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教育部委託研究計畫      計畫執行:國立臺灣大學圖書館
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"fu shan jaw"的相關文件

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顯示項目 21-45 / 139 (共6頁)
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機構 日期 題名 作者
臺大學術典藏 2021-09-21T23:19:59Z Resonance Effect of the Frontal Sinus on Ocular Vestibular-Evoked Myogenic Potential Recordings Lin, Kuei You; FU-SHAN JAW; YI-HO YOUNG
臺大學術典藏 2021-08-05T02:41:58Z Erratum: B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 10 promotes oral cancer progression through STAT1/ATF4/S100P signaling pathway (Oncogene (2015) 34 10 (1207-1219)) Wu T.-S;Tan C.-T;Chang C.-C;Lin B.-R;Lai W.-T;Chen S.-T;Yen-Ping Kuo M;Rau C.-L;Jaw F.-S;Chang H.-H.; Wu T.-S; Tan C.-T; Chang C.-C; Lin B.-R; Lai W.-T; Chen S.-T; Yen-Ping Kuo M; Rau C.-L; Jaw F.-S; Chang H.-H.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2021-08-05T02:41:58Z A model study of resonance effect on ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potential Lin K.-Y;Jaw F.-S;Young Y.-H.; Lin K.-Y; Jaw F.-S; Young Y.-H.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2021-03-03T05:34:10Z A model study of resonance effect on ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potential Lin, Kuei You; FU-SHAN JAW; YI-HO YOUNG
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-04T02:30:26Z Machine Learning Analysis of Heart Rate Variability for the Detection of Seizures in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Survivors Sung, C.-W.;Shieh, J.-S.;Chang, W.-T.;Lee, Y.-W.;Lyu, J.-H.;Ong, H.-N.;Chen, W.-T.;Huang, C.-H.;Chen, W.-J.;Jaw, F.-S.Fu-Shan Jaw; Sung, C.-W.; Shieh, J.-S.; Chang, W.-T.; Lee, Y.-W.; Lyu, J.-H.; Ong, H.-N.; Chen, W.-T.; Huang, C.-H.; Chen, W.-J.; Jaw, F.-S.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-04T02:30:26Z Comparing the efficacy of onabotulinumtoxinA, sacral neuromodulation, and peripheral tibial nerve stimulation as third line treatment for the management of overactive bladder symptoms in adults: Systematic review and network meta-analysis Lo, C.-W.;Wu, M.-Y.;Yang, S.S.-D.;Jaw, F.-S.;Chang, S.-J.Fu-Shan Jaw; Lo, C.-W.; Wu, M.-Y.; Yang, S.S.-D.; Jaw, F.-S.; Chang, S.-J.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-04T02:30:26Z Predictive factors of post-laparoscopic inguinal hernia acute and chronic pain: prospective follow-up of 807 patients from a single experienced surgeon Lo, C.-W.;Chen, Y.-T.;Jaw, F.-S.;Yu, C.-C.;Tsai, Y.-C.Fu-Shan Jaw; Lo, C.-W.; Chen, Y.-T.; Jaw, F.-S.; Yu, C.-C.; Tsai, Y.-C.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-04T02:30:25Z Management of cervical fractures in ankylosing spondylitis patients: immediate fixation effort via vertebroplasty with one-staged combined anterior and posterior fixation Tse, M.-F.;Tsai, Y.-H.;Yang, L.-H.;Jaw, F.-S.;Lin, C.-K.Fu-Shan Jaw; Tse, M.-F.; Tsai, Y.-H.; Yang, L.-H.; Jaw, F.-S.; Lin, C.-K.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-04T02:30:25Z Association between low prostate-specific antigen levels and greater disease progression in high-grade locally-advanced prostate cancer Lu, Y.-C.;Huang, C.-Y.;Lu, Y.-C.;Huang, K.-H.;Chow, P.-M.;Chang, Y.-K.;Hung, F.-C.;Chen, C.-H.;Jaw, F.-S.;Hong, J.-H.Fu-Shan Jaw; Lu, Y.-C.; Huang, C.-Y.; Lu, Y.-C.; Huang, K.-H.; Chow, P.-M.; Chang, Y.-K.; Hung, F.-C.; Chen, C.-H.; Jaw, F.-S.; Hong, J.-H.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-04T02:30:25Z Different androgen deprivation therapies might have a differential impact on cognition - An analysis from a population-based study using time-dependent exposure model Hong, J.-H.;Huang, C.-Y.;Chang, C.-H.;Muo, C.-H.;Jaw, F.-S.;Lu, Y.-C.;Chung, C.-J.Fu-Shan Jaw; Hong, J.-H.; Huang, C.-Y.; Chang, C.-H.; Muo, C.-H.; Jaw, F.-S.; Lu, Y.-C.; Chung, C.-J.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-04T02:30:24Z Novel design for a dynamic ankle foot orthosis with motion feedback used for training in patients with hemiplegic gait: A pilot study Hsu, C.-C.;Huang, Y.-K.;Kang, J.-H.;Ko, Y.-F.;Liu, C.-W.;Jaw, F.-S.;Chen, S.-C.Fu-Shan Jaw; Hsu, C.-C.; Huang, Y.-K.; Kang, J.-H.; Ko, Y.-F.; Liu, C.-W.; Jaw, F.-S.; Chen, S.-C.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-04T02:30:24Z Acrolein contributes to urothelial carcinomas in patients with chronic kidney disease Hong, J.-H.;Lee, P.A.H.;Lu, Y.-C.;Huang, C.-Y.;Chen, C.-H.;Chiang, C.-H.;Chow, P.-M.;Jaw, F.-S.;Wang, C.-C.;Huang, C.-Y.;Wang, T.-W.;Liu, J.-H.;Wang, H.-T.Fu-Shan Jaw; Hong, J.-H.; Lee, P.A.H.; Lu, Y.-C.; Huang, C.-Y.; Chen, C.-H.; Chiang, C.-H.; Chow, P.-M.; Jaw, F.-S.; Wang, C.-C.; Huang, C.-Y.; Wang, T.-W.; Liu, J.-H.; Wang, H.-T.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-04T02:30:24Z A novel mechanical chest compressor with rapid deployment in all population cardiopulmonary resuscitation Sung, C.-W.;Wang, H.-C.;Shieh, J.-S.;Jaw, F.-S.Fu-Shan Jaw; Sung, C.-W.; Wang, H.-C.; Shieh, J.-S.; Jaw, F.-S.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-04T02:30:24Z Lower postoperative natural killer cell activity is associated with positive surgical margins after radical prostatectomy Lu, Y.-C.;Kuo, M.-C.;Hong, J.-H.;Jaw, F.-S.;Huang, C.-Y.;Cheng, J.C.-H.;Kung, H.-N.Fu-Shan Jaw; Lu, Y.-C.; Kuo, M.-C.; Hong, J.-H.; Jaw, F.-S.; Huang, C.-Y.; Cheng, J.C.-H.; Kung, H.-N.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2020-08-06T10:13:51Z Lower postoperative natural killer cell activity is associated with positive surgical margins after radical prostatectomy Yu-Chuan Lu;Kuo, Ming Chieh;Jian-Hua Hong;Fu-Shan Jaw;Chao-Yuan Huang;Chia-Hsien Cheng;Hsiu-Ni Kung; YU-CHUAN LU; Kuo, Ming Chieh; JIAN-HUA HONG; FU-SHAN JAW; CHAO-YUAN HUANG; CHIA-HSIEN CHENG; HSIU-NI KUNG
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-26T01:34:00Z Interactive program for spectral and area analysis of compound action potentials of A-fiber and C-fiber Fu-Shan JawJaw, F.-S.;Yu, S.-N.;Lee, J.-C.;Tsao, H.-W.;Yu, H.J.;Yen, C.-T.; Jaw, F.-S.; Yu, S.-N.; Lee, J.-C.; Tsao, H.-W.; Yu, H.J.; Yen, C.-T.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-26T01:33:59Z In-vivo wireless bio-diagnosis system for long-term bioactivity monitoring network Fu-Shan JawChen, C.-K.;Wu, W.-J.;Yu, S.-A.;Huang, J.-G.;Lin, Y.-H.;Chen, Y.-F.;Jin, M.-H.;Wen, C.-M.;Kao, C.-Y.;Lin, S.-M.;Lu, S.-S.;Lin, C.-W.;Yen, J.-Y.;Jaw, F.-S.;Chen, C.-A.;Liao, F.-J.;Chiu, N.-F.;Chien, C.-N.;Lee, C.-K.; Chen, C.-K.; Wu, W.-J.; Yu, S.-A.; Huang, J.-G.; Lin, Y.-H.; Chen, Y.-F.; Jin, M.-H.; Wen, C.-M.; Kao, C.-Y.; Lin, S.-M.; Lu, S.-S.; Lin, C.-W.; Yen, J.-Y.; Jaw, F.-S.; Chen, C.-A.; Liao, F.-J.; Chiu, N.-F.; Chien, C.-N.; Lee, C.-K.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-26T01:33:59Z Multi-electrode recording system in the brain activities Fu-Shan JawChen, Y.-Y.;Kuo, T.-S.;Jaw, F.-S.; Chen, Y.-Y.; Kuo, T.-S.; Jaw, F.-S.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-26T01:33:59Z Portable current stimulator for transdermal iontophoretic drug delivery Fu-Shan JawJaw, F.-S.;Wang, C.-Y.;Huang, Y.-Y.; Jaw, F.-S.; Wang, C.-Y.; Huang, Y.-Y.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-26T01:33:59Z Effect of conduction distance on amplitude and area of compound action potentials of A fiber and C fiber Jaw, F.-S.; Tsao, H.-W.; Yu, H.J.; Yen, C.-T.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-26T01:33:59Z A modified "triangular pulse" stimulator for C-fibers stimulation Fu-Shan JawJaw, F.-S.;Yen, C.-T.;Tsao, H.W.;Yu, H.J.; Jaw, F.-S.; Yen, C.-T.; Tsao, H.W.; Yu, H.J.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-26T01:33:58Z Novel designs of herringbone chaotic mixers Yang, Y.-J.; Liao, H.-F.; Huang, K.-H.; Huang, Y.-Y.; Lin, C.-W.; Yang, L.-J.; Jaw, F.-S.; Change, P.-Z.; Lee, C.-K.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-26T01:33:58Z Normalization of the effect of sampling rate on the algorithmic complexity of electroencephalograph for evaluation of depth of anesthesia Li, J.-Y.; Kuo, T.-S.; Jaw, F.-S.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-26T01:33:58Z The development of wireless sensor network for ECG monitoring Fu-Shan JawLin, J.-L.;Liu, H.-C.;Tai, Y.-T.;Wu, H.-H.;Hsu, S.-J.;Jaw, F.-S.;Chen, Y.-Y.; Lin, J.-L.; Liu, H.-C.; Tai, Y.-T.; Wu, H.-H.; Hsu, S.-J.; Jaw, F.-S.; Chen, Y.-Y.; FU-SHAN JAW
臺大學術典藏 2020-02-26T01:33:58Z Exploring nociceptive response by BOLD fMRI in α-chloralose anesthetized rats Shih, Y.-Y.; Chen, Y.-Y.; Chen, J.-M.; Lung, Y.; Chen, J.-Y.; Chang, C.; Chen, J.-C.; Jaw, F.-S.; FU-SHAN JAW

顯示項目 21-45 / 139 (共6頁)
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