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臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:51Z The Organization of Work: Changes and Their Consequences Ben-Ner, A., Kong, F., Han, T., Liu, N. and Park, Y.; Ben-Ner, A.; Kong, F.; Han, T.; Liu, N.; Park, Y.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:51Z 人力資源管理研究在台灣-十年(1993-2002)回顧與展望 劉念琪,龐寶璽,林俊宏; 劉念琪; 龐寶璽; 林俊宏; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:51Z Knowledge Transfer as a Distinct Criterion on Vendor Selection Decisions 劉念琪; 洪世章; 譚丹琪; 劉念琪; 洪世章; 譚丹琪; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:51Z 探索知識工作者專業知識之取得 - 以新竹科學園區工業工程專業人員為例 劉念琪; 韓君豪; 劉念琪; 韓君豪; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:51Z 企業激勵薪酬設計因子對組織吸引力之影響-以高科技產業新進研發人員為例 劉念琪; 葉桂珠; 林俊宏; 劉念琪; 葉桂珠; 林俊宏; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:50Z 我國平臺經濟工作狀況之探索性研究 劉念琪; 林吉偉; 項保毓; 林嘉慧; 劉念琪; 林吉偉; 項保毓; 林嘉慧; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:50Z 台灣籍多國企業回任管理之現況與策略 張宏梅; 劉念琪; 童秋萍; 張宏梅; 劉念琪; 童秋萍; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:50Z The Strategic Role of Human Resource Department on the Adoption of High Performance Work Practices: An Empirical Examination in the MNCs' Subsidiaries in Taiwan 劉念琪(Nieh-Chi Liu) ; 洪光宗(Guang-Chu Hung) ; 陳立莊(Li-Chuang Chen); 劉念琪(Nieh-Chi Liu); 洪光宗(Guang-Chu Hung); 陳立莊(Li-Chuang Chen); NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:50Z 由勞動力彈性觀點探討企業對工時法令修改之制度適應 劉念琪; 林鈺欽; 劉念琪; 林鈺欽; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:49Z Determinants of innovative human resource practices and systems NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:49Z 員工分紅入股制度對組織生產力之影響:以台灣地區上市電子公司為例 劉念琪; 范姜如萱; 劉念琪; 范姜如萱; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:49Z 人力資源管理的十二堂課(2002全新版) 李誠; 劉念琪; 連雅慧; 鄭晉昌; 房美玉; 黃同圳; 蔡維奇; 林文政; 李誠; 劉念琪; 連雅慧; 鄭晉昌; 房美玉; 黃同圳; 蔡維奇; 林文政; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:49Z Workplace Organization and Human Resource Practices: The Retail Food Industry Ben-Ner, A., Kong, F., Bosley, S., Burns, W. A., Butler, R., Han, T. Z. Liu, N. and Park Y.; Ben-Ner, A.; Kong, F.; Bosley, S.; Burns, W. A.; Butler, R.; Han, T. Z.; Liu, N.; Park Y.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:48Z 人力資源管理的十二堂課-第五版 房美玉; 蔡維奇; 林文政; 黃同圳; 劉念琪; 王群孝; 葉穎蓉; 陳春希; 陸洛; 鄭晉昌; 胡昌亞; 李誠; 房美玉; 蔡維奇; 林文政; 黃同圳; 劉念琪; 王群孝; 葉穎蓉; 陳春希; 陸洛; 鄭晉昌; 胡昌亞; 李誠; NIEN-CHI LIU; LUO LU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:48Z 員工幸福感: 由抽象到具體 劉念琪; 劉念琪; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:48Z 人力資源管理的十二堂課-全新第四版 林文政; 李誠; 黃同圳; 蔡維奇; 房美玉; 鄭晉昌; 劉念琪; 胡昌亞; 陸洛; 林文政; 李誠; 黃同圳; 蔡維奇; 房美玉; 鄭晉昌; 劉念琪; 胡昌亞; 陸洛; NIEN-CHI LIU; LUO LU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:48Z 人力資源管理的十二堂課-全新第三版 李誠; 黃同圳; 房美玉; 蔡維奇; 林文政; 陸洛; 劉念琪; 鄭晉昌; 李誠; 黃同圳; 房美玉; 蔡維奇; 林文政; 陸洛; 劉念琪; 鄭晉昌; NIEN-CHI LIU; LUO LU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:47Z 我國平臺經濟工作狀況之探索性分析 劉念琪(Nien-Chi Liu); 林吉偉(Ji-Wei Lin); 項保毓(Pao-Yu Hsiang); 林嘉慧(Chia-Hui Lin); 劉念琪(Nien-Chi Liu); 林吉偉(Ji-Wei Lin); 項保毓(Pao-Yu Hsiang); 林嘉慧(Chia-Hui Lin); NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:47Z 台港兩地策略人力資源管理研究比較初探 劉念琪; 蔣娉華; 張宏梅; 劉念琪; 蔣娉華; 張宏梅; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:47Z 勞動彈性與員工福祉-人力資源管理觀點 劉念琪; 劉念琪; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:47Z 全球化任用策略: 臺灣企業國際人才管理新挑戰台灣籍多國企業回任管理之現況與策略 張宏梅; 劉念琪; 張宏梅; 劉念琪; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-13T06:27:46Z Firms’ adoption of CSR initiatives and employees’ organizational commitment: Organizational CSR climate and employees’ CSR-induced attributions as mediators Lin Y.-T;Liu N.-C;Lin J.-W.; Lin Y.-T; Liu N.-C; Lin J.-W.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2022-04-26T06:17:31Z Firms’ adoption of CSR initiatives and employees’ organizational commitment: Organizational CSR climate and employees’ CSR-induced attributions as mediators Lin Y.-T;Liu N.-C;Lin J.-W.; Lin Y.-T; Liu N.-C; Lin J.-W.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2021-12-21T23:17:42Z Firms’ adoption of CSR initiatives and employees’ organizational commitment: Organizational CSR climate and employees’ CSR-induced attributions as mediators Lin, Yi Ting; NIEN-CHI LIU; Lin, Ji Wei
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-17T07:05:13Z Achieving Organizational Effectiveness through Human Capital Acquisition Practices-The Moderating Effects of Environment Turbulence and Knowledge Sharing Climate 劉念琪;周淑儀;王志袁; 劉念琪; 周淑儀; 王志袁; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-17T07:05:13Z 知識治理機制對個人知識管理行為的影響:從所有權觀點探討 劉敏熙;劉念琪; 劉敏熙; 劉念琪; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-17T07:05:12Z 研發投入、研發組織管理與研發績效 王志袁;劉念琪; 王志袁; 劉念琪; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-17T07:05:12Z 數位時代下的零工經濟產業機會與問題【座談會紀實】 NIEN-CHI LIU; 劉念琪; 盧希鵬; 温玲玉; 林建山; 辛炳隆; 林祖嘉; 許士軍; 產業管理評論編輯室;許士軍;林祖嘉;辛炳隆;林建山;?玲玉;盧希鵬;劉念琪; 產業管理評論編輯室
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-17T07:05:12Z 科技不確定性、工作不安全感與工作壓力:以無疆界職涯傾向為調節變項 陳欣琪;蔣娉華;劉念琪; 陳欣琪; 蔣娉華; 劉念琪; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-17T07:05:12Z 組織內智慧資本創造之理論探討 劉念琪; 劉念琪; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-17T07:05:12Z 工作與家庭措施之使用度、知覺組織支持與員工工作態度關聯性之探討 劉念琪;王志袁;劉雯中; 劉念琪; 王志袁; 劉雯中; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-17T07:05:12Z The Effects of Work-Life Bundles on Organizational Turnover and Productivity 劉念琪;王志袁; 劉念琪; 王志袁; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:18Z The Timing of Entry into a New Market: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Firms in China Tan, D.;Shih-Chang Hung, S.-C.H.;Liu, N.; Tan, D.; Shih-Chang Hung, S.-C.H.; Liu, N.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:18Z The taxonomy and evolution of technology strategies: A study of Taiwan's high-technology-based firms Hung, S.-C.;Liu, N.-C.;Chang, J.-B.; Hung, S.-C.; Liu, N.-C.; Chang, J.-B.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:17Z The effects of quality management practices on employees' well-being Liu, N.-C.;Liu, W.-C.; Liu, N.-C.; Liu, W.-C.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:17Z Human resource practices and individual knowledge-sharing behavior - an empirical study for Taiwanese R&D professionals Liu, N.-C.;Liu, M.-S.; Liu, N.-C.; Liu, M.-S.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:17Z Why do employees hold their vested stocks while they can sell them? Liu, N.-C.;Lin, A.;Lin, C.-H.; Liu, N.-C.; Lin, A.; Lin, C.-H.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:17Z Searching for a balance: Work-family practices, work-team design, and organizational performance Liu, N.-C.;Wang, C.-Y.; Liu, N.-C.; Wang, C.-Y.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:17Z Sources of knowledge acquisition and patterns of knowledge-sharing behaviors-An empirical study of Taiwanese high-tech firms NIEN-CHI LIU; Liu, N.-C.; Liu, M.-S.; Liu, M.-S.;Liu, N.-C.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:16Z High-performance work systems, management team flexibility, employee flexibility and service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors Liu, N.-C.;Lin, Y.-T.; Liu, N.-C.; Lin, Y.-T.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:16Z The Effects of Non-Expensed Employee Stock Bonus on Firm Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese High-Tech Firms Liu, N.-C.;Chen, M.-Y.;Wang, M.-L.; Liu, N.-C.; Chen, M.-Y.; Wang, M.-L.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:16Z High performance work systems and organizational service performance: The roles of different organizational climates Lin, Y.-T.;Liu, N.-C.; Lin, Y.-T.; Liu, N.-C.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:15Z Impact of human capital strategies on employee attitudes and behavior: a view of internal and external labor markets Liu, M.-S.;Liu, N.-C.; Liu, M.-S.; Liu, N.-C.; NIEN-CHI LIU
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T07:08:15Z Corporate Citizenship and Employee Outcomes: Does a High-Commitment Work System Matter? Lin, Y.-T.;Liu, N.-C.; Lin, Y.-T.; Liu, N.-C.; NIEN-CHI LIU
淡江大學 201601 The Effects of Non-Expensed Employee Stock Bonus on Firm Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese High-Tech Firms Nien-Chi Liu; Ming-Yuan Chen; Mei-Ling Wang
淡江大學 2006-08 The Asymmetric Effects of Employee Stock Incentives on Organizational Performance: An Empirical Investigation in Taiwanese High-Tech Firms 汪美伶; Wang,Mei-ling; Nien-Chi Liu
真理大學 2004-01 Profit Sharing and Firm Innovation Performance: An Empirical Investigation of the High-Tech Industry in Taiwan 汪美伶; Nien-Chi Liu
淡江大學 2004-01 Profit Sharing and Firm Innovation Performance: An Empirical Investigation in the High-Tech Industry in Taiwan 汪美伶; Wang,Mei-ling; Nien-Chi Liu
國立政治大學 2002-07 Knowledge Transfer and Vendor Selection in a High-Tech Capital Equipment Market 譚丹琪;Nien-Chi Liu;Shih-Chang Hung
淡江大學 2002-07 Profit Sharing and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation in the High-Tech Industry in Taiwan 汪美伶; Wang,Mei-ling; Nien-Chi Liu

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