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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 241-250 of 250  (25 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
國立臺灣大學 1998 Familial Occurrence of Intussusception in Two Sibling Pairs 許宏遠; 張美惠; 倪衍玄; 王世名; HSU, HONG-YUAN; CHANG, MEI-HWEI; NI, YEN-HSUAN; WANG, SHIH-MING
國立臺灣大學 1998 Hepatitis B Surface Antigenemia at Birth : A Long-Term Follow-up Study 唐禎瑞; 許宏遠; 林鶴雄; 倪衍玄; 張美惠; TANG, JEN-RUEY; HSU, HONG-YUAN; LIN, HO-HSIUNG; NI, YEN-HSUAN; CHANG, MEI-HWEI
國立臺灣大學 1998 Antibodies to E2 Protein of Hepatitis G Virus in Children: Different Responses According to Age at Infection 陳慧玲; 林鶴雄; 倪衍玄; 許宏遠; 王錦堂; 陳定信; 張美惠; CHEN, HUEY-LING; LIN, HO-HSIUNG; NI, YEN-HSUAN; HSU, HONG-YUAN; WANG, JIN-TOWN; CHEN, DING-SHINN; CHANG, MEI-HWEI
國立臺灣大學 1996 Paucity of Interlobular Bile Ducts in Chinese Children 丘秀慧; 張美惠; 陳志榮; 許宏遠; 倪衍玄; CHIU, HSIU-HUI; CHANG, MEI-HWEI; CHEN, CHI-LONG; HSU, HONG-YUAN; NI, YEN-HSUAN
國立臺灣大學 1995 The association of syndrominc paucity of the interlobular bile ducts and congenital mechanical obstruction of the small intestine 丘秀慧; 張美惠; 陳志榮; 許宏遠; 倪衍玄; CHIU, HSIU-HUI; CHANG, MEI-HWEI; CHEN, CHI-LONG; HSU, HONG-YUAN; NI, YEN-HSUAN
國立臺灣大學 1994 Long term clinical and virologic outcome of primary hepatitis C virus infection in children: a prospective study 張美惠; 倪衍玄; 黃麗華; 林凱信; 林鶴雄; 陳培哲; 李慶雲; 陳定信; CHANG, MEI-HWEI; NI, YEN-HSUAN; HWANG, LIH-HWA; LIN, KAI-HSIN; LIN, HO-HSIUNG; CHEN, PEI-JER; LEE, CHIN-YUN; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1994 Posttransfusion hepatitis C virus infection in children 倪衍玄; 張美惠; 呂鴻基; 許宏遠; 王明鉅; 陳培哲; 陳定信; NI, YEN-HSUAN; CHANG, MEI-HWEI; LUE, HUNG -CHI; HSU, HONG-YUAN; WANG, MING-JIUH; CHEN, PEI-JER; CHEN, DING-SHINN
國立臺灣大學 1994 Temporal Profile of Hepatitis C Virus Antibody and Genome in Infants Born to Mothers Infected with Hepatitis C Virus But Without Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection Ni, Yen-Hsuan; 林鶴雄; 陳培哲; 陳定信; 張美惠; Ni, Yen-Hsuan; 林鶴雄; 陳培哲; 陳定信; Chang, Mei-Hwei
國立臺灣大學 1993 Possible Role of High-Titer Maternal Viremia in Perinatal Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus 林鶴雄; Kao, Jia-Horng; Ni, Yen-Hsuan; Yeh, Shiou-Hwei; Yeh, Shiou-Hwei; 陳培哲; 陳定信; 林鶴雄; Kao, Jia-Horng; Ni, Yen-Hsuan; Yeh, Shiou-Hwei; Yeh, Shiou-Hwei; 陳培哲; Chen, Ding-Shinn
國立臺灣大學 1986 Absence of Infection in Breast -- Fed Infants Born to Hepatitis C Virus-- Infected Mothers 林鶴雄; Kao, Jia-Horng; Ni, Yen-Hsuan; 張美惠; 陳培哲; 陳定信; 林鶴雄; Kao, Jia-Horng; Ni, Yen-Hsuan; 張美惠; 陳培哲; Chen, Ding-Shinn

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