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教育部委托研究计画      计画执行:国立台湾大学图书馆
臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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机构 日期 题名 作者
國家衛生研究院 2023-11 Lysosomal-targeted doxorubicin delivery using RBC-derived vesicles to overcome drug-resistant cancer through mitochondrial-dependent cell death Lin, CP;Wu, SH;Lin, TY;Chu, CH;Lo, LW;Kuo, CC;Chang, JY;Hsu, SC;Ko, BS;Yao, M;Hsiao, JK;Wang, SW;Huang, DM
國家衛生研究院 2021-05 RBC-derived vesicles as a systemic delivery system of doxorubicin for lysosomal-mitochondrial axis-improved cancer therapy Wu, SH;Hsieh, CC;Hsu, SC;Yao, M;Hsiao, JK;Wang, SW;Lin, CP;Huang, DM
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T08:16:51Z Immunological impact of magnetic nanoparticles (Ferucarbotran) on murine peritoneal macrophages Yeh, C.-H.;Hsiao, J.-K.;Wang, J.-L.;Sheu, F.Yeh, Ch;Hsiao, Jk;Wang, Jl;Sheu, F; Yeh, C.-H.; Hsiao, J.-K.; Wang, J.-L.; Sheu, F.Yeh, CH; Hsiao, JK; Wang, JL; SHEU, F; Yeh, CH; JAW-LIN WANG; FUU SHEU
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T06:53:16Z Role of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration in assessing the impalpable cervical node with increased 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake on positron emission tomography scanning: Preliminary communication Chen, S. -F.; RUOH-FANG YEN; Wang, CP; Lee, CY; CHIN-YUN LEE; CHENG-PING WANG; Lou, PJ; Yen, RF; PEI-JEN LOU; Hsiao, JK; Ko, JY; Wang, C.-P. and Lee, C.-Y. and Lou, P.-J. and Yen, R.-F. and Hsiao, J.-K. and Ko, J.-Y.; Wang, CP;Lee, CY;Lou, PJ;Yen, RF;Hsiao, JK;Ko, JY
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T06:16:10Z Comparison of micrometer and nanometer sized magnetic particles for cell labeling Liu, HM;Ku, HC;Wang, JL;Chen, ST;Yang, CY;Tai, MF;HON-MAN LIU;Hsiao, JK;JAW-LIN WANG;Liu, H.-M.;Ku, H.-C.;Wang, J.-L.;Chen, S.-T.;Yang, C.-Y.;Tai, M.-F.;Hsiao, J.-K.;Liu, HM;Ku, HC;Wang, JL;Chen, ST;Yang, CY;Tai, MF;HON-MAN LIU;Hsiao, JK;JAW-LIN WANG; Hsiao, J.-K.; Tai, M.-F.; Yang, C.-Y.; Chen, S.-T.; Wang, J.-L.; Ku, H.-C.; Liu, H.-M.; JAW-LIN WANG; HON-MAN LIU
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T04:44:33Z Bacterial pyomyositis: MRI and clinical correlation Yu, C.-W. and Hsiao, J.-K. and Hsu, C.-Y. and Shih, T.T.-F.; Yu, CW;Hsiao, JK;Hsu, CY;Shih, TTF; 游治維;許昭禹;施庭芳; Yu, CW; TIFFANY TING-FANG SHIH; CHAO-YU HSU; Hsiao, JK; CHIH-WEI YU; Hsu, CY; Shih, TTF
國家衛生研究院 2018-02 Dextran-coated iron oxide nanoparticle-improved therapeutic effects of human mesenchymal stem cells in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease Chung, TH;Hsu, SC;Wu, SH;Hsiao, JK;Lin, CP;Yao, M;Huang, DM
國家衛生研究院 2016-04 Dextran-coated iron oxide nanoparticles turn protumor mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into antitumor MSCs Chung, TH;Hsieh, CC;Hsiao, JK;Hsu, SC;Yao, M;Huang, DM
國家衛生研究院 2015-11 Ferucarbotran, a carboxydextran-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle, induces endosomal recycling, contributing to cellular and exosomal EGFR overexpression for cancer therapy Chung, TH;Hsiao, JK;Yao, M;Hsu, SC;Liu, HM;Huang, DM
臺北醫學大學 2014 Collagen-Glycosaminoglycan Matrix Implantation Promotes Angiogenesis following Surgical Brain Trauma Huang, KF;Hsu, WC;Hsiao, JK;Chen, GS;Wang, JY

显示项目 1-10 / 35 (共4页)
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