"liao chin hung"的相关文件
显示项目 1-10 / 48 (共5页) 1 2 3 4 5 > >> 每页显示[10|25|50]项目
國立臺灣科技大學 |
2015-06 |
廖岳祥; 吳佩芳; 黃順彬; 廖晉宏; Y.H.Liao; Wu, Pei-Fang; Huang, Shun-Pin; Liao, Chin-Hung |
亞洲大學 |
201309 |
Applying Learning Hierarchy Theory to the Performance Improvement of E-Learning on Chinese Character Self-Study in Elementary School
廖岳祥;Anthony, Y.H.Liao;張濰瀅;Chang, Wei-Ying;廖晉宏;Liao, Chin-Hung |
亞洲大學 |
2013.11 |
廖岳祥;Anthony, Y.H.Liao;張佩芳;Chang, Pei-Fang;黃順彬;Huang, Shun-Pin;廖晉宏;Liao, Chin-Hung |
亞洲大學 |
2013.05 |
廖岳祥;Anthony, Y.H.Liao;張知晏;Chang, Chih-Yen;廖晉宏;Liao, Chin-Hung;黃順彬;Huang, Shun-Pin |
亞洲大學 |
2013.05 |
廖岳祥;Anthony, Y.H.Liao;謝秀花;Hsieh, Hsiu-Hua;黃順彬;Huang, Shun-Pin;廖晉宏;Liao, Chin-Hung |
亞洲大學 |
2013.01 |
廖岳祥;Anthony, Y.H.Liao;沈芳君;Shen, Fang-Chun;黃順彬;Huang, Shun-Pin;廖晉宏;Liao, Chin-Hung |
國立臺灣科技大學 |
2013 |
廖岳祥;張濰瀅;廖晉宏;Anthony, Y.H.Liao;Chang, Wei-Ying;Liao, Chin-Hung |
亞洲大學 |
2013 |
Combining Cloud Computing and Social Network to Construct a Collaborative Computer Courses Learning and Testing Assessment Platform
廖岳祥;Anthony, Y.H.Liao;廖晉宏;Liao, Chin-Hung |
亞洲大學 |
2012.12 |
Cloud-based Supply Chain Integration Service Platform
邱柏嘉;廖岳祥;Anthony, Y.H.Liao;廖晉宏;Liao, Chin-Hung;楊永年;Yang, Yung-Nane |
亞洲大學 |
2012.12 |
Cloud-based E-Learning Assessment and Remedial Tutoring System – A Case Study of the Idioms Self-Study in Elementary School
廖岳祥;Anthony, Y.H.Liao;廖晉宏;Liao, Chin-Hung;簡瑞春;Chien, Jui-Chun |
显示项目 1-10 / 48 (共5页) 1 2 3 4 5 > >> 每页显示[10|25|50]项目