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Showing items 71-90 of 90  (4 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
淡江大學 1999-10 Simple improvements of Harn's digital signature for diffie-hellman public keys 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia
淡江大學 1999-04 New multisignature scheme based on one-way function 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Chang, Chin-chen; Chen, C. Y.
淡江大學 1998-01 An encryption/ multisignature scheme with specified receiving groups 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Chen, C.Y.; Chang, C.C.
朝陽科技大學 1998 相依性服務器輔助秘密計算協定之新驗證法 黃心嘉
淡江大學 1997-07 A simple approach for generating RSA keys Chang, Chin-chen; 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia
淡江大學 1997-05 An improved authenticated encryption schemes 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Chang, C. C.; Yang, W. P.
淡江大學 1997-05 A time-stamped password authentication system 黃心嘉; Hwang, shin-jia; Chang, C. C.; Yang, W. P.
淡江大學 1996-12 The key distribution protocol for mobile communication systems with untrusted centers 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Chang, Chin-chen; Yang, Wei-pang
淡江大學 1996-06 Dynamic secret sharing scheme with cheater detection 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Chang, C. C.
淡江大學 1996-05 A digitized signature linkage scheme Chang, chin-chen; 黃心嘉; Hwang, shin-jia ; Hwang, ren-jun
淡江大學 1995-07 Some active attacks on fast server-aided secret computation protocols for modular exponentiation 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Chang, C. C.; Yang, W. P.
淡江大學 1995-07 An Encryption/Signature Scheme with Low Message Expansion 黃心嘉 ; Hwang, Shin-jia; Chang, C.C.; Yang, W.P.
淡江大學 1994-12 A new verification mechanism on the server-aided secret computation protocols for the modular exponentiation 黃心嘉; Hwang, shin-jia; Chang, chin-chen; Yang, wei-pang
淡江大學 1994-10 New concepts for multiple stack systems: born and reborn Chang, C. C.; 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Buehrer, D.J.
淡江大學 1993 Using smart cards to authenticate remote passwords Chang, C.C.; 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia
淡江大學 1992-04 Sharing a dynamic secret Chang, C. C.; 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia
淡江大學 1992-01 英漢字典壓縮研究 張真誠; 黃仁俊; 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia
淡江大學 1991-10 Cryptographic authentication of passwords Chang, C. C.; 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia
淡江大學 1991-10 On the design of image databases for concurrent spatial match retrieval Chang, C. C.; 黃心嘉; Hwang, Shin-jia; Buehrer, D. J.
淡江大學 1912-01 A simple secret key distribution system Chang, chin-chen; Danie J.; 黃心嘉; Hwang, shin-jia

Showing items 71-90 of 90  (4 Page(s) Totally)
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