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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2021-08-15T00:08:24Z Methodological approach for determining the Minimal Important Difference and Minimal Important Change scores for the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Module (EORTC QLQ-HN43) exemplified by the Swallowing scale Singer, Susanne; Hammerlid, Eva; Tomaszewska, Iwona M.; Amdal, Cecilie Delphin; Bjordal, Kristin; Herlofson, Bente Brokstad; Santos, Marcos; Silva, Joaquim Castro; Mehanna, Hisham; Fullerton, Amy; Brannan, Christine; Gonzalez, Loreto Fernandez; Inhestern, Johanna; Pinto, Monica; Arraras, Juan I.; Yarom, Noam; Bonomo, Pierluigi; Baumann, Ingo; Galalae, Razvan; Nicolatou-Galitis, Ourania; Kiyota, Naomi; Raber-Durlacher, Judith; Salem, Dina; Fabian, Alexander; Boehm, Andreas; Krejovic-Trivic, Sanja; WEI-CHU CHIE; Taylor, Katherine; Simon, Christian; Licitra, Lisa; Sherman, Allen C.
臺大學術典藏 2019-07-05T04:03:28Z International validation of the revised European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Module, the EORTC QLQ-HN43: Phase IV Licitra, Lisa;Gr?goire, Vincent;Brokstad Herlofson, Bente;Bjordal, Kristin;Wei-Chu Chie;Loo, Suat;Krejovic Trivic, Sanja;Hofmeister, Dirk;Boehm, ;reas;Zotti, Paola;Schmalz, Claudia;Raber-Durlacher, Judith;Abdel-Hafeez, Zeinab;Nicolatou-Galitis, Ourania;Fern;ez Gonzalez, Loreto;Galalae, Razvan;Baumann, Ingo;Sherman, Allen C;Bonomo, Pierluigi;Kiyota, Naomi;Arraras, Juan I;Pinto, Monica;Fullerton, Amy;Yarom, Noam;Brannan, Christine;Inhestern, Johanna;Santos, Marcos;Mehanna, Hisham;Castro Silva, Joaquim;Tomaszewska, Iwona M;Hammerlid, Eva;Amdal, Cecilie Delphin;Singer, Susanne; Singer, Susanne; Amdal, Cecilie Delphin; Hammerlid, Eva; Tomaszewska, Iwona M; Castro Silva, Joaquim; Mehanna, Hisham; Santos, Marcos; Inhestern, Johanna; Brannan, Christine; Yarom, Noam; Fullerton, Amy; Pinto, Monica; Arraras, Juan I; Kiyota, Naomi; Bonomo, Pierluigi; Sherman, Allen C; Baumann, Ingo; Galalae, Razvan; Fernandez Gonzalez, Loreto; Nicolatou-Galitis, Ourania; Abdel-Hafeez, Zeinab; Raber-Durlacher, Judith; Schmalz, Claudia; Zotti, Paola; Boehm, Andreas; Hofmeister, Dirk; Krejovic Trivic, Sanja; Loo, Suat; WEI-CHU CHIE; Bjordal, Kristin; Brokstad Herlofson, Bente; Grégoire, Vincent; Licitra, Lisa
臺大學術典藏 2019-07-05T04:03:28Z International validation of the revised European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Module, the EORTC QLQ-HN43: Phase IV Licitra, Lisa;Gr?goire, Vincent;Brokstad Herlofson, Bente;Bjordal, Kristin;Wei-Chu Chie;Loo, Suat;Krejovic Trivic, Sanja;Hofmeister, Dirk;Boehm, ;reas;Zotti, Paola;Schmalz, Claudia;Raber-Durlacher, Judith;Abdel-Hafeez, Zeinab;Nicolatou-Galitis, Ourania;Fern;ez Gonzalez, Loreto;Galalae, Razvan;Baumann, Ingo;Sherman, Allen C;Bonomo, Pierluigi;Kiyota, Naomi;Arraras, Juan I;Pinto, Monica;Fullerton, Amy;Yarom, Noam;Brannan, Christine;Inhestern, Johanna;Santos, Marcos;Mehanna, Hisham;Castro Silva, Joaquim;Tomaszewska, Iwona M;Hammerlid, Eva;Amdal, Cecilie Delphin;Singer, Susanne; Singer, Susanne; Amdal, Cecilie Delphin; Hammerlid, Eva; Tomaszewska, Iwona M; Castro Silva, Joaquim; Mehanna, Hisham; Santos, Marcos; Inhestern, Johanna; Brannan, Christine; Yarom, Noam; Fullerton, Amy; Pinto, Monica; Arraras, Juan I; Kiyota, Naomi; Bonomo, Pierluigi; Sherman, Allen C; Baumann, Ingo; Galalae, Razvan; Fernandez Gonzalez, Loreto; Nicolatou-Galitis, Ourania; Abdel-Hafeez, Zeinab; Raber-Durlacher, Judith; Schmalz, Claudia; Zotti, Paola; Boehm, Andreas; Hofmeister, Dirk; Krejovic Trivic, Sanja; Loo, Suat; WEI-CHU CHIE; Bjordal, Kristin; Brokstad Herlofson, Bente; Grégoire, Vincent; Licitra, Lisa

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