"liao chin hsien"的相关文件
显示项目 1-6 / 6 (共1页) 1 每页显示[10|25|50]项目
國立成功大學 |
2016-07-13 |
廖晉賢; Liao, Chin-Hsien |
國立成功大學 |
2015-04 |
Planning emergency shelter locations based on evacuation behavior
Chang, Hsueh-Sheng; Liao, Chin-Hsien |
國立成功大學 |
2011-10 |
Exploring an integrated method for measuring the relative spatial equity in public facilities in the context of urban parks
Chang, Hsueh-Sheng; Liao, Chin-Hsien |
國立成功大學 |
2010 |
Application of spatial analysis techniques for evaluation of farmland transformation pattern: A case study of Tainan County, Taiwan.
Liao, Chin-Hsien; Chang, Hsueh-Sheng |
國立成功大學 |
2009-06-19 |
廖晉賢; Liao, Chin-Hsien |
國立成功大學 |
2009-03-14 |
廖晉賢;鄒克萬; Liao, Chin-Hsien; Tsou, Ko-Wan |
显示项目 1-6 / 6 (共1页) 1 每页显示[10|25|50]项目