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Institution Date Title Author
淡江大學 2021-08-05 區塊鏈技術在物聯網和雲端儲存系統資料安全之研究 黃仁俊;黃廷譽;黃心嘉
淡江大學 2020 同時翻轉「正規語言與自動機理論」教學與學生學習習慣與學習方法 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2015-05-28 A Ring Signature Scheme with Anonymous Strong-Designated Verifiers 黃心嘉; 莊嘉富
淡江大學 2015-05-28 Dynamic Group Weakness in Yu et al.’s Identity Privacy-Preserving Public Mobile Cloud Storage Auditing 黃心嘉
國立交通大學 2014-12-12T02:15:21Z 數值簽章設計與服務器協助秘密計算之研究 黃心嘉; Hwang,Shin-Jia; 張真誠 楊維邦; Chin-Chen Chang Wei-Pang Yang
淡江大學 2013-08-23 A Delegation-based Unlinkable Authentication Protocol for Portable Communication Systems with Non-repudiation 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2013-08-23 Security Flaws of Off-Line Micro Payment Scheme with Dual Signatures 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2013-08 可保護守法簽章者的不可鏈結性同時簽密法 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2012-08 具不可鍊結性與公平性之基於授權之可攜式漫遊通訊系統認證協定 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2012-05-30 Comments on Micorpayment Schemes for Multi-Merchants with Anonymity and Untraceability 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Tsai, Hung-zhi
淡江大學 2012-05-30 Security Flaws in Zhang and Xu Improved Concurrent Signature Scheme 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Lee, Yen-Shih Lee
淡江大學 2011-08 具機密性、匿名性與公平保護之可否認驗證協定的改良研究 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2010-07 Concurrent Signature Schemes with Anonymity and Identification 黃心嘉; Hsu, T.-Y.
淡江大學 2010-06 An Efficient Non-Interactive Deniable Authentication Protocol with Anonymous Sender Protection 黃心嘉; Chao, Chien-hung
淡江大學 2010 具機密性與匿名送方保護之非互動式可否認認證協定 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2009-11 A Ring Signature Scheme with Strong Designated Verifiers to Provide Singer Anonymity 黃心嘉; Hwang, shin-jia; Cheng, kai-lung
淡江大學 2009-08 A New Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Mobile Networks 黃心嘉; Hwang, shin-jia; Chai, ming-jhang
淡江大學 2009-06 An Efficient Non-Interactive Deniable Authentication Protocol with Anonymous Sender Protection 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Chao, Chien-hung
淡江大學 2009 具有匿名公平保護的可否認驗證協定 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2008-11 A Practical Anonymous Proxy Signature Scheme without Trusted Alias Issuing Authority 黃心嘉; Hwang, shin-jia; Hsu, pi-hung
淡江大學 2008-11 A Secure Dynamic Conference Scheme with Anonymity for Mobile Communications 黃心嘉; Hwang, shin-jia; Chai, ming-jhang
淡江大學 2008-07 A Practical Anonymous Proxy Signature Scheme with Trusted Alias Issuing Authority 黃心嘉; Hwang, shin-jia; Hsu, pi-hung
淡江大學 2008 具保護匿名傳送者的可否認驗證協定 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2007-12 An Anonymous Postpaid Micropayment Scheme 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2007-12 Deniable Authentication Protocols with Sender Protection 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2007-03 Anonymous Proxy Automatic Signature Schemes with Compiler Agents for (Unknown) Virus Detection 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Chen, Kuang-his
淡江大學 2007 同時簽章法的匿名性設計與應用 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2006-03 A Group-Oriented Undeniable Signature Scheme for Unlikely Signers and Verifiers 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; 廖浩志; Liao, Hao-chih
淡江大學 2006-03 ACM Symposium on InformAtion, Computer and Communications Security 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2005-12 Improvement of Lee-Chiu's Remote Authentication Scheme with Smart Cards (Lee-Chiu使用智慧卡之遠端身份認證法的改良) 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2005-11-15 Improvement on Hwang et al.'s generalization of proxy signature schemes based on elliptic curves 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Huang, Chia-wei
淡江大學 2005-09-01 Security of Tzeng–Hwang's authenticated encryption scheme based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problems 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; 廖浩志; Liao, Hao-chih
淡江大學 2005-09 Efficient improvement on Hwang-Chen's multi-proxy signature scheme 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia
淡江大學 2005-08-05 Security of Hsu–Wu's authenticated encryption scheme with (t, n) shared verification 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; 廖浩志; Liao, Hao-chih
淡江大學 2005-06-06 Improvement of Tseng et al's authenticated encryption scheme 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia
淡江大學 2005-01 Secure e-mail protocols providing perfect forward secrecy 孫宏民; Sun, Hung-min; 謝濱燦; Hsieh, Bin-tsan; 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia
淡江大學 2005-01 New threshold-proxy threshold-signature schemes 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Chen, Chiu-chin
淡江大學 2005 適用於分散式編譯器的自動匿名代理簽章法之設計 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2004-10 Improvement on Li et al.'s generalization of proxy signature schemes 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; 詹景中; Chan, Ching-chung
淡江大學 2004-08-25 Repairing ElGamal-like multi-signature schemes using self-certified public keys 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; 李韻華; Lee, Yun-hua
淡江大學 2004-06-10 A proxy automatic signature scheme using a compiler in distributed systems 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; 李恩提; Li, En-ti
淡江大學 2004-01-05 New multi-proxy multi-signature schemes 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; 陳秋錦; Chen, Chiu-chin
淡江大學 2004 可匿名代理簽章群的群體導向代理簽章法之設計 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2003-12 National Computer Symposium 2003 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2003-12 Li等學者一般化代理簽章法的安全分析 Cryptanalysis of Li et al.'s Generalization of Proxy Signature Schemes 黃心嘉; 詹景中
淡江大學 2003-11 Asiacrypt 2003 黃心嘉
淡江大學 2003-09 A new digital multisignature scheme with distinguished signing authorities 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; 黃明祥; Hwang, Min-shiang; 曾祥峰; Tzeng, Shiang-feng
淡江大學 2003-08 Improvements on generalized threshold cryptosystems 張真誠; Chang, C. C.; 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; 吳文斌; Wu, W. B.
淡江大學 2003-04 Cryptanalysis of Shieh-Lin-Yang-Sun signature scheme 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; 李恩堤; Li, En-ti
淡江大學 2003-03 A new proxy multi-signature scheme 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; 陳秋錦; Chen, Chiu-chin

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