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Institution Date Title Author
國立臺灣大學 2000 Hepatitis B Genotypes Correlate With Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B 高嘉宏; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 陳定信; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2000 Tt Virus Infection in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B or C: Influence on Clinical, Histological and Virological Features 高嘉宏; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 陳定信; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2000 Efficacy of consensus interferon in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C 高嘉宏; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 陳定信; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2000 Liver Transplantation in a Patient with Diffuse Portal Venous System Thrombosis 何明志; 胡瑞恆; 賴鴻緒; 楊培銘; 賴明陽; 李伯皇; HO, MING-CHIH; HU, REY-HENG; LAI, HONG-SHIEE; YANG, PEI-MING; LAI, MING-YANG; LEE, PO-HUANG
國立臺灣大學 1999 Bacterial Infections Associated with Hepatic Arteriography and Transarterial Embolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma 陳志和; 曾旭明; 薛博仁; 黃冠棠; 楊培銘; 許金川; 賴明陽; 陳培哲; 陳定信; CHEN, CHIHER; TSANG, YUK-MING; HSUEH, PO- REN; HUANG, GUAN-TARN; YANG, PEI-MING; SHEU, JIN-CHUAN; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, PEI-JER; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1999 Inhibition of Htaf(Ii)32-Binding Implicated in the Transcriptional Repression by Central Regions of Mutant P53 Proteins 林欽塘; 賴明陽; LIN, CHIN-TARNG; LAI, MING-YANG
國立臺灣大學 1999 Minimal role of GB virus-C/hepatitis G virus in fulminant and subfulminant 劉俊人; 高嘉宏; 賴明陽; 陳培哲; 陳雯玲; 陳定信; LIU, CHUN-JEN; KAO, JIA-HORNG; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, PEI-JER; CHEN, WENDY; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1999 Interferon-Ribavirin for Chronic Hepatitis C with and without Cirrhosis: Analysis of Individual Patient Data of Six Controlled Trials 賴明陽; 陳定信; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1999 Comparison of two methods for quantification of hepatitis B viral DNA 高嘉宏; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 陳定信; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1999 Liver and peripheral blood mononuclear cells are not major sites for GB virus-C/hepatitis G virus replication 高嘉宏; 陳雯玲; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 陳定信; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, WENDY; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1999 Prevalence and implication of TT virus infection: minimal role in patients with non-A-E hepatitis in Taiwan 高嘉宏; 陳雯玲; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 陳定信; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, WENDY; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1999 Opportunistic Hepatic Infections in Aids Patients with Fever of Unknown Origin 陳培哲; 陳茂源; 賴明陽; 陳定信; CHEN, PEI-JER; CHEN, MAO-YUAN; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1998 Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C 劉俊人; 賴明陽; LIU, CHUN-JEN; LAI, MING-YANG
國立臺灣大學 1998 Effects of GB virus-C/hepatitis G virus on hepatitis B and C viremia in multiple hepatitis virus infections 高嘉宏; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 陳雯玲; 陳定信; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, WENDY; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1997 Detection of Hepatic Neoplasms by Computed Tomographic Arterial Portography in Cirrhotic Patients 王甄; 曾旭明; 李伯皇; 魏達成; 賴明陽; 許輝吉; 陳定信; WANG, JANE; TSANG, YUK-MING; LEE, PO-HUANG; WEI, TA-CHENG; LAI, MING-YANG; HSU, HEY-CHI; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1996 Color Doppler sonography in the differential diagnosis of common hepatic tumors YANG, PEI-MING; YANG, PEI-JENN; HUANG, GUAN-TARN; SHEU, JIN-CHUAN; LAI, MING-YANG; WANG, TEH-HONG; CHEN, DING-SHINN; 楊培銘; 楊培鎮; 黃冠棠; 許金川; 賴明陽; 王德宏; 陳定信
國立臺灣大學 1996 Allelic Loss on Chromosomes 4q and 16q in Hepatocellular Carinoma-- Association with Elevated α-Fetoprotein 葉秀慧; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 陳定信; YEH, SHIOU-HWEI; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1995 肝細胞、肝硬化與慢性肝炎之視網膜母細胞瘤 (RB) 賴明陽; Lai, Ming-Yang
國立臺灣大學 1994 Nuclear area and DNA content in tumor and nontumor portions of hepatocellular carcinoma 郭壽雄; 賴明陽; 劉月蓉; 李雅婷; 陳定信; 李治學; 許輝吉; KUO, SOW-HSONG; LAI, MING-YANG; LIU, YUEH-JUNG; LEE, YA-TING; CHEN, DING-SHINN; LEE, CHUE-SUE; HSU, HEY-CHI
國立臺灣大學 1994 無法製造 e 抗原之變種 B 型肝炎病毒與慢性 B 型肝炎演變 (第一年) 賴明陽; Lai, Ming-Yang
國立臺灣大學 1994 Infrequent Point Mutation in Codon 12 of the K-and Ha-ras Oncogenes in Gastric Cancers 李威傑; 賴明陽; 王宗熙; 陳楷模; 李威傑; 賴明陽; Wang, T. H.; Chen, Kai-Mo
國立臺灣大學 1994 The Liver in Shock Patients:A Clinical Study 李嘉哲; 賴明陽; Yang, P. M.; Sheu, J. C.; Chen, D. S.; Sung, J. L.; Lee, Cha-Ze; Lai, Ming-Yang; Yang, P. M.; Sheu, J. C.; Chen, D. S.; Sung, J. L.
國立臺灣大學 1994 Purification and Characterization of Nucleolin and Its Identification as a Transcription Repressor 楊宗宏; 蔡文海; 李玉梅; 黎煥耀; 賴明陽; 陳定信; 葉寧馨; 呂勝春; YANG, TZUNG-HORNG; TSAI, WEN-HAI; LEE, YU-MAY; LEI, HUAN-YAO; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN; YEH, NING-HSING; LEE, SHENG-CHUNG
國立臺灣大學 1993 Fllow-Up of Treated and Untreated Asymptomatic HCC (<5cm) in Taiwan 賴明陽; Lai, Ming-Yang
國立臺灣大學 1993 肝臟發炎性偽腫瘤 高嘉宏; 賴明陽; Kao, Jia-Horng; Lai, Ming-Yang

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