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教育部委託研究計畫      計畫執行:國立臺灣大學圖書館
臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





"liao ching hui"的相關文件

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機構 日期 題名 作者
國立交通大學 2019-12-16 The Impact of Emergency Interventions and Patient Characteristics on the Risk of Heart Failure in Patients with Nontraumatic OHCA Lin, Yan-Ren; Chou, Chu-Chung; Chen, Wen-Liang; Huang, Cheng-Chieh; Lee, Tsung-Han; Chen, Yu-Chih; Ho, Shinn-Ying; Wu, Jr-Hau; Liao, Ching-Hui; Su, Chih-Pei; Yang, Mei-Chueh; Chang, Chih-Yu; Chen, Cheng Hsu
國立臺灣大學 2011 N-Doped TiO2 Prepared from Microwave-Assisted Titanate Nanotubes (NaxH2-xTi3O7): The Effect of Microwave Irradiation during TNT Synthesis on the Visible Light Photoactivity of N-Doped TiO2 Ou, Hsin-Hung; Lo, Shang-Lien; Liao, Ching-Hui
國立臺灣大學 2011 A challengingapproach for renewableenergymarketdevelopment Liao, Ching-Hui; Ou, Hsin-Hung; Lo, Shang-Lien; Chiueh, Pei-Te; Yu, Yue-Hwa
臺大學術典藏 2011 A challengingapproach for renewableenergymarketdevelopment Liao, Ching-Hui; Ou, Hsin-Hung; Lo, Shang-Lien; Chiueh, Pei-Te; Yu, Yue-Hwa; Liao, Ching-Hui; Ou, Hsin-Hung; Lo, Shang-Lien; Chiueh, Pei-Te; Yu, Yue-Hwa
國立臺灣大學 2010 Photocatalytic oxidation of aqueous ammonia over platinized microwave-assisted titanate nanotubes Ou, Hsin-Hung; Hoffmann, Michael R.; Liao, Ching-Hui; Hong, Jian-Hao; Lo, Shang-Lien
國立臺灣大學 2010 Determination of X-Ray Diffraction on the Phase Transformation of Microwave-Assisted Titanate Nanotubes during Thermal Treatment Ou, Hsin-Hung; Liao, Ching-Hui; Lo, Shang-Lien
國立臺灣大學 2010 臺灣永續能源發展之潛勢分析 廖卿惠; Liao, Ching-Hui
國立臺灣大學 2008-06 Photocatalytic oxidation of aqueous ammonia over microwave-induced titanate nanotubes Ou, Hsin-Hung; Liao, Ching-Hui; Liou, Ya-Hsuan; Hong, Jian-Hao; Lo, Shang-Lien

顯示項目 1-8 / 8 (共1頁)