KUEN; CHEN, JUN
國立臺灣大學 2003 Disseminated Penicillium Marneffei Infection in a Renal-Transplant Recipient Successfully Treated with Liposomal Amphotericin B 王竣令; 洪健清; 張上淳; 闕士傑; 賴明坤; WANG, JIUN-LING; HUNG, CHIEN-CHING; CHANG, SHAN-CHWEN; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; LAI, MING-KUEN
國立臺灣大學 2003 Substance P Via Nk1 Receptor Facilitates Hyperactive Bladder Afferent Signaling Via Action of Ros 鄭劍廷; 余宏政; 賴明坤; 許世明; CHIEN, CHIANG-TING; YU, HONG-JENG; LAI, MING-KUEN; HSU, SU-MING
國立臺灣大學 2002-03 腎臟移植--現況與新知 闕士傑; 賴明坤

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