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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 1-7 of 7  (1 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
國立臺灣大學 2009 Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma Gondii Infection among Children in Swaziland , Southern Africa 邱文達; 杜文圓; 洪慶章; 范家堃; CHIU, WEN-TA; DU, WEN-YUAN; HUNG, CHING- CHANG; FAN, CHIA-KWUNG
國立臺灣大學 2008 Enhanced Expression of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 in Inflammatory Cells, Alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin in Stellate Cells, and Collagen Accumulation in Experimental Granulomatous Hepatitis Caused by Toxocara Canis in Mice 吳明順; 廖建維; 杜文圓; 高定昌; 蘇霩靄; 林永和; 張淳昭; 范家堃; WU, MING-SHUN; LIAO, CHIEN-WEI; DU, WEN- YUAN; KAO, DING-CHAN; SU, KUA-EYRE; LIN, YUN-HO; CHANG, CHUN-CHAO; FAN, CHIA- KWUNG; FAN, CHIA-KWUNG
國立臺灣大學 2007 Angiostrongylus Cantonensis: Apoptosis of Inflammatory Cells Induced by Treatment with Mebendazole or/and Interleukin 12 in Mice 莊志誠; 范家堃; 蘇霩靄; 蔡岳廷; 杜文圓; CHUANG, CHIH-CHENG; FAN, CHIA-KWUNG; SU, KUA-EYRE; TSAI, YUEH-TING; DU, WEN-YUAN
國立臺灣大學 2005 Sero-Epidemiology of Toxocara Canis Infection among Aboriginal Schoolchildren in the Mountainous Areas of North–Eastern Taiwan 蘇霩靄; 杜文圓; 李孟勳; 高維菁; 廖建維; 范家堃; SU, KUA-EYRE; DU, WEN-YUAN; LI, MENG-HSUN; KAO, WEI-CHING; LIAO, CHIEN-WEI; FAN, CHIA-KWUNG
國立臺灣大學 2004 Seroepidemiology of Toxocara Canis Infection among Mountain Aboriginal Schoolchildren Living in Contaminated Districts in Eastern Taiwan 范家; 洪健清; 杜文圓; 廖建維; 蘇霩靄; FAN, CHIA-KWUNG; HUNG, CHIEN-CHING; DU, WEN-YUAN; LIAO, CHIEN-WEI; SU, KUA-EYRE
國立臺灣大學 2004 Seroepidemiology of Toxocara Canis Infection among Mountain Aboriginal Adults in Taiwan 范家; 藍弘旭; 洪健清; 鍾文政; 廖建維; 杜文圓; 蘇霩靄; FAN, CHIA-KWUNG; LAN, HUNG-SHUE; HUNG, CHIEN-CHING; CHUNG, WEN-CHENG; LIAO, CHIEN-WEI; DU, WEN-YUAN; SU, KUA-EYRE
臺北醫學大學 2001 Seroepidemiologic survey of Dirofilaria immitis infection among domestic dogs in Taipei City and mountain aboriginal districts in Taiwan (1998-1999) 范家堃; Fan Chia-Kwung; Su Kua-Eyre; Lin Yun-Ho; Liao Chien-Wei; Du Wen-Yuan; Chiou Hung-Yi

Showing items 1-7 of 7  (1 Page(s) Totally)
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