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Showing items 11-27 of 27  (2 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2004-07-31 綠竹筍生長與老化機制之探制及相關功能基因之利用─綠竹及綠竹筍老化過程中抗氧化機制之角色及其應用性探討(2/2) 靳宗洛; 靳宗洛
國立臺灣大學 2004-01 基因工程與生物技術概論---基因選殖及DNA分析 何國傑; 葉開溫; 鄭石通; 靳宗洛
國立臺灣大學 2004 基因工程與生物技術概論---基因選殖及DNA分析 何國傑; 葉開溫; 鄭石通; 靳宗洛
國立臺灣大學 2003-07-31 綠竹筍生長與老化機制之探制及相關功能基因之利用─綠竹及綠竹筍老化過程中抗氧化機制之角色及其應用性探討(1/2) 靳宗洛
國立臺灣大學 2003-06-02 利用阿拉伯芥 T-DNA Knockout 突變株, 研究調控葉部形態發育之功能性基因(1/3) 靳宗洛
國立臺灣大學 2002-07-31 阿拉伯芥knock-out 轉殖株庫的建立及突變株的基因與功能關係的研究 靳宗洛
國立臺灣大學 1994 Class I Low Molecular Weight Heat Shock Proteins in Plants:Immunological Study and Thermoprotection against Heat Denaturation of Soluble Proteins 陳益明; 林秋榮; 靳宗洛; Hsieh, Ming-Hsiun; 陳益明; 林秋榮; Jinn, Tsung-Luo; Hsieh, Ming-Hsiun
國立臺灣大學 1993 Immunoligical Kinship of Class I Low Molecular Weight Heat Shock Proteins and Thermostabilization of Soluble Proteins in Vitro among Plants 陳益明; 靳宗洛; Wu, S. H.; Yeh, C. H.; Hsieh, M. H.; Yeh, Y. C.; Lin, C. Y.; Chen, Yih-Ming; Jinn, Tsung-Luo; Wu, S. H.; Yeh, C. H.; Hsieh, M. H.; Yeh, Y. C.; Lin, C. Y.
國立臺灣大學 1992-01 Effect of EGTA on Acquisition of Thermotolerence in Soybean Seedlings " Plant Cel Wall as Biopolymers with Physiological Functions" Ya Mada 陳益明; Lin, C. Y.; 靳宗洛; Lingle, W. L.; Key, J. L.
臺大學術典藏 1992-01 Effect of EGTA on Acquisition of Thermotolerence in Soybean Seedlings " Plant Cel Wall as Biopolymers with Physiological Functions" Ya Mada 陳益明; Lin, C. Y.; 靳宗洛; Lingle, W. L.; Key, J. L.; 陳益明; Lin, C. Y.; 靳宗洛; Lingle, W. L.; Key, J. L.
國立臺灣大學 1992 A Class of Soybean Low Molecular Weight Heat Schock Proteins:Immunological Study and Quantitation 靳宗洛; Hsieh, M. H.; 陳竹亭; 陳益明; 林秋榮; 靳宗洛; Hsieh, M. H.; 陳竹亭; 陳益明; Lin, Chu-Yung
國立臺灣大學 1992 Effect of EGTA on Acquisition of Thermotolerence in Soybean Seedlings " Plant Cel Wall as Biopolymers with Physiological Functions" Ya Mada 陳益明; Lin, C. Y.; 靳宗洛; Lingle, W. L.; Key, J. L.; Chen, Yih-Ming; Lin, C. Y.; Jinn, Tsung-Luo; Lingle, W. L.; Key, J. L.
國立臺灣大學 1992 Class I Low Molecular Weight Heat Shock Proteins in Plants:Immunological Study and Thermoprotection against Heat Denaturation of Soluble Proteins 林秋榮; Lin, C. Y.; 靳宗洛; Hsieh, M. H.; Chen, Y. M.; Lin, Chu-Yung; Lin, C. Y.; Jinn, Tsung-Luo; Hsieh, M. H.; Chen, Y. M.
國立臺灣大學 1992 Effect of EGTA on Acquisition of Thermotolerance in Soybean Seedlings 靳宗洛; Lin C. Y.; Chen, Y. M.; Lingle, W. L.; Key, J. L.; Jinn, Tsung-Luo; Lin C. Y.; Chen, Y. M.; Lingle, W. L.; Key, J. L.
國立臺灣大學 1992 A Class of Soybean Low Molecular Heat Shock Proteins:Immunological Study and Quantitation 陳益明; Hsieh, M. H.; 陳竹亭; 靳宗洛; Lin, C. Y.; Chen, Yih-Ming; Hsieh, M. H.; Chen, Jwu-Ting; Jinn, Tsung-Luo; Lin, C. Y.
臺大學術典藏 1992 A Class of Soybean Low Molecular Heat Shock Proteins:Immunological Study and Quantitation Chen, Yih-Ming; Hsieh, M. H.; Chen, Jwu-Ting; Jinn, Tsung-Luo; Lin, C. Y.; 陳益明; Hsieh, M. H.; 陳竹亭; 靳宗洛; Lin, C. Y.; Chen, Yih-Ming; Hsieh, M. H.; Chen, Jwu-Ting; Jinn, Tsung-Luo; Lin, C. Y.
國立臺灣大學 1989 Stabilization of Soluble Proteins in Vitro by Heat Shock Proteins- Enriched Ammonium Sulfate Fraction from Soybean Seedlings 陳益明; 靳宗洛; Lin, C. Y.; Chen, Yih-Ming; Jinn, Tsung-Luo; Lin, C. Y.

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