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Institution Date Title Author
中華大學 2005 Timing-Constrained Construction of Flexibility-Driven Routing Trees 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 Simultaneous Wiring and Buffer Block Planning for Interconnect-Driven Floorplanning 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 Timing-Constrained Flexibility-Driven Routing Tree Construction 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 Timing-Driven Steiner Tree Construction Based on Feasible Assignment of Hidden Steiner Points 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 Wiring Area Optimization in Floorplan-Aware Hierarchical Power Grids 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 Decoupling Capacitance Allocation in Noise-Aware Floorplanning based on DBL Representation 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 Probabilistic Congestion Prediction in Hierarchical Quad-Grid Model 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 Sliceable Transformation of Non-Slicing Floorplans Based on Vacant Block Insertion in LB-packing Process 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 Timing-Driven Steiner Tree Construction with Buffer Insertion 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 LB-Packing-Based Floorplan Design on DBL Representation 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 Floorplan-Aware Steiner Tree Reconstruction for Optimal Buffer Insertion 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 Optimal Shielding Insertion for Inductive Noise Avoidance 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2005 具有訊號完整性的SOC晶片電源供應系統設計 顏金泰
中華大學 2004 Timing-Constrained Congestion-Driven Global Routing 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2004 Iterative Convergence of Optimal Wire Sizing and Available Buffer Insertion for Zero-Skew Clock Tree Optimization 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2004 Probabilistic Congestion Prediction in Hierarchical Quad-Grid Model 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2004 Simultaneous Wiring and Buffer Block Planning with Optimal Wire-Sizing for Interconnect-Driven Floorplanning 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2004 Double Bound List: A Dynamic Contour-Based Compacted Representation of Non-Slicing Floorplans on LB-Packing Solution Model 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2004 A Simulated-Annealing-Based Approach for Timing-Constrained Flexibility-Driven Routing Tree Construction 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2003 Optimal Wire Sizing for DME-Based Zero-Skew Clock Routing 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2003 Congestion-Driven Global Routing Based on Timing-Constrained Routing Flexibilities 顏金泰; YAN, JIN-TAI
中華大學 2003 先進製程下的可繞性及效能導向SOC繞線系統的開發(I) 顏金泰
中華大學 2002 SOC晶片實體整合系統的開發 顏金泰
中華大學 2001 在內建區塊佈局上連線導向完全可繞之緩衝器與線段設定規劃 顏金泰
中華大學 2000 在深次微米製程上設計有效率之非曼哈坦通道繞線器 顏金泰

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