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Showing items 46-70 of 189  (8 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
國立臺灣大學 2007 Predicting Response to Peginterferon Alpha-2a, Lamivudine and the Two Combined for Hbeag-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B 賴明陽; LAI, MING-YANG
高雄醫學大學 2006 Genetic predisposition of responsiveness to therapy for chronic hepatitis C.  黃渝棋;陳奕雄;顧之杰;莊萬龍;余明隆;賴明陽;趙有誠;李全謨;王景弘;戴嘉言;貝先芝;廖雅堂;陳培哲;陳定信 ; Hwang Y;Chen EY;Gu ZJ;Wan-Long Chuang;Ming-Lung Yu;Lai MY;Chao YC;Lee CM;Wang JH;Chia-Yen Dai;Shian-Jy Bey M;Liao YT;Chen PJ;Chen DS. 
國立臺灣大學 2006 Hepatitis B- and C-Related Hepatocellular Carcinomas Yield Different Clinical Features and Prognosis 陳健弘; 黃冠棠; 楊培銘; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 陳定信; 王榮德; 許金川; CHEN, CHIEN-HUNG; HUANG, GUAN-TARN; YANG, PEI-MING; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN; WANG, JUNG-DER; SHEU, JIN-CHUAN
國立臺灣大學 2006 Discontinuation of Lamivudine Treatment for Hepatitis Flare after Kidney or Heart Transplantation in Hepatitis B Surface Antigen-Positive Patients: A Retrospective Case Series 黃弈文; 劉俊人; 賴明陽; 李伯皇; 蔡孟昆; 王水深; 賴明坤; 高嘉宏; HUANG, YI-WEN; LIU, CHUN-JEN; LAI, MING-YANG; LEE, PO-HUANG; TSAI, MENG-KUNG; WANG, SHOEI-SHEN; LAI, MING-KUEN; KAO, JIA-HORNG; LAI, MING-YANG
國立臺灣大學 2006 Overlap Lamivudine Treatment in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Receiving Adefovir for Lamivudine-Resistant Viral Mutants 劉俊人; 高嘉宏; 陳培哲; 陳聰智; 林芳郁; 賴明陽; 陳定信; LIU, CHUN-JEN; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, PEI-JER; CHEN, T-C; LIN, FANG-YUE; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2006 Viral Factors Correlate with Hepatitis B E Antigen Seroconverson in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B 劉俊人; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 高嘉宏; 陳定信; LIU, CHUN-JEN; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2006 Role of Hepatitis B Viral Load and Basal Core Promoter Mutation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Hepatitis B Carriers 劉俊人; 陳彬芳; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 黃文玲; 高嘉宏; 陳定信; LIU, CHUN-JEN; CHEN, BING-FANG; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; HUANG, WEN-LING; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2006 Role of Hepatitis B Virus Precore/Core Promoter Mutations and Serum Viral Load on Noncirrhotic Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Case-Control Study 劉俊人; 陳彬芳; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 黃文玲; 高嘉宏; 陳定信; LIU, CHUN-JEN; CHEN, BING-FANG; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; HUANG, WEN-LING; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2006 Interferon Alpha-2b with and without Ribavirin in the Treatment of Hepatitis B E Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B: A Randomized Study 劉俊人; 賴明陽; 趙有誠; 廖麗瑛; 楊賢馨; 蕭敦仁; 謝財源; 林志陵; 胡瑞庭; 陳祈玲; 陳培哲; 高嘉宏; 陳定信; LIU, CHUN-JEN; LAI, MING-YANG; CHAO, YOU-CHEN; LIAO, LI-YING; YANG, SIEN-SING; HSIAO, TUN-JEN; HSIEH, TSAI-YUAN; LIN, CHIH-LIN; HU, JUI-TING; CHEN, CHI-LING; CHEN, PEI-JER; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2006 Transmission of Occult Hepatitis B Virus by Transfusion to Adult and Pediatric Recipients in Taiwan 劉俊人; 羅仕錡; 高嘉宏; 賴明陽; 倪衍玄; 葉秀慧; 陳培哲; 陳定信; LIU, CHUN-JEN; LO, SHYH-CHYI; KAO, JIA-HORNG; LAI, MING-YANG; NI, YEN-HSUAN; YEH, SHIOU-HWEI; CHEN, PEI-JER; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2006 Noninvasive Tests for the Prediction of Significant Hepatic Fibrosis in Hepatitis C Virus Carriers with Persistently Normal Alanine Aminotransferases 劉振驊; 林昭維; 蔡豐喬; 楊培銘; 賴明陽; 陳俊恒; 高嘉宏; 陳定信; LIU, CHEN-HUA; LIN, JOU-WEI; TSAI, FENG-CHIAO; YANG, PEI-MING; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, JUN-HERNG; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2006 Selective Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus Quasi Species through a Needlestick Accident in Acute Resolving Hepatitis 劉振驊; 陳彬芳; 陳淑卿; 賴明陽; 高嘉宏; 陳定信; LIU, CHEN-HUA; CHEN, BING-FANG; CHEN, SHU-CHING; LAI, MING-YANG; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2006 Glycopeptide Profiling as a Tool to Discover Novel Markers of Disease Progression in Liver Fibrosis 賴明陽; 陳定信; LAI, MING-YANG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2006 Liver Failure in a Patient Receiving Rosiglitazone Therapy 蘇登煌; 賴明陽; 吳惠培; SU, DENG-HUANG; LAI, MING-YANG; WU, HUEY-PEIR
國立臺灣大學 2006 Higher Cut-Off Index Value of Immunoglobulin M Antibody to Hepatitis B Core Antigen in Taiwanese Patients with Hepatitis B 黃弈文; 林志陵; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 高嘉宏; 陳定信; HUANG, YI-WEN; LIN, CHIH-LIN; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2005 Percutaneous Ethanol Injection Versus Surgical Resection for the Treatment of Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Prospective Study 黃冠棠; 李伯皇; 曾旭明; 賴明陽; 楊培銘; 胡瑞恆; 陳培哲; 高嘉宏; 許金川; 李嘉哲; 陳定信; HUANG, GUAN-TARN; LEE, PO-HUANG; TSANG, YUK-MING; LAI, MING-YANG; YANG, PEI-MING; HU, REY-HENG; CHEN, PEI-JER; KAO, JIA-HORNG; SHEU, JIN-CHUAN; LEE, CHA-ZE; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2005 Fundus Abnormalities in a Patient with Type I Gaucher's Disease with 12- Year Follow-Up 王宗仁; 陳慕師; 施永豐; 胡務亮; 賴明陽; WANG, TSUNG-JEN; CHEN, MUH-SHY; SHIH, YUNG-FENG; HWU, WUH-LIANG; LAI, MING-YANG
國立臺灣大學 2005 Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Associated with Seven Other Diseases: Report of a Case 胡昆宜; 程惠民; 趙有誠; 盧國輝; 賴明陽; 羅慶徽; HU, KUN-I; CHENG, HUEI-MIN; CHAO, YOU-CHEN; LOW, KOK-WEE; LAI, MING-YANG; LOH, CHING-HUI
國立臺灣大學 2005 Serum Adiponectin Correlates with Viral Characteristics but Not Histologic Features in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C 劉俊人; 陳培哲; 鄭永銘; 黃文玲; 楊偉勛; 賴明陽; 高嘉宏; 陳定信; LIU, CHUN-JEN; CHEN, PEI-JER; JENG, YUNG-MING; HUANG, WEN-LING; YANG, WEI-SHIUNG; LAI, MING-YANG; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2005 Influence of Metabolic Syndrome, Viral Genotype and Antiviral Therapy on Superimposed Fatty Liver Disease in Chronic Hepatitis C 劉俊人; 鄭永銘; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 高嘉宏; 陳定信; LIU, CHUN-JEN; JENG, YUNG-MING; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; KAO, JIA-HORNG; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2005 Sustained Virological Response(Svr) Is Durable after Treatment with Peginterferon Alfa-2a(40kd)(Pegasys(R)) Alone or in Combination with Ribavirin (Copegus(R)): Results of an Ongoing Long-Term Follow-up Study 賴明陽; LAI, MING-YANG
國立臺灣大學 2005 Combined Interferon and Ribavirin Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C in Taiwan 賴明陽; LAI, MING-YANG
國立臺灣大學 2005 Comparison of a 6-Month Course Peginterferon α-2b Plus Ribavirin and Interferon α-2b Plus Ribavirin in Treating Chinese Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C in Taiwan 賴明陽; 劉俊人; 陳定信; LAI, MING-YANG; LIU, CHUN-JEN; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 2005 Successful Treatment with Peginterferon and Ribavirin in a Patient with Acute Hepatitis C Evolving into Chronicity 陳定信; 陳培哲; 賴明陽; 高嘉宏; 謝廷徽; CHEN, DING-SHINN; CHEN, PEI-JER; LAI, MING-YANG; KAO, JIA-HORNG; HSIEH, TING-HUI

Showing items 46-70 of 189  (8 Page(s) Totally)
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