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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)
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Showing items 81-90 of 110  (11 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
朝陽科技大學 2004 Prospects for nitrogen incorporation into humic acid as evidenced by alkaline extraction method 王敏昭; Young; C.C.; C.H. Su; G.C. Li; M.C. Wang.
臺北醫學大學 2003 Induction of vasorelaxation through activation of nitric oxide synthase in endothelial cells by brazilin 鄭幼文; Hu; C.M.; Kang ; J.J.; Lee; C.C.; Li; C.H. and Cheng Y.W.
臺北醫學大學 2003 Changes in levels of hope after diagnostic disclosure among Taiwanese cancer patients. 林佳靜; Lin; C.; Tsai; S.F.; Chiou; J.F.; Lai; Y.H.; Kao; C.C.; Tsou; T.S.
臺北醫學大學 2003 Fracture surface analysis of the implant with fatigue failure. 黃豪銘; Huang; H. -M.; Chang; C. -C.; Lo; Y. -J.; Lin; C. –T.; Lee; S. –Y.
高雄醫學大學 2003 YC-1促進肺巨嗜細胞之TNFalpha表現  黃聰龍;吳志中;顧記華;鄧哲明 ; Hwang T.L.;Wu;C.C.;Guh;J.H.;Teng;C.M. 
臺大學術典藏 2003 Molecular Identification of peanut varieties cultivated in Taiwan C.-C.;Pan;Chen, C.;Lin, S.-F.; C.-C.; Pan; Chen, C.; Lin, S.-F.; SHUN-FU LIN
臺北醫學大學 2002 Beneficial effect to blood pressure and lipid profile by programmed exercise training in Taiwanese patients with mild hypertension. 張文英; 1. Tsai; J-C.; Chang; W-Y.; Kao; C-C.; Lu; M-S.; Chen; Y-J.; & Chan; P.
臺北醫學大學 2002 Beneficial Effect on Blood Pressure and Lipid Profile by Programmed Exercise Training in Taiwanese Patients with Mild Hypertension 盧美秀; 高靖秋; Tsai; J.C.; Chang; W.Y.; Kao; C.C.; Lu; M.S.; Chen; Y.J.& Chan Paul.
臺北醫學大學 2002 Sympathoinhibitory action of nociceptin in the rat spinal cord. 黃玲玲; Brailoiu; G.; Lai; C.C.; Chen; C.-T.; Hwang; L.-L.; Lin; H.H.; and Dun; N.J.
臺北醫學大學 2002 Vibration assessment of the stability of Root Keeper. 黃豪銘; Lin; C. -T.; Huang; H. -M.; Shiau; Y. -Y.; Lee; S. –Y.; Chang; C. -C.

Showing items 81-90 of 110  (11 Page(s) Totally)
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