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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 1-9 of 9  (1 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
淡江大學 2023-03-04 In-Situ Precipitation 3D Printing of Highly Ordered Silver Cluster-Silver Chloride Photocatalysts Lin, Guan-Chen Chen; Wei-Tse Huang; Po-Ching Lee; C. B.
國立成功大學 2021-11 Global data analysis supports smoking as the fundamental element associated with geographical sex disparities in hidradenitis suppurativa Chu;C, -b.;Yang;C, -c.;Tsai;S, -j.
國立成功大學 2017 Demographic and rural-urban variations in dental service utilization in Taiwan Wen;P-C;Lee;C, B.;Chang;Y-H;Ku;L-Je;Li;C-Y
亞洲大學 2015-10 Investigating the effectiveness of repositioning strategies: the passengers’perspective. Zhang;C, B.;Zhang;C, B.;林宜欣;Yi-HsinLin;Newman;D, G;Newman;D, G.
亞洲大學 2015-08 Exploring interactive communication using social media Zhang;C, B.;Zhang;C, B.;林宜欣;Yi-HsinLin
國立臺灣大學 2007 Relationship between Carbon Dioxide/Methane Emissions and the Water Quality/Sediment Characteristics of Taiwan's Main Rivers Wu, L. C.; Wei; C. B.; Yang, S. S.; Chang, T. H.; Pan, H. W.; Chung, Y. C
臺大學術典藏 2007 Relationship between Carbon Dioxide/Methane Emissions and the Water Quality/Sediment Characteristics of Taiwan's Main Rivers Wu, L. C.; Wei; C. B.; Yang, S. S.; Chang, T. H.; Pan, H. W.; Chung, Y. C; Wu, L. C.; Wei; C. B.; Yang, S. S.; Chang, T. H.; Pan, H. W.; Chung, Y. C
臺北醫學大學 2006 Antineural antibody in patients with Tourette's syndrome and their family members 吳慶祥; Yeh; C.B
臺北醫學大學 2005 Biofeedback Assisted Relaxation Training for Essential Hypertension: Who is Most Likely to Benefit? 蔡佩珊; Yucha; C. B.; Tsai; P. S.; Calderon; K. S.; Tian; L.

Showing items 1-9 of 9  (1 Page(s) Totally)
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