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教育部委托研究计画 计画执行:国立台湾大学图书馆
"florindo fabio"的相关文件
显示项目 1-3 / 3 (共1页) 1 每页显示[10|25|50]项目
國立成功大學 |
2008-02-15 |
Formation of iron sulfide nodules during anaerobic oxidation of methane (vol 71, pg 5155, 2007)
Dongen, Bart E. van; Roberts, Andrem P.; Schouten, Stefan; Jiang, Wei-Teh; Florindo, Fabio; Pancost, Richard D. |
國立成功大學 |
2007-11-01 |
Formation of iron sulfide nodules during anaerobic oxidation of methane
Dongen, Bart E.; Roberts, Andrew P.; Schouten, Stefan; Jiang, Wei-Teh; Florindo, Fabio; Pancost, Richard D. |
國立成功大學 |
2005-03-11 |
Assessing the timing of greigite formation and the reliability of the Upper Olduvai polarity transition record from the Crostolo River, Italy
Roberts, Andrew P.; Jiang, Wei-Teh; Florindo, Fabio; Horng, Chorng-Shern; Laj, Carlo |
显示项目 1-3 / 3 (共1页) 1 每页显示[10|25|50]项目