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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 26-50 of 51  (3 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
國立臺灣大學 2009 研究α1交感神經受體阻斷劑對於抑制血管新生的效果及機轉 廖俊厚; Liao, Chun-Hou
國立臺灣大學 2009 L-Shaped Cross-Fused Kidney with Stone 鍾旭東; 闕士傑; 江漢聲; 廖俊厚; CHUNG, SHIU-DONG; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; CHIANG, HAN-SUN; LIAO, CHUN-HOU
國立臺灣大學 2009 Spontaneous Rupture of Kidney 鍾旭東; 江漢聲; 廖俊厚; CHUNG, SHIU-DONG; CHIANG, HAN-SUN; LIAO, CHUN-HOU
國立臺灣大學 2009 Urethro-Subcutaneous Fistula and Bilateral Abscesses of the Thighs 鍾旭東; 陸正威; 邱斌; 廖俊厚; 余宏政; CHUNG, SHIU-DONG; LU, CHENG-WEI; CHIU, BIN; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; YU, HONG-JENG
國立臺灣大學 2009 An Audit of Nephroureterectomy for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma 黃昭淵; 鍾旭東; 王碩盟; 廖俊厚; 賴明坤; 黃國皓; 蒲永孝; 闕士傑; 余宏政; HUANG, CHAO-YUAN; CHUNG, SHIU-DONG; WANG, SO-MONG; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; LAI, MING-KUEN; HUANG, KUO-HOW; PU, YEONG-SHIAU; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; YU, HONG-JENG
國立臺灣大學 2009 Laparoscopic Simultaneous Bilateral Partial and Total Adrenalectomy: A Longer Follow-Up 廖俊厚; 鍾旭東; 賴明坤; 余宏政; 闕士傑; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; CHUNG, SHIU-DONG; LAI, MING-KUEN; YU, HONG-JENG; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH
國立臺灣大學 2008-09 Laparoscopic adrenalectomy using needlescopic instruments for adrenal tumors less than 5 cm in 112 cases Liao, Chun-Hou; Lai, Ming-Kuen; Li, Hong-Yuan; Chen, Shyh-Chyan; Chueh, Shih-Chieh; 廖俊厚; 賴明坤; 李弘元; 陳世乾; 闕士傑
臺大學術典藏 2008-09 Laparoscopic adrenalectomy using needlescopic instruments for adrenal tumors less than 5 cm in 112 cases 廖俊厚;賴明坤;李弘元;陳世乾;闕士傑; Liao, Chun-Hou; Lai, Ming-Kuen; Li, Hong-Yuan; Chen, Shyh-Chyan; Chueh, Shih-Chieh; 廖俊厚; 賴明坤; 李弘元; Liao, Chun-Hou; Lai, Ming-Kuen; Li, Hong-Yuan; Chen, Shyh-Chyan; Chueh, Shih-Chieh
國立成功大學 2008-07-10 具方向性鍵結的二氧化鈦在染料敏化太陽能電池之應用 廖俊侯; Liao, Chun-Hou
國立成功大學 2008-07-10 具方向性鍵結的二氧化鈦在染料敏化太陽能電池之應用 廖俊侯; Liao, Chun-Hou
國立臺灣大學 2008 Rebuttal 廖俊厚; 闕士傑; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH
國立臺灣大學 2008 Clinical Significance of Lymphovascular Invasion in Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Cancer 鍾旭東; 廖俊厚; 余宏政; 闕士傑; CHUNG, SHIU-DONG; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; YU, HONG-JENG; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH
國立臺灣大學 2008 Re: Busby Je, Brown Ga, Matin Sf. Comparing Lymphadenectomy during Radical Nephroureterectomy: Open Versus Laparoscopic (Urology 71 : 413-416 , 2008) 鍾旭東; 廖俊厚; 闕士傑; CHUNG, SHIU-DONG; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH
國立臺灣大學 2008 Reply from Authors Re: Andrei Nadu. Is Smaller Actually Better? Needlescopic Surgery - a Step Towards (Virtually) Incisionless Surgery 闕士傑; 廖俊厚; 賴明坤; 陳世乾; 余宏政; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; LAI, MING-KUEN; CHEN, SHYH-CHYAN; YU, HONG-JENG
國立臺灣大學 2008 Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy for a 6-Cm Left Adrenal Pheochromocytoma with Needlescopic Instruments 廖俊厚; 闕士傑; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH
國立臺灣大學 2008 Urothelial Carcinoma in Kidney Transplant Recipients: Conversion from Calcineurin Inhibitor to Proliferation Signal Inhibitor? 鍾旭東; 賴明坤; 王碩盟; 廖俊厚; 余宏政; 闕士傑; CHUNG, SHIU-DONG; LAI, MING-KUEN; WANG, SO-MONG; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; YU, HONG-JENG; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH
國立臺灣大學 2007 Acute Heart Failure with Elevated Cardiac Enzymes 鍾旭東; 黃國皓; 廖俊厚; 戴槐青; 余宏政; 闕士傑; CHUNG, SHIU-DONG; HUANG, KUO-HOW; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; TAI, HUAI-CHING; YU, HONG-JENG; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH
國立臺灣大學 2006-09 Laparoscopic partial adrenalectomy for aldosterone-producing adenomas with needlescopic instruments Liao, Chun-Hou; Chueh, Shih-Chieh; Wu, Kwan-Dun; Hsieh, Ming-Hsueh; Chen, Jun
國立臺灣大學 2006-05 Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for potentially malignant adrenal tumors greater than 5 centimeters Liao, Chun-Hou; Chueh, Shih-Chieh; Lai, Ming-Kuen; Hsiao, Po-Jen; Chen, Jun
國立臺灣大學 2005 Effects of Garcinol on Free Radical Generation and No Production in Embryonic Rat Cortical Neurons and Astrocytes 廖俊厚; 何其儻; 林仁混; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; HO, CHI-TANG; LIN, JEN-KUN
國立臺灣大學 2004 Transitional Cell Carcinoma in Renal Transplant Recipients 廖俊厚; 闕士傑; 賴明坤; 陳淳; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; LAI, MING-KUEN; CHEN, JUN
國立臺灣大學 2003 Greater Variability of Dose-Corrected Cyclosporine C2 Concentrations in Renal Recipients with Acute Rejection 闕士傑; 廖俊厚; 賴明坤; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; LAI, MING-KUEN
國立臺灣大學 2002 Clipless Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy with Needlescopic Instruments 闕士傑; 陳淳; 陳世乾; 廖俊厚; 賴明坤; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; CHEN, JUN; CHEN, SHYH-CHYAN; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; LAI, MING-KUEN
國立臺灣大學 2001 Effect of Percent Free Prostate-Specific Antigen Measurement on Improving the Specificity of Serum Prostate-Specific Antigen Testing in Taiwanese Patients 廖俊厚; 劉詩彬; 蒲永孝; 黃昭淵; 余宏政; 陳淳; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; LIU, SHIH-PING; PU, YEONG-SHIAU; HUANG, CHAO-YUAN; YU, HONG-JENG; CHEN, JUN
國立臺灣大學 2001 Feasibility of Changing Therapeutic Cyclosporine Monitoring from C(0) to C(2) in Stable Renal Recipients: Narrower Coefficient of Variation with C( 2) Monitoring 闕士傑; 廖俊厚; 張啟仁; 賴明坤; CHUEH, SHIH-CHIEH; LIAO, CHUN-HOU; CHANG, CHEE-JEN; LAI, MING-KUEN

Showing items 26-50 of 51  (3 Page(s) Totally)
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