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臺大學術典藏 2022-05-14T23:36:19Z Exogenous Copper Application for the Elemental Defense of Rice Plants against Rice Leaffolder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) Cheah, Boon Huat; WEN-PO CHUANG; Lo, Jing Chi; Li, Yi; Cheng, Chih Yun; Yang, Zhi Wei; Liao, Chung Ta; YA-FEN LIN
中國文化大學 2022-05-01 Exogenous Copper Application for the Elemental Defense of Rice Plants against Rice Leaffolder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) Cheah, Boon Huat; Chuang, Wen-Po; Lo, Jing-Chi; Li, Yi; Cheng, Chih-Yun; Yang, Zhi-Wei; Liao, Chung-Ta; Lin, Ya-Fen
臺大學術典藏 2021-07-15T05:33:09Z Transcriptomics identifies key defense mechanisms in rice resistant to both leaf-feeding and phloem feeding herbivores Li, Yi; Cheah, Boon Huat; Fang, Yu Fu; Kuang, Yun Hung; Lin, Shau Ching; Liao, Chung Ta; Huang, Shou Horng; YA-FEN LIN; WEN-PO CHUANG
臺大學術典藏 2020-01-17T08:47:38Z Phenotypic and genomic evaluation of TN1 collected in Taiwan Li, Yi; Huang, Yung-Fen; Kuang, Yun-Hung; Tung, Chih-Wei; Liao, Chung-Ta; Chuang, Wen-Po; Li, Yi; Huang, Yung-Fen; Kuang, Yun-Hung; Tung, Chih-Wei; Liao, Chung-Ta; Chuang, Wen-Po; CHIH-WEI TUNG
臺大學術典藏 2020-01-17T03:09:50Z Genomic and phenotypic evaluation of rice susceptible check TN1 collected in Taiwan Li, Yi; Huang, Yung-Fen; Huang, Shou-Horng; Kuang, Yun-Hung; Tung, Chih-Wei; Liao, Chung-Ta; Chuang, Wen-Po
臺大學術典藏 2020-01-17T03:09:47Z Genomic and phenotypic evaluation of rice susceptible check TN1 collected in Taiwan Li, Yi;Huang, Yung-Fen;Huang, Shou-Horng;Kuang, Yun-Hung;Tung, Chih-Wei;Liao, Chung-Ta;Chuang, Wen-Po; Li, Yi; Huang, Yung-Fen; Huang, Shou-Horng; Kuang, Yun-Hung; Tung, Chih-Wei; Liao, Chung-Ta; Chuang, Wen-Po; WEN-PO CHUANG
臺大學術典藏 2020-01-17T03:09:28Z Genomic and phenotypic evaluation of rice susceptible check TN1 collected in Taiwan Tung, Chih-Wei; Liao, Chung-Ta; Chuang, Wen-Po; CHIH-WEI TUNG; Kuang, Yun-Hung; Huang, Shou-Horng; Huang, Yung-Fen; Li, Yi; Li, Yi;Huang, Yung-Fen;Huang, Shou-Horng;Kuang, Yun-Hung;Tung, Chih-Wei;Liao, Chung-Ta;Chuang, Wen-Po
國立交通大學 2018-01-24T07:40:31Z 濁水溪流域沖洗載推估對河道沖淤之影響研究 陳品帆; 葉克家; 廖仲達; Chen, Pin-Fan; Yeh, Keh-Chia; Liao, Chung-Ta
國立交通大學 2017-04-21T06:48:48Z 3D Simulation of Softrock Erosion in Chuoshui Creek Zhang, Yaoxin; Jia, Yafei; Yeh, Keh-Chia; Liao, Chung-Ta; Wang, Sam S. Y.
國立交通大學 2017-04-21T06:48:48Z Coupled geo-fluvial channel evolution and bedrock erosion modeling on the river in Taiwan Wu, Kuowei; Lai, Yong G.; Yeh, Keh-Chia; Liao, Chung-Ta

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