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Institution Date Title Author
中華大學 2008 Timing-Driven Steiner Tree Construction for Three-Dimensional ICs 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2008 Flexible Escape Routing for Flip-Chip Designs 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2007 Timing-Constrained Redundant Via Insertion for Yield Optimization 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2007 Timing-Driven Steiner Tree Construction with Wire Sizing, Buffer Insertion and Obstacle Avoidance 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2007 Top-Down-Based Timing-Driven Steiner Tree Construction with Wire Sizing and Buffer Insertion 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2007 Area-Driven Decoupling Capacitance Allocation Based on Space Sensitivity Analysis for Signal Integrity 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2007 Feasible Assignment of Wire-Bonding Power Pads in Hierarchical Power Quad-Grids for Signal Integrity 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2007 Area-Driven Decoupling Capacitance Allocation in Noise-Aware Floorplan for Signal Integrity 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2007 Timing-Constrained Yield-Driven Wiring Reconstruction for Critical Area Minimization 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2007 Routability-Driven Track Routing for Coupling Capacitance Reduction 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2007 具有反面晶片技術的晶片與封裝共構繞線發展(I) 顏金泰
中華大學 2006 Simultaneous Wiring and Buffer Block Planning with Optimal Wire-Sizing for Interconnect-Driven Floorplanning 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2006 Dynamic Tree Reconstruction with Application to Timing-Constrained Congestion-Driven Global Routing 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2006 Timing-Driven Octilinear Steiner Tree Construction Based on Steiner-Point Reassignment 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2006 Yield-Driven Redundant Via Insertion Based on Probabilistic Via-Connection Analysis 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2006 Optimal Network Analysis in Hierarchical Power Quad-Grids 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2006 Width and Timing-Constrained Wire Sizing for Critical Area Minimization 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2006 Multilevel Timing-Constrained Full-Chip Routing in Hierarchical Quad-Grid Model 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2006 Floorplan-Aware Decoupling Capacitance Budgeting on Equivalent Circuit Model 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2006 Area-Driven White Space Distribution for Detailed Floorplan Design 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2006 OPC-Aware Routing Reconstruction for OPE Reduction 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2006 Timing-Constrained Yield-Driven Wire Sizing for Critical Area Minimization 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2006 可避免干擾雜訊的SOC晶片繞線系統的開發 顏金泰
中華大學 2006 Dynamic Tree Reconstruction with Application to Timing-Constrained Congestion-Driven Global Routing 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 Iterative Convergence of Optimal Wire Sizing and Available Buffer Insertion for Zero-Skew Clock Tree Optimization 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI

Showing items 51-75 of 100  (4 Page(s) Totally)
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