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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 1-5 of 5  (1 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2022-04-21T06:51:49Z The impact of organized mammography service screening on breast carcinoma mortality in seven Swedish Counties: A collaborative evaluation Duffy S.W.; Tabár L.; Chen, Tony Hsiu Hsi; Holmqvist M.; Yen M.-F.; Abdsalah S.; Epstein B.; Frodis E.; Ljungberg E.; Hedborg-Melander C.; Sundbom A.; Tholin M.; Wiege M.; Åkerlund A.; Wu H.-M.; Tung T.-S.; Chiu Y.-H.; Chiu C.-P.; Huang C.-C.; Smith R.A.; Rosén M.; Stenbeck M.; Holmberg L.
臺大學術典藏 2021-04-16T07:31:11Z Early detection of breast cancer rectifies inequality of breast cancer outcomes Tab?r L.;Hsiu-Hsi Chen;Yen A.M.-F.;Dean P.B.;Smith R.A.;Jonsson H.;T?rnberg S.;Chen S.L.-S.;Chiu S.Y.-H.;Fann J.C.-Y.;Ku M.M.-S.;Wu W.Y.-Y.;Hsu C.-Y.;Chen Y.-C.;Svane G.;Azavedo E.;Grundstr?m H.;Sund?n P.;Leifland K.;Frodis E.;Ramos J.;Epstein B.;?kerlund A.;Sundbom A.;Bord?s P.;Wallin H.;Starck L.;Bj?rkgren A.;Carlson S.;Fredriksson I.;Ahlgren J.;?Hman D.;Holmberg L.;Duffy S.W.; Tabár L.; HSIU-HSI CHEN; Yen A.M.-F.; Dean P.B.; Smith R.A.; Jonsson H.; Törnberg S.; Chen S.L.-S.; Chiu S.Y.-H.; Fann J.C.-Y.; Ku M.M.-S.; Wu W.Y.-Y.; Hsu C.-Y.; Chen Y.-C.; Svane G.; Azavedo E.; Grundström H.; Sundén P.; Leifland K.; Frodis E.; Ramos J.; Epstein B.; Åkerlund A.; Sundbom A.; Bordás P.; Wallin H.; Starck L.; Björkgren A.; Carlson S.; Fredriksson I.; Ahlgren J.; ?hman D.; Holmberg L.; Duffy S.W.
臺大學術典藏 2021-04-16T07:31:09Z Mammography screening reduces rates of advanced and fatal breast cancers: Results in 549,091 women Duffy S.W.; Tabár L.; Yen A.M.-F.; Dean P.B.; Smith R.A.; Jonsson H.; Törnberg S.; Chen S.L.-S.; Chiu S.Y.-H.; Fann J.C.-Y.; Ku M.M.-S.; Wu W.Y.-Y.; Hsu C.-Y.; Chen Y.-C.; Svane G.; Azavedo E.; Grundström H.; Sundén P.; Leifland K.; Frodis E.; Ramos J.; Epstein B.; Åkerlund A.; Sundbom A.; Bordás P.; Wallin H.; Starck L.; Björkgren A.; Carlson S.; Fredriksson I.; Ahlgren J.; Öhman D.; Holmberg L.; HSIU-HSI CHEN
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T04:06:01Z The impact of organized mammography service screening on breast carcinoma mortality in seven Swedish Counties: A collaborative evaluation Duffy, S.W.;Tab?r, L.;Chen, H.-H.;Holmqvist, M.;Yen, M.-F.;Abdsalah, S.;Epstein, B.;Frodis, E.;Ljungberg, E.;Hedborg-Melander, C.;Sundbom, A.;Tholin, M.;Wiege, M.;?kerlund, A.;Wu, H.-M.;Tung, T.-S.;Chiu, Y.-H.;Chiu, C.-P.;Huang, C.-C.;Smith, R.A.;Ros?n, M.;Stenbeck, M.;Holmberg, L.; HSIU-HSI CHEN
國立臺灣大學 2002-07 The impact of organized mammography service screening on breast carcinoma mortality in seven Swedish counties Duffy, SW; Tabar, L; Chen, THH; Holmqvist, M; Yen, MF; Abdsalah, S; Epstein, B; Frodis, E; Ljungberg, E; Hedborg-Melander, C; Sundbom, A; Tholin, M; Wiege, M

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