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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)






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Showing items 1-10 of 14  (2 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
朝陽科技大學 2021-07 Home Winemaker Fermentation enhancement through magnetic disturber Chao, Fang-Lin; Feng, Wei Zhong; Lin, Yuen-Chen; 馮偉中; 趙方麟
朝陽科技大學 2021-07 Implementation of Aerial Panoramic Photography for demonstrating VR experiences 馮偉中; 趙方麟
朝陽科技大學 2021-07 Implementation of Aerial Panoramic Photography for demonstrating VR experiences 馮偉中; 趙方麟
朝陽科技大學 2021-01 Smart Collar and Chest Strap Design for Rescue Dog through Multidisciplinary Approach 趙方麟; 馮偉中
朝陽科技大學 2021 Smart collar and chest strap design for rescue dog through multidisciplinary approach 趙方麟; 馮偉中; Chao, Fang-Lin; Feng, Wei-Zhong
朝陽科技大學 2019-07-13 360° Panoramic Aerial Creation and Environmental Awareness 趙方麟; 馮偉中
朝陽科技大學 2018-06 海邊的巴別塔 馮偉中
朝陽科技大學 2018 垂直城市 馮偉中
朝陽科技大學 2018 Coastline 馮偉中
朝陽科技大學 2017 工業星球 馮偉中

Showing items 1-10 of 14  (2 Page(s) Totally)
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