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Institution Date Title Author
中國醫藥大學 2016-02 Circulatory Management Focusing on Preventing Intraventricular Hemorrhage and Pulmonary Hemorrhage in Preterm Infants 蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su)*;林湘瑜(Hsiang-Yu Lin);黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);蔡明倫(Ming-Luen Tsai);黃鈺婷(Yu-Ting Huang)
中國醫藥大學 2015-10 Bird's Eye View of Neonatologist: Clinical Approach to Emergency Neonatal Infection 黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);陳秀玲;楊鵬弘;林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin)*
中國醫藥大學 2015-03-15 Concurrent Bloodstream Infections Associated with Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Taiwan: Multiple-center study 蔡明倫(Ming-Luen Tsai);林湘瑜(Hsiang-Yu Lin);黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);陳秀玲(Hsiu-Lin Chen);林瑞瑩(Reyin Lien);林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su)
中國醫藥大學 2015-03-15 Early aggressive nutrition and neurdevelopmental outcomes in very low birth weitht infants 林湘瑜(Hsiang-Yu Lin);黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);蔡明倫(Ming-Luen Tsai);邱曉郁(Hsiao-Yu Chiu);林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su)
中國醫藥大學 2015-03-15 Comparison of using different dose oral form Ibuprofen for early targeted treatment of patent ductus arterious in very preterm infants 黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);林湘瑜(Hsiang-Yu Lin);蔡明倫(Ming-Luen Tsai);邱曉郁(Hsiao-Yu Chiu);林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su)
中國醫藥大學 2015-03-15 Impact of oral probiotics on immune and metabolic disease for preterm very low birth weight infants at teenage 林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin);林湘瑜(Hsiang-Yu Lin);黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);蔡明倫(Ming-Luen Tsai);邱曉郁(Hsiao-Yu Chiu);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su);葉純甫(Tsu-Fuh Yeh)
中國醫藥大學 2014-03-23 Neonatal Legionalla infection: a case report and literature review 林湘瑜(Hsiang-Yu Lin);黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);蔡明倫(Ming-Luen Tsai);邱曉郁(Hsiao-Yu Chiu);林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su)
中國醫藥大學 2014-03-23 Concurrent Bloodstream Infections associated with necrotizing enterocolitis in Taiwan-ten years experience in single center 蔡明倫(Ming-Luen Tsai);黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);林湘瑜(Hsiang-Yu Lin);林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su)
中國醫藥大學 2014-03-23 Early oral probiotics and lactoferrin rreduce reduce necrotizing enterocolitis or and late-onset sepsis for preterm very low birth weight infants. 林湘瑜(Hsiang-Yu Lin);黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);蔡明倫(Ming-Luen Tsai);林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su);蔡明倫(Ming-Luen Tsai);林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin)
中國醫藥大學 2014-03-23 Congenital diaphragm hernia with thoracic kidney: a case report and literature review 黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);林湘瑜(Hsiang-Yu Lin);蔡明倫(Ming-Luen Tsai);邱曉郁(Hsiao-Yu Chiu);林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su)
中國醫藥大學 2013-06-30 極小早產兒子宮外生長遲滯和神經學發展研究 黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su)
中國醫藥大學 2013-04-28 紅血球生成素對早產兒視網膜病變的影響 黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);鍾美勇;張瑞幸;朱世明;張弘洋;穆淑琪;陳曉能;林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin)*;林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin)
中國醫藥大學 2013-03-10 Intensive phototherapy with large amount fluid reducing the need of exchange transfusion in ABO hemolytic disease 蔡明倫(Ming-Luen Tsai)*;黃富槻(Fu-Kuei Huang);林湘瑜(Hsiang-Yu Lin);邱曉郁(Hsiao-Yu Chiu);林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin);蘇百弘(Bai-Horng Su);林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin)

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