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Showing items 76-100 of 134  (6 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
佛光大學 2009-09-26 Effects of a GABA antagonist bicuculline on ethanol-induced place and taste aversions in rats. 黃智偉;Meng, A.Y.L.
佛光大學 2009-09-26 Basolateral amygdala but not its D2 receptor mediates LiCl-induced taste aversion in rats. 黃智偉;Huang, C.W.;Lin, C.Y.
佛光大學 2009-09-26 Haloperidol simultaneously blunts methamphetamine-induced place preference and taste aversion conditioning: Brain D2 receptors involve methamphetamine’s paradoxical effect. 黃智偉;Lin, Y.C.;Lu, S.P.
佛光大學 2009-07-31 上癮藥物甲基安非他命及嗎啡的正、負向效果之大腦神經機制研究:正向酬償比較假設的再次檢證 chweihuang; 黃智偉
元培科技大學 2009-06-11 U 化的健康履歷表建置 黃智偉;黃登揚
佛光大學 2009 The neural mechanism of conditioned learning, extinction, and spontaneous recovery in animal model. 黃智偉; Huang, C.W.
佛光大學 2009 以味覺嫌惡制約模式研究上癮藥物正、負向矛盾效果的行為神經機制 黃智偉;徐百川;王英洲; Huang Andrew Chih-We;Bai-Chuang Shyu;Ying-Chou Wang
佛光大學 2009 創造力的生理基礎---以不同創造運作探討腦波型態控制的個別差異以及訓練效果 林緯倫;黃智偉; Lin Wei-lun;Huang Andrew Chih-We
佛光大學 2009 Effect of stress treatment on the sympaththetic-parasympathetic nervous responses for depressive individuals. 林筱珮; 林烘煜; 林緯倫; 黃智偉
佛光大學 2009 Effects of stress treatment on the sympathetic-parasympathetic nervous responses for depressive individuals 林緯倫; 黃智偉; 林烘煜; 林筱珮
朝陽科技大學 2008-12-31 車際紅外線通訊平台之設計與應用 黃智偉; Huang, Jr-wei
佛光大學 2008-12-11 The involvement of the enkephalin system for the post-traumatic symptoms disorder in rats. 黃智偉;Kung, J.C.;Chen, T.C.;Shyu, B.C.; Huang, C.W.;Kung, J.C.;Chen, T.C.;Shyu, B.C.
佛光大學 2008-12-01 Re-examination of amphetamine-induced conditioned suppression of tastant intake in rats:The task-dependent drug effects hypothesis 黃智偉;Huang, Andrew Chih Wei;Hsiao, Sigmund
佛光大學 2008-12-01 Re-examination of amphetamine-induced conditioned suppression of tastant intake in rats: The task-dependent drug effects hypothesis 黃智偉;Hsiao, S.
佛光大學 2008-12-01 Re-examination of amphetamine-induced conditioned suppression of tastant intake in rats: The task-dependent drug effects hypothesis 黃智偉;Hsiao, S.
佛光大學 2008-11-15 Haloperidol Attenuates the Reinforcing Effect of Gustatory Stimuli 黃智偉;Hsiao, S.; Chih Wei Huang;Hsiao, S.
佛光大學 2008-11-15 Haloperidol Attenuates the Reinforcing Effect of Gustatory Stimuli 黃智偉;Hsiao, S.
佛光大學 2008-10-04 Roles of physical contexts and flavor cues in the suppression of saccharin intake induced by LiCl in rats: A proactive interference-facilitation of conditioned learning 黃智偉;Hsiao, S.; Chih Wei Huang;Hsiao, S.
佛光大學 2008-10-04 Physical and drug-used, but not social environments altered amphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization: An evaluation of various environmental contexts 黃智偉;Wang, Y. C.; Chih Wei Huang;Wang, Y. C.
佛光大學 2008-10-04 高網路成癮者與低網路成癮者在生理回饋指標的研究 黃智偉;盧東煒
佛光大學 2008-10-04 Effects of Lidocaine blockade on the nucleus of the basolateral amygdala on LiCl-induced suppression of sucrose solution intake in rats 黃智偉;Lin, C.Y.;Huang, C.M.;Lin, C.Y.; Chih Wei Huang;Lin, C.Y.;Huang, C.M.;Lin, C.Y.
佛光大學 2008-10-04 Effects of methamphetamine- and morphine-elicited place preference and their extinction: A pilot study of rodent’s model 黃智偉;Wang, C.C.;Wu, C.W.;Tsai, S.L.; Chih Wei Huang;Wang, C.C.;Wu, C.W.;Tsai, S.L.
佛光大學 2008-10-04 The role of endogenous enkephalin system in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder 黃智偉;龔仁莊;陳宗杰;徐百川
佛光大學 2008-10-04 腦內多巴胺系統對於潛在抑制效果在被動性趨避學習模式的研究:一個精神分裂症的動物行為典範 黃智偉;林家茵;蒙妍伶;張崇堯
佛光大學 2008-10-04 Roles of physical contexts and flavor cues in the suppression of saccharin intake induced by LiCl in rats: A proactive interference-facilitation of conditioned learning 黃智偉;Hsiao, S.

Showing items 76-100 of 134  (6 Page(s) Totally)
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