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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2020-06-11T06:22:02Z Golden Mandarin (II)-an improved single-chip real-time Mandarin dictation machine for Chinese language with very large vocabulary. Lee, Lin-Shan;Tseng, Chiu-yu;Chen, Keh-Jiann;Hung, I-Jung;Lee, Ming-Yu;Chien, Lee-Feng;Lee, Yumin;Lyu, Ren-Yuan;Wang, Hsin-Min;Wu, Yung-Chuan;Lin, Tung-Sheng;Gu, Hung-Yan;Nee, Chi-ping;Liao, Chun-Yi;Yang, Yeng-Ju;Chang, Yuan-Cheng;Yang, Rung-Chiung; Lee, Lin-Shan; Tseng, Chiu-yu; Chen, Keh-Jiann; Hung, I-Jung; Lee, Ming-Yu; Chien, Lee-Feng; Lee, Yumin; Lyu, Ren-Yuan; Wang, Hsin-Min; Wu, Yung-Chuan; Lin, Tung-Sheng; Gu, Hung-Yan; Nee, Chi-ping; Liao, Chun-Yi; Yang, Yeng-Ju; Chang, Yuan-Cheng; Yang, Rung-Chiung; LIN-SHAN LEE
國立交通大學 2018-08-21T05:53:52Z Enhanced photocatalytic activity of Cu-deposited N-TiO2/titanate nanotubes under UV and visible light irradiations Doong, Ruey-an; Liao, Chun-Yi
國立交通大學 2017-04-21T06:56:27Z Enhanced visible-light-responsive photodegradation of bisphenol A by Cu, N-codoped titanate nanotubes prepared by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method Doong, Ruey-An; Liao, Chun-Yi
國立臺灣大學 2014 台灣蝴蝶蘭的育種與植物品種權保護現況之研究─以荷蘭、歐盟規範為借鏡 廖純誼; Liao, Chun-Yi
樹德科技大學 2009 應用MTS於類神經網路辨識系統之穩健性研究 廖峻億; Liao Chun Yi
國立臺灣大學 2008 砂岩受剪引致異向軟化及依時組成模式初探 廖俊逸; Liao, Chun-Yi
南華大學 2007 部落格(BLOG)反映的出版意義之研究 廖純怡; Liao, Chun-yi
國立臺灣大學 2005 Experiment and Analysis on the Free Dynamics of a Shallow Arch After an Impact Load at the End Chen, Jen-San; Liao, Chun-Yi
臺大學術典藏 2005 Experiment and Analysis on the Free Dynamics of a Shallow Arch After an Impact Load at the End Chen, Jen-San; Liao, Chun-Yi; Chen, Jen-San; Liao, Chun-Yi
義守大學 2002-08 以觸媒氧化處理煉油特殊廢液中氨氮之研究 廖俊義;Liao, Chun-yi;洪錫勳;Horng, Richard

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