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臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T08:35:48Z |
Anomalous transport and thermal properties of NiTi and with Cu and Fe-doped shape memory alloys near the martensitic transition
Wu, S.K.;Kuo, Y.K.;Chang, P.C.;Wei, W.C.;Ingale, B.D.;SHYI-KAAN WU;Wu, S.K.;Kuo, Y.K.;Chang, P.C.;Wei, W.C.;Ingale, B.D.;Wu, S.K.;Kuo, Y.K.;Chang, P.C.;Wei, W.C.;Ingale, B.D.;Wu, S.K.;Kuo, Y.K.;Chang, P.C.;Wei, W.C.;Ingale, B.D.;SHYI-KAAN WU; Ingale, B.D.; Wei, W.C.; Chang, P.C.; Kuo, Y.K.; Wu, S.K.; Ingale, B.D.; Wei, W.C.; Chang, P.C.; Kuo, Y.K.; Wu, S.K.; SHYI-KAAN WU; Ingale, B.D.; Wei, W.C.; Chang, P.C.; Kuo, Y.K.; Wu, S.K. |
國立成功大學 |
2012-06-15 |
Transport, thermoelectric, and thermal expansion investigations of the cage structure compound CeOs2Al10
Lue, C. S.; Liu, H. F.; Ingale, B. D.; Li, J. N.; Kuo, Y. K. |
國立臺灣大學 |
2011 |
Anomalous transport and thermal properties of NiTi and with Cu and Fe-doped shape memory alloys near the martensitic transition
Ingale, B.D.; Wei, W.C.; Chang, P.C.; Kuo, Y.K.; Wu, S.K. |
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