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Institution Date Title Author
國立臺灣大學 2011 Breakthrough Infection in Children Born to Hepatitis B Virus Carrier Mothers: A Reappraisal of Screening in Pregnant Women and Universal Immunization Strategy 陳慧玲; 胡賦?; 林文騰; 楊燿榮; 黃福辰; 吳淑芬; 倪衍玄; 許宏遠; 徐明洸; 李秉穎; 張美惠; CHEN, HUEY-LING; HU, FU-CHANG; LIN, WEN-TERNG; YANG, YAO-JONG; HUANG, FU-CHEN; WU, SHU-FEN; NI, YEN-HSUAN; HSU, HONG-YUAN; SHYU, MING-KWANG; LEE, PING-ING; CHANG, MEI-HWEI
國立臺灣大學 2005 Factors Affecting the Mortality of Pediatric Fulminant Hepatic Failure in Relation to Hbv Infection 詹珮君; 陳慧玲; 江文山; 黃福辰; 李宏昌; 林捷忠; 劉清泉; 李ㄧ賢; 吳子聰; 吳淑芬; 倪衍玄; 許宏遠; 張美惠; CHAN, PEI-CHUN; CHEN, HUEY-LING; KONG, MAN-SHAN; HUANG, FU-CHEN; LEE, HONG-CHANG; LIN, CHIEH-CHUNG; LIU, CHING-CHUAN; LEE, I- HSIEN; WU, TZEE-CHUNG; WU, SHU-FEN; NI, YEN-HSUAN; HSU, HONG-YUAN; CHANG, MEI-HWEI
國立臺灣大學 2005 Lamivudine Treatment in Maternally Transmitted Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection Patients 倪衍玄; 黃福辰; 吳子聰; 江文山; 鄭永銘; 陳培哲; 崔道貞; 陳慧玲; 許宏遠; 張美惠; NI, YEN-HSUAN; HUANG, FU-CHEN; WU, TZEE-CHUNG; KONG, MAN-SHAN; JENG, YUNG-MING; CHEN, PEI-JER; TSUEI, DAW-JEN; CHEN, HUEY-LING; HSU, HONG-YUAN; CHANG, MEI-HWEI
國立臺灣大學 2004 Pediatric Fulminant Hepatic Failure in Endemic Areas of Hepatitis B Infection: 15 Years after Universal Hepatitis B Vaccination 陳慧玲; 張啟仁; 江文山; 黃福辰; 李宏昌; 林捷忠; 劉清泉; 李一賢; 吳子聰; 吳淑芬; 倪衍玄; 許宏遠; 陳定信; 張美惠; CHEN, HUEY-LING; CHANG, CHEE-JEN; KONG, MAN-SHAN; HUANG, FU-CHEN; LEE, HONG-CHANG; LIN, CHIEH-CHUNG; LIU, CHING-CHUAN; LEE, I- HSIEN; WU, TZEE-CHUNG; WU, SHU-FEN; NI, YEN-HSUAN; HSU, HONG-YUAN; CHEN, DING-SHINN; CHANG, MEI-HWEI
輔英科技大學 2001-11 Endoscopic Variceal Ligation for Intractable Esophageal Variceal Bleeding in Children with Idiopathic Extrahepatic Portal Vein Occlusion: Report of Three Cases 周見成;施相宏;高常發;刁茂盟;黃福辰

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