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Showing items 126-150 of 173  (7 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
淡江大學 2004-08-04 Using threshold error-correction model to investigate asymmetric price transmissions between the real estate and stock markets in Taiwan Chang, Tsang-yao; Yu, Yao-men; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2004-08-01 Analysis of long-run benefits from international equity diversification between Taiwan and its major european trading partners : an empirical note Chang, Tsang-yao; Nieh, Chien-chung; Wei, Ching-chun
淡江大學 2004-07 中國大陸宏觀調控走勢分析--抑制投資過熱,利率調漲聲聲催 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2004-06-24 Bounds Testing Approach to the Exchange Rate Overshooting in Taiwan Wang, Yu-Shan; Nieh, Chien-Chung
淡江大學 2004-06-17 商業銀行轉型投資銀行之趨勢與問題 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2004-06-12 Using threshold error-correction model to investigate asymmetric price transmissions between the real estate and stock markets in Taiwan Chang, Tsangyao; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2004-06 A note on testing the causal link between construction activity and economic growth in Taiwan 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung; Chang, Tsang-yao
淡江大學 2004-05-15 區間測試法探討總體經濟與出國旅遊之影響關係 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung; 周明智
淡江大學 2004-04-24 公司價值與財務槓桿之門檻效果實證研究-以營建業上市公司為例 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung; 莊孟翰; 張雅凱
淡江大學 2004-04-24 Are real estate and stock markets related ? The case of Taiwan 張倉耀; 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2004-04-22 Co-integration and Dynamic Interactive Relationship between Steel Prices ofMainland China and Taiwa 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung; 姚蕙芸
淡江大學 2004-04-09 台灣高研發產業負債與股價淨值之門檻關係研究 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung; 張寶光; 李智祥
淡江大學 2004-04 考量結構性變化之美國總體經濟與購併行為之互動 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2004-03 Realize the Realized Stock Index Volatility 黃河泉; Huang, Ho-chuan; 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2004-02 Time series analysis for the interest rates relationships among China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan money markets 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung; Yau, Hwey-yun
淡江大學 2004-01-09 A note on testing the causal link between construction activity and economic growth in Taiwan 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung; 張倉耀
淡江大學 2004-01-09 The reality of the CPI and the efficiency of the asset investment - evidence from Taiwan's real estate and stock markets 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2003-12-18 Is the overshooting effect observable for Japan ? A cointegration application of autoregressive istributed lag approach (ARDL) 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2003-12-12 The reality of the CPI and the efficiency of the asset investment - Evidence from Taiwan's real estate and stock markets 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2003-11 透視台商回台上市問題:金融手段可以促成「根留台灣」 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2003-10-29 利率與銀行活期性存款之門檻效果分析研究 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung; 林佳杏
淡江大學 2003-10-19 Autoregressive distributed lag approach to exchange rate overshooting in Japan 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung; 王友珊
淡江大學 2003-10-01 Time series analysis for the relationship between the merges and acquisitions and macroeconomic fundamentals 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung
淡江大學 2003-10-01 Bounds testing approach to the exchange rate overshooting in Taiwan 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung; 王友珊
淡江大學 2003-09 Long-Run Gains From International Equity Diversification: Taiwan's Evidence, 1995-2001 聶建中; Nieh, Chien-chung; 張倉耀; Chang, Tsang-yao

Showing items 126-150 of 173  (7 Page(s) Totally)
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